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A Higher Power Pt. 2

Well here I go again here's the next part.
I just hope ya'all are having as much fun as I am.

Title: A Higher Power (2/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx 
(please be kind for the first time in over 30 years I'm a virgin at
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's 
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they 
are now. 
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from 
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended. 
Notes: Things go from bad to worse. 
Title: A Higher Power (2/?)
Author: Alex
"What happened?"Willow asked as she carefully helped Buffy sit down on
the bed "is it some new master vampire or maybe an arch demon from the
Hellmouth determined to destroy the world You just tell me and I'll get
everyone together and foil their evil plans cause that's what we do the
Slayer and her possie guarding the Hellmouth and defending mankind from
those evil nasties that........" 
"Please Willow "Buffy groaned and held up her hand stop the girl's
nervous babbling."it's nothing like that.".

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