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Re: [buffyloveswillow] Epilogue (Part 18 of "Who Am I?" Series)

I usually do all of my "Pat praising" in private through instant
messenger...but this one had to be said publicly. You rock Pat...you
really do. I just re-read your epilogue and you captured Faith's
persona to a T....you hit the nail in the head and the ball went
straight into the hole....you get the picture...*grin*

As a fellow fic writer, I admire the time and effort you put into
everyting you produce and as a friend you are the bomb. You and Shadow
have kept me going through some really murky, crappy, muddy times these
past few months and I could probably never repay you for it. If you and
Shadow didn't know before how much I appreciate you...well..you do now.
As for you Shadow, well...hehe...plot on baby!! It's what we're good
at....thinking of new and inventive ways to torture the lists is a new
past time of mine and Shadow's in case you guys didn't know. She and I
are coming at you with both barrels, so look out!

As for you Quindo...I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised when you
look into your inbox and find the Epilogue to Rocky Road. Don't burn
yourself out trying to catch up...with how appreciated I feel lately on
the BWW and BLW lists, I'm just gonn keep writing...cuz you guys give me
the happies. One or two lines of feedback alone have made up for all of
the abuse I took on the WillowSlash list today.

Okay..enough of the sappy crap. Back to your regularly scheduled
Your humble mushy RogueBard,
(Sig is cooking up new ways to torture the lists.)

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