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Kimber Said:
Hrm...well...bad joke?  The list has been quiet since Rod pulled his disappearing act.  He
used to post weekly themes and challenges and the list was overflowing with fic.  Shadow
and I being the twisted little bards that we are, came up with the idea of writting a
silly fic...just to keep the list amused and get some sort of discussion going.  It was
not a 'bad joke' nor was it meant to be.  It was simply meant to be fun and carefree and a
wonderful example of what happens when Shadow and I have too much time on our hands.  Just
because it didn't have a title or author or part number, doesn't mean that it wasn't fic.
Diana Replies: (To the list only because I could not find Kimber's email addy.)
There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding concerning this joke. I say "joke" because that was how it was identified to me. 
Yes, I did express my displeasure, of Riley, once again, being made of into a joke--in the form of what I thought of as a return joke to the list.   And also "privately" to Pat Kelly.
And if I recall--I am uncomfortable quoting private emails on a list but I think my wording to shadowlander when he asked me about my "private" email to Pat Kelly was -- I didn't like the "joke" but there was nothing I could or would do about it.  
As for your writing--I'm sorry you feel like you want to stop writing over the comment "bad joke."  As I have told you both privately and on the list that I think you are a wonderful writer that I enjoy greatly!  And after Ivy Gort, (Brigit Healy) was literally in tears for a week after taking something you said on the list out of context and a little too personally, I should have been more careful about my wording.    (BTW: you Faith fans will be happy to know that Ivy is trying to start to write again--by finishing her Faith story Time-Travel.)
So, let me be the first to offer you a public apology about my bad joke comment....  And go back to the lurking.
Diana Email Addy is: DianaBouvier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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