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RE: Who(or what) are you-a little survey

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodrigo [mailto:myself03@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 8:21 PM
To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx; buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [buffywantswillow] Who(or what) are you-a little survey

From: Rodrigo <myself03@xxxxxxxxxx>


Two very dear members of this list, whose name i won't mention*cough,
Kimber, cough, Pat, cough* came up with this sort of survey thing so we can
get to talk or know more about each other.I also love these two(yeah, Pat
too, just not in a gay way:) , and i happen to think their idea is great,
so, here's the survey:

Real first name - Carol

Age - 38

Location - Hell sometimes called Louisville, KY

Fav Buffy and Willow moment: (Yeah, I know this is a hard one . . .try to
narrow it down 
to the top 5) - 
1. Welcome to the Hellmouth: The Bronze scene When I met a boy I can say
anything funny or ...at all" you really haven't been dating. .. I will be
right back speak.
2. Something Blue "I love you"
3. Dopplegangland "And I think I am kind of Gay"
4. Choices End scene "It's a good fight and I want in..." "I think I love
you." Love the jump you part.
5. Enemies Opening scene "Emotional control huh?"

Willow - pink and fuzzy or leather baby!? - Pink & fuzzy wicca

Fics written so far - Non that actually look like words put together in an
order that people could actually read. 

Home page (even if it's not BTVS related) - Huh? I don't even have a phone
much less a computer. I cheat I use my work one. 

I'm more like Buffy or Willow and why - Buffy, only in that I never felt
like I fit in, in high school and I always felt like I hand a awful secret
that if any one found out the world would end. That and I tend to solve
problem by the metaphoric punch method. (I have never actual hit anyone with
anything more then words, but I hit really hard that way.) That and I have
one hell of a smart mouth.

I write fic because - It makes me feel better. It releases the ideas in my
head that would explode other wise. For me it has always been, "To dream is
to live," and the story is my way of sharing, of being. It is like the only
way to glimpse my soul, the real me, and without it I would be lost.

I have a pic of myself! Wanna see? Here's the URL - Again huh? Let's just
say I am ugly as hell and leave it at that.

Top three episodes from each season - 
1st Season
1.The Witch
2. The Harvest
3.The Pack
2nd Season
1. Halloween
2. When she was bad
3rd Season-Hell of a season. This was hard to decide.
1. Dopplegangland
2. Choices
3. Gingerbreadman
4th Season
1. Hush
2. Pangs
3. Something Blue
1. Room w/a Vu
2. Sense and Sensitivity
3. Parting Gifts

Oz should stay away or Oz should come back and why - Finally, I'd just like
to say (Say what's on your mind or thank people for support or both!) -Oz
should visit. Oz and Will still have issues to work out but he should get
the hell out of the wall of Willows true love Buffy.

You can get intouch with me through (ex. ICQ, AOL instant messenger, MIRc,
Yahoo pager, etc...) - This address or zenabuff.cs.comNow, before i
forgtet, yo authors that have been doing the round robin, you
guys don't go on thinking i didn't notice what you guys doing.Writing small
parts just so you say you're still writing.I need big , "i'm gonna fill your
mailboxes with only the first parts" kind of fics.Ha, you you guys thought
you could fool me :)

Well that's it.I'm going to answer mine now.


Riley:...And so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you.(to
Willow, about Buffy)
Buffy:Wow! You're a dish!(to Willow)
Buffy:I need my Willow.
Buffy: I kind of love you.(to Willow)
Buffy:I love you.(Willow again)
See, Buffy loves Willow.

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