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Re: Who(or what) are you-a little survey

Real first name - Angel
Age - 22
Location - Sunny California

Fav Buffy and Willow moment: er... I think that I have way to many to sort through and list.

Willow - pink and fuzzy or leather baby!? - uh definate leather

Fics written so far - Nothing Buffy/Willow but one on the way. All my fics are posted on my site. 

Home page (even if it's not BTVS related) - http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/faithzangel/index.html

I'm more like Buffy or Willow and why - I'm not actually like either one...though I do tend to babble when I get nervous.

I write fic because - I write fic because my roomate gives me evil looks at three AM if I don't.

I have a pic of myself! Wanna see? Here's the URL - and yes I have an evil pic of me...but no ya can't see it. Though if ya really wanna you can IM me and I'll send you the URL.

Top three episodes from each season - again...too many for me to sort through.

Oz should stay away or Oz should come back and why - Oz should come back...hello he's damn fine *nods* I still think that Buffy and Will need to be together but...I like Oz. He goes well with Devon.
Finally, I'd just like
to say (Say what's on your mind or thank people for support or both!) - Currently I have nothing on my mind since I'm at work and...well pretending to be doing something. *looks around* I'd rather be home watching my Buffy tapes.

You can get intouch with me through (ex. ICQ, AOL instant messenger, MIRc,
Yahoo pager, 
etc...) - AIM: GrnDummiGummi or FaithzAngl and MIRc in the #UCShippers room as FaithzAngl or MightyGWA

Yes I am aware of the fact that I'm messed in the head. No I don't care that it scares you.

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