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Re: Who(or what) are you-a little survey

This is a cool idea... I don't write Buffy fics, but I have written some for the Pretender- the addy is in my sig. :-) Down below are my answers to the questions :-)
If you watch The Pretender, check out my fanfics at http://www.the-pretender.de and let me know what you think! While there, be sure to check out the collective PretendFic story "Pretender Payback!"

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:20:40 Rodrigo wrote:

Real first name - Danielle :-)

Age - 19

Location - New England in the United States

Fav Buffy and Willow moment: (Yeah, I know this is a hard one . . .try to
narrow it down 
to the top 5) - 
1. I just loved Vampire Willow!!! I want more of her...
2. I'm not real sure about others- I've really just got thinking about Buffy and Willow together, so I haven't had many eps to watch them for moments...

Willow - pink and fuzzy or leather baby!? - Definately leather!!!

Fics written so far - lots of PG Pretender ones, although I am writing a Miss Parker slash fic... let me know if anyone would care to read it when it's done. :-)

Home page (even if it's not BTVS related) - Not my page but it is where all my fics are- http://the-pretender.de/Danielle_Smiley-Face.htm

I'm more like Buffy or Willow and why - Umm... probably Willow. I think she has so much more to her than everyone realizes, so they underestimate her and I'm like that too.. like everyone thinks I'm perfect and really just pretty normal but there's a lot under my surface people rarely see

I write fic because - I have too much free time *g* No, seriously, I haven't really had time to write in ages. I just have so many ideas about the Pretender I have to get them out. And the slash one is me exploring my newly discovered bisexual side (which I'm doing under a different name for now... :-)

I have a pic of myself! Wanna see? Here's the URL - Sorry...

Top three episodes from each season - Eeek! I don't know... :-( I just love all the ones with Spike in them! He is my absolute favorite character and he cracks me up.

Oz should stay away or Oz should come back and why - I think he should stay away because a) Willow is just starting to get over him and b) now they can explore their relationship (although I'm afraid it's not gonna happen)

Finally, I'd just like to say (Say what's on your mind or thank people for support or both!) - I love this list! You're all awesome writers. Thanks Mel for getting me into it... and eveyone PLEASE WRITE FASTER!!! ;-)

You can get intouch with me through (ex. ICQ, AOL instant messenger, MIRc,Yahoo pager, etc...) - I am on mIRC in #TheCentre- it's a Pretender chat, but it's pretty quiet so come on by and liven it up!

K, that's all from me. Can't wait to get to know you all better, too.
Danielle :-)

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