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Question to theBlackout campain participates

Hi all, I have recently found out that "OPERATION: Blackout" will be started on the 13th May but doesn't have to end on the 14th. I have also found out that the sites participating will end the campain on a day they want to.
Now I wanted to know from all participantsof Blackout, who is it and when do they plan to be back again?
Personally I'd prefer private mails to: quindo-ma@xxxxxx with the name of the site and the mailing lists you are on.
If those that answer me aren't back on tomorrow, then I had planned to put up a list of those sites to the mailing lists the owners belong to with the date they'll be back. I had planned to do this daily until all are back if I get more than 4 or 5 answers.
And for all those that aren't participants, write to 20th Century FOX how dissapointed you are and how much you think that they are wrong. Tell them that these sites also help them by bringing new fans to the show's and that they are completely free, meaning Fox doesn't have to pay for them.
But, for god's sake, STAY POLITE!
Don't send them hate letters. Be demanding, tell them that you are upset and angry and say that you think that shutting down sites, just because they are not owned by Fox is something you don't like, but don't start to rant. It is simply much better to hear if somebody asks or pleads for something than only recievíng hate letters where you tellthem how bad and evil they are and that you'll never, ever watch anything from them again. They won't take you for serious if they don't have a reason for that.
Well, I think I have now said all I had tosay and for all those that will write letters, here is the main adress:
    20THTELEVISION (Production)
    P.O. BOX 900
    BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90213-0900
I hope that Fox will learn that "Unofficial Fansites" are something that is needed to keep the internet as interesting as it is and that they could loose a lot if they keep up this motion of shutting fansites down. Help the owners of such sites, it could be that only throughthe help of you these sites may have a chance to exist in future.

Scene of the week from tYF:
(Warning: Contains spoilers for TYF)
{||||||||||||} just a little
 \:.   .:/
   / : \
  /  :  \
 / .:::. \
{||||||||||||} more to go
Buffy: "You guys stop this! What happened to you today?"
Willow: "It's not today, Buffy. Things have been wrong for awhile, don't you see that?"
Buffy: "What do you mean wrong?"
Willow: "Well, they certainly haven't been right since Tara. We have to face it if you can't handle Tara being my girlfriend!"
Xander: "No, it was bad before that, since you two went off to college and forgot about me, left me in the basement to... TARAIS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?"
Giles (very drunk): "BLOODY HELL!"

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