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New Fanfic: Speaking

hi all!

i don't like to run much of an interference in my writing, but i do with fanfics. i tend to write only erotica, vignettes, and generally of a slashish variety. as i was saying in chat last night, i have been a buffy fan for a long time, and had a lot of plots for fic in mind, but i wasnt actually moved to write one until Riley came along. this one is unusually tame for me (PG-13) and i don't know that it will have a continuation that progresses to more-depends on feedback. so, i dont know what will follow, but this is my first buffyfic. 

the setting for this is a polyamorous twist, just a few days after Hush, during which time, Willow was "accidentally" used as bait in a monster ambush by the Initiative. Buffy, due to her convictions as Slayer and disdain of the workings of the Initiative, gave Riley the shove, even though she truly loves him. however, after realizing Willow's whereabouts, it is to Riley that Buffy turns for help... 
additions to the buffiverse include a secret scooby gang hideaway, partly underground and in the country, where this scene takes place...

you can read this fic on my page, at: http://www.mindspring.com/~skh1/fiction/fanfic.html
please know that while this fanfic is PG-13, the others at this site are NC-17, no holds barred.

Disclaimer: Only the setting is mine. Bow to theWB. 
Rating: PG-13 (a first for me), for implied adult situations 
Classification: Vignette, Slashish 


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