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Militat omnis amans (Every lover is a warrior) Part 2/?

Militat omnis amans (Every lover is a warrior) Part 2/?
K. Beckett (c) 2000 

Buffy, Willow and all of the other characters and places from the show belong to Joss Whedon, 
WB and Mutant Enemy etal. Everyone and everything else is 
mine. None of my characters are meant to resemble anyone living, dead or 
un-dead, if you see yourself you are looking way too hard.

PG-13+ - heading to the R level

The Latin and Gaelic are mine; I take the responsibility for any translations 
of them. In addition, the descriptions of the rituals, spells and other craft 
work come from my traditions, so please don't take offence if something 
described here does not match your traditions or what you think it should.

Archiving etc.: 
Ask and I'll say yes. Don't ask and I'll get mad.

Everything up to the middle of season four - I diverge then.

Thanks to all who have commented on part 1, I appreciate everything that was 
said. As before, any and all meaningful criticism, support and suggestions are 

Please be patient, it takes me awhile to get everything down, as I have little 
free time for writing.

More set up in this part, however, I promise to get to some serious action in 
part three.


A priori

Its Imbolg eve, Willow had just started to Invoke the Guardians when she was 
contacted by persons from elsewhere who were in desperate need of her help. 
Quickly handing over the night's ritual to Giles and another of her senior 
witches she and Buffy left the circle by means of a portal which had been 
created by the other group linking Willow's circle to the location of the 
people looking for help. Buffy and Willow, along with Willow's very confused, 
and stowaway, cat, enter the portal and travel for a great distance arriving in 
a cold, unfamiliar place.


Part II
Amantes sunt amentes (Lovers are lunatics)

"Damn, its cold," thought the blond girl shivering on the floor. Buffy took 
another look around at her new surroundings. The room that she and Willow had 
arrived in was large, easily twice the size of the workroom from where they had 
just left. Candles and large torches lighted the room. In addition, there 
were four large fireplaces adding their heat and light to the room. Despite 
all of the fires, the room was cold, barely above the freezing mark. Buffy 
noticed that they were surrounded by at least twenty people standing in a dual 
circle, all dressed in heavy robes which had embroidery similar to the work on 
her robe.

"Quickly, get some blankets and boots," Amana said, "they will be freezing in 
this temperature."

With that, several things happened simultaneously. Grael quickly dispelled the 
portal with the words "dorrys skeaylley!" As other members of the group broke 
the circle, which allowed them to collect several heavy blankets, which they 
proceeded to wrap around the two shivering women who were in the centre of the 
work circle.

"Where are we? Who are you? What's going on? Shadow-Cat, what are you doing 
here?" babbled Willow as she was being wrapped in blankets with thick fur boots 
being shoved onto her feet.

"We will answer all of your questions," Amana replied as she finished putting 
the boots on Buffy's feet, "however, we need to get you warm and fed first. 
Come, we will adjourn to more comfortable surroundings."
She then helped Buffy to her feet and indicated that they should leave the room.

The entire group left the workroom and headed back down the corridor to the 
study. The two travellers were given chairs in front of the fireplace and mugs 
of mulled wine were handed to them.

Two of the group proceeded to drag the table up to the fireplace and then had 
platters of meats, breads, sweets and cheeses placed in front of the two 
women. In addition, several pitchers of various beverages - ales, wines and 
ciders, were also placed on the table. 

"Ok," Willow said a few minutes later, after having drunk half of her wine and 
beginning to feel warm for the first time since arriving. "Q&A time, deal us 
the skinny."

Buffy was eating and drinking thinking to herself "better let Willow deal with 
this, she is better on the witch stuff and she can fill me in later."

"Fair enough," Grael answered Willow. "Where do you want to start?"
"I guess with introductions," Willow continued feeling strangely content in 
this extraordinary company. "After all," she thought, "they did ask for my 
help, I have no way of getting home without them, so I might as well deal. "My 
name is Willow," she said to the assembled group, "my companion's name is 
Buffy." She continued pointing out the slayer. "The cat that unexpectedly also 
came along is mine and is named Shadow-Cat, I guess she will show when she 
feels like it."

"Welcome, and well met." Answered Grael. "My name is Grael, and this is 
Amana," he continued pointing her out. "We are the leaders of this group of 
mages and are the ones who lead the effort to bring you here to help us."

"Speaking of here, where are we?" Willow asked looking around closely, for the 
first time, at the room its furnishings and the lighting. "It looks very not 
modern here."

"Here is not a simple question Willow." Answered Amana. "Nor is when, if I 
can anticipate your next question. 
"Where we are is in the mage's wing of Castle Maldor. The castle is located in 
our capital city of Maldorstat. The building is modern in so that we have 
plumbing, heat and a few other conveniences that you are used to, however, we 
do not have mechanical lighting sources." She continued rising from the table 
and moving towards the other end. "Frankel here is our most senior sage and he 
will try to give you what we understand is happening." She said, standing 
behind an elderly man who had until that point been sitting quietly at the 
other end of the table.

"The simple answer is that you are still on Earth." Frankel said, rising from 
the table and taking up the conversation. "However, it is not your Earth, so 
to speak."

"That's the simple answer? I'd hate to have a complicated on," stated Buffy, 
speaking for the first time, and beginning to think that she was back in 
professor Walsh's psychology class.

"It has to do with multiple dimensions and differing realities between 
dimensions." Continued the old sage, beginning to pace around the room. "We 
have determined that there are several Earths which occupy the same location, 
however, they are layered on top of each other creating different realities or 
versions of the same place, your 'Earth' is one such, ours is another." 

"Okay," replied Willow, "I've read something about this, however, I didn't 
think it was possible." She was beginning to feel a bit more comfortable about
what was going on, now that she was starting to receive data.

"Only our great need has made it possible," replied Frankel. "My early 
researches determined that the 'layers' existed and I was able to determine 
some of the basic characteristics of each."

"Such as?" Prompted Buffy.
"Well, such as the basic geology and atmosphere. The primary life forms and 
which of them were dominant. In addition to the general level of technology."
"Sounds like you were able to learn a lot," answered Willow.
"I guess you're right," the sage continued. "I was also able to determine that 
there was major differences between the 'layers'. Essentially, that the closer 
the layers were, the closer the various characteristics are. However, once you 
move significantly away from your home layer the differences become major."
"How major?" Asked the slayer, convinced now that this guy was a male 
psychology professor, all talk and little answers.

"Different biology, life forms, climate and technology to name a few." He answered.
"Ok, I can deal with this so-far. But why us?" Asked Willow.

"I'll answer that in a few minutes," answered Grael, "however, there are a 
couple of points that I would like Frankel to finish up with first."

"Ok then, to finish," the sage continued. "In my research I determined that 
there were weak points between the layers, which potentially could allow 
communication or transport between them. Also, it appeared that some of the 
dominant species on some of the layers were able to innately use this transport 
ability." The sage paused to sip from his mug of wine. "In fact, I think that 
a large amount of what we call 'demons' on our worlds are in fact residents of 
one layer, who have transported to another," he finished sitting back down at 
the table.

"To continue," said Grael, "in our investigations of your world, we determined 
that your reality had very few weak points at which demons and other evil 
characters appeared." 

Buffy turned to Willow and said quietly, "the hell-mouth."

"We also sensed the great power that resided near one of these 'hell-mouths' as 
you call them and hopped that that person would be able to come to our 
assistance, even though they were very poorly trained." Grael finished, 
looking at Willow optimistically.

"Well, you have answered a number of questions, and raised a few more," Willow 
said, "however, you still haven't answered why me?"

"That is a bit easier to answer," Amana said. "For our world has a very large 
number of these hell-mouths, so many in fact that we are in danger of being 
over-run by demons from the other realities."

"These weaknesses have occurred relatively recently," added Grael, "what we 
think is happening is that the demons who are attacking us are able to create 
the weaknesses, or at least expand upon them, and that they have been slowly 
moving from one reality to the next, devastating each in turn. Since our world 
is between them and you they have not reached your reality in any great numbers 
yet. However, we believe that once they dispose of us, you will eventually be 
in the line of fire, since there are only about fifteen or so worlds between 
ours and yours."

"And as to why specifically you, Willow," continued Amana, "quite frankly, for 
all of the power that Grael and I have, we are nothing compared to the 
potential power that you will be able to wield."

"But, I'm new at this, I can barely do anything, I don't know very much and 
most of the time I fail." Willow said plaintively.
"We know this dear," Amana replied, "however, we are excellent teachers and we 
will ensure that you reach your full potential."
"But, what do you want me to do?"
"Simply, to seal all of the weaknesses between our world and theirs," answered 

"I'm beginning to think that details can wait till tomorrow," Amana 
said. "Lets let them finish eating and then we will see about accommodations 
for Willow and her soul-mate."

"Soul-mate." Buffy exclaimed, "How did you know Willow and I were soul-mates?"
"For one that knows how, its easy to see the psychic link between you." Amana 
answered. "Soon you to will be able to see these things," she added 

"Now, we know your name, but who are you and why did Willow bring you?" Amana 
continued as she quickly changed the subject.

"I'm the slayer." Replied Buffy, and seeing questioning looks from the others 
continued, "don't tell me that you don't have slayers? The counsel? General 
medieval stuffiness' and prophecies?"
"No," answered Grael, "but why don't you fill us in."

"Well, in our reality we have a Watchers Counsel whose job it is to train 
slayers and to provide guidance to them. In addition, they maintain records of 
various prophecies and other files with respect to demons and other evil 
things." Buffy continued.
"And," prompted Grael.
"I'm a slayer," answered Buffy. "I was a chosen one and trained to fight 
demons, particularly vampires. I have special talents and abilities - for 
example I am able to sense demons, I heal very quickly and I'm very strong and 

"Excellent!" Responded Frankel becoming very animated, "I've read about so-
called slayers in our past, however, the last of them was eliminated years ago, 
we must talk about this further."

"Oh, boy," thought Buffy, "not another professor Walsh, worse, another Giles."

Willow meanwhile was beginning to yawn, and drowse off. Amana caught sight of 
this and said. "Enough for tonight. Lets get these two off to their baths and 
to bed. We can finish up our discussions in the morning."

Amana led Buffy and Willow out of the room and down the hallway. The climbed a 
flight of stairs to another hall, which had a number of doors off of it.
"This is where we have our accommodations while we are in the capital." Amana 
said. "Most of us spend the majority of our time in other locations, however, 
we were all brought together for this project."

"In anticipation of your agreeing to come, we have arranged for you to have a 
room, I trust that you won't mind sharing, since we weren't really expecting 
Buffy?" She asked with a smile in her eyes.

She opened one of the doors into a fairly large room. In fact, it was a suite 
of rooms. The rooms were all very well lit with several lanterns in addition 
to fireplaces. The wooden floors were covered in thick carpets and thick 
tapestries covered most of the walls. Several large windows were set into the 
thick stonewalls and were covered with heavy embroidered curtains.

"This is your sitting room," stated Amana, "the room to the right is your 
bed-chamber, and the one to the left is the bath." 

She continued leading the way to the bathroom that was very well appointed with 
sinks, a toilet and with a very large bathtub. This bathtub was easily the 
largest that either Buffy or Willow had ever seen. It was at a minimum a metre 
deep and could easily sit four. It was set directly into the floor, with only 
the top thirty centimetres or so above the floor line. Buffy could see that 
tilled benches were lining the inside of the tub, which raised the possibility 
of serious lounging time in the tub. Steam was rising from the water.

Amana continued, "the water is very hot, fed by springs deep beneath the 
building, we have lots of it, so we constantly have it circulating though the 
baths so that dirt and grime is carried away and fresh water brought in. There 
is soap, towels and necessities, over here," she said pointing out a dressing 
table and cupboards. 

"We will arrange to have clothing sent up to you in the morning, and there is 
plenty of bed linen and warm blankets for tonight already in your bedchamber." 

"Okay then?" she asked, receiving nods in return. "We will let you sleep a bit 
late, since there is only about five hours till dawn. I'll come up to get you 
and we will continue with our discussions. 

At this point a very satisfied looking grey and white feline walked into the 
room and proceeded to jump up on the table and began to groom her-self.
"Shadow-Cat," exclaimed Willow. "Where have you been?"
"Meooww!" answered the cat.
"Out exploring I guess," replied Buffy.
"Checking out the resident pest problem probably," Willow agreed.

"Good-night then" replied Amana "I'll see you in the morning." She turned and 
left the suite, closing the door behind her.

As soon as Amana had left, Buffy turned to her friend and lover saying.
"Witch girl, you've got some serious explaining to do."
"Buffy, I know, but please can it wait till later?" Willow said as she went 
over to the bath and began to undress in preparation for getting in.
"Okay," the slayer replied, "I'm too tired to worry about it now. Lets bathe 
and get to bed," she continued, removing the blankets that were wrapped around 
her body and sitting down to take off the boots.

Soon both women were undressed and in the water sitting on the benches at 
opposite ends of the huge tub. Buffy looked over at Willow and was once again 
stunned by her beauty, grateful that they had found each other and that they 
had acknowledged their love. She moved over to the other woman and slowly 
began to caress her neck and shoulders.
"Mmm, that feels nice." Willow said, sighing and relaxing into the others touch.
"Shush don't say anything, just go with the flow." The slayer responded as she 
began to stimulate Willow's breasts and nipples with the tips of her fingers, 
which immediately began to harden from the slayer's activities. Buffy 
continued performing her special magic on Willow's nipples as she also began to 
kiss the neck and shoulders of her lover.

Willow was beginning to feel the effects of Buffy's touch, and kisses, deep 
inside of her body. She raised Buffy's head up from her neck and kissed her, 
surrendering her mind and body into the kiss by focusing all of her attention 
to it. Their tongues duelled together as each women tried her hardest to 
explore the others mouth.

"Bath, soap, wash, we've got to wash." Willow babbled after a few minutes of 
deep kissing.
"Good idea," the other replied, "rubbing soap on soft body parts sounds like 
fun to me."

Willow picked up the bar of soap and quickly created lather, she then proceeded 
to gently wash Buffy, making slow gentle motions over her body, focusing 
particular attention to her chest and belly. Soon she moved her hands and the 
soap lower on Buffy's body, making tentative, darting, even teasing moves 
towards her sex. 

"Stop that," Buffy exclaimed, "You are getting me too wet."
"You're in the bath," Willow said quietly as she continued her assault, "you're 
supposed to be wet."
"Then stop teasing me and finish the job." Buffy demanded.
"Your wish is my command," Willow responded and proceeded to move her hand 
between Buffy's legs and began a direct assault on her lover's sex.

Buffy was beginning to break out into a sweat, as she was beginning to peak to 
orgasm and she wanted it to be mutual with Willow. She therefore proceeded to 
caress Willow's pubic mound, and tentatively massaged her clit while inserting 
a finger deep inside of her. Buffy was pleased to discover that Willow's skin 
was glowing, more that the hot water alone would explain and that her breath 
was beginning to come in short shallow gasps. 

Willow moaned deeply into Buffy's neck. She had already been at a high level 
of excitement and Buffy's probing fingers deep inside of her were beginning to 
push her over the edge. Both women continued their respective assaults, and 
within moments both had powerful simultaneous orgasms.

"Goddess, that is exactly what I needed," panted Willow. "I trust you feel the 
same lover?" As she proceeded to embraced her friend in a hug.
"Oh, yeah. Quite a fine way to relax." Buffy said near breathlessly, as she 
reciprocated the hug, while searching out and finding Willow's mouth for 
another deep passionate kiss.

After a few minutes the women moved apart. "Come on love, its been one hell of 
a day," Willow said as she began to wash her hair. "Let's finish up here and 
get some sleep."
"No problemo," Buffy added as she to began to wash her hair, "I think tomorrow 
is going to be even more strange than tonight was."

Within the hour there were two women intertwined on their bed in a deep sleep. 
Leaping up on the pile of heavy blankets that covered the two women, and taking 
up residence on the pillow behind Willow's head, was a very contented cat.

"Purrrrr," came deep from the cat as she thought, "my tummy is full, this is 
not my normal territory, however, my human is here so I am happy."

Elsewhere in the castle others were not as yet sleeping. Grael, Amana, Frankel 
and a couple of other people were sitting around the long table in the study, 
deep in conversation.

"I think that this is going to work out fine," Grael said to the group, "She is 
young, strong and incredibly powerful."
"I agree," commented Amana. "She appears to have taken everything about 
tonight's activities well. No panic and no fits of hysteria."
"The slayer is an unexpected bonus," interjected Frankel. "Having one with her 
abilities may prove to be the deciding factor."
"That's true," replied Grael, "she also has an unbelievable amount of strength 
and power, and if we can link the two together..."
"Yes?" Asked another member of the group.
"Well, it would mean our certain salvation," answered their leader.

"That speculation can wait till later," Amana said as she took up pen and 
paper, "lets confirm what we need to accomplish in the next few days."
"We need to finish briefing them," answered Grael, "and then we will have to 
assess Willow's training in greater detail. I think that we will also want to 
begin to train Buffy also."
"But," interjected Frankel, "I want to work with her, get more details on 
slayers, and slaying. Maybe have her train others."
"I agree with you Frankel," replied Grael, "however, in addition to that she is 
going to need to be trained in her other abilities, certainly not to the level 
of Willow, but she is going to need those skills."
"That is certainly true," continued Amana, "I think that a certain amount of 
cross-training for both of them is in order. We should arrange to give Willow 
some fighting practice, after all, she will not always have time for her magic."

"I hate to interject but," said another member of the group who had been silent 
up to now. Unlike the others he was dressed in form fitting, padded, clothing 
and had a battle hardened and scarred face. He was the garrison commander for 
the castle and had primary responsibility for the safety of the mages when they 
were in residence. 

"What's that Daithi?" asked Frankel.
"Well, it's just that if we are talking about cross-training and other things, 
we had better use our time wisely." Daithi replied.
"Why?" Replied Grael.
"My sources have begun to report that the opposition is gathering strength and 
may be poised for a major strike at the capital."

"We will discuss this further tomorrow, Daithi," replied Amana. "However, if 
we want to be able to get anything done in the morning, we have to get some 
sleep in what is left of the night." And with that she said her goodnights and 
headed off to her suite.

Other members of the group also decided to turn in, and finishing off their 
various beverages they headed to their respective. All except the commander, 
who remained behind to have another mug of ale.

"Time," he thought, "how much time do we have before evil falls over the land 
for good?"

In a different location, hundreds of kilometres from the activities going on in 
the castle was another stronghold. Unlike Castle Maldor the buildings were 
shrouded in darkness for no lights were visible from any of the few openings 
that pierced the thick stonewalls. Inside it was dark and unpleasant the 
temperature matching the sub-zero outside air. Several different beings 
inhabited the building and none were overtly friendly to humankind. 

Suddenly the atmosphere was punctured by a blood-curdling scream.
"What in the name of the Chaos Gods do you mean you don't know?"
Striding down a corridor was an immense figure, with blood red skin, yellow 
eyes and sporting three horns. It turned towards another being, which was 
practically running to keep up, and continued. 
"I told you to find out what those blighted mages were up to. You know that my 
ability to see inside of that damned castle is very inadequate at the best of 
times and now that all of them are in residence it is totally impossible."
"I know master," the other creature replied. This one appeared to be a human 
male of middle age. "But nothing I've done is generating answers."
"I don't care who or what you have to maim, torture, kidnap or kill - but find 
me the answers, and find them fast." The master said punctuating its statements 
with pointed jabs from its claw tipped fingers. "Or else I'll be using your 
entrails to do my divining." With that the demon turned and left the corridor 
through a nearby door.

The humanoid shivered to his bones thinking to himself, "I've got to get some 
answers, or get out of here."
Turing around he spotted a small, green frog like figure and yelled 
out, "Kratel, get your webbed feet over here now!"
"Yes, master," the small imp like creature replied.
"You heard our terrible master. I need answers, but fast." The humanoid 
continued as he and the imp returned back down the passageway. "Put together a 
raiding party, five or so in addition to yourself, and get into that accursed 
castle and get me a couple of victims so that I can torture some answers out of 
"We will depart at once master," answered the imp.

Buffy woke the next morning at her usual time of just before dawn thinking to 
herself, "damn, not even in the same reality and my slayer senses still get me 
up at dawn." She realized that she was entangled with Willow with their arms 
and legs intertwined. Feeling a warm spot above Willow's head she 
though "well, Shadow-Cat must be off looking for her breakfast, I guess I had 
better get my day going." Moving slowly and carefully so not to wake her lover 
she got out of bed, only to realize that other than her ritual robe and some 
blankets, she still did not have anything to wear. It was cold in the room, 
but not freezing, obviously someone had been in to re-build the fires.
"Oh, well," the slayer thought, "It's not as if Willow hasn't seen me naked 
before, and I certainly don't want to wear my robe to do my exercises."

Buffy went into the sitting room and spotted an agitated cat reaching up and 
scratching at the door.
"You want out, don't you girl? Buffy asked as she opened the door. Shadow-Cat 
meowed back to the slayer and bolted out of the room. "We are going to have to 
arrange for a cat-door and other kitty things if we are here much longer," thought Buffy.

After quickly creating a free space in the room, by moving carpets away from 
the floor, Buffy began her morning routine. She spent a dozen minutes doing 
careful warm-up exercises and then spent about twenty minutes stretching out 
her muscles. Once she had warmed-up properly, and having done the required 
stretching, she moved into the serious portion of her morning workout. Buffy, 
having had no formal, early, slayer training did not use the council's 
particular workout routine, rather she used a combination of Aikido and Karate 
katas which she and Giles had augmented to suit her particular requirements. 
After twenty minutes or so she was beginning to feel relaxed and the sweat was 
beginning to run off of her body. Earlier, while doing her warm-up, Buffy had 
noticed an old broom by the door, which she had used for several of her 
stretching routines. She now broke off a four-foot section of it while 
thinking, "this will do until I find a replacement." With that she then 
launched into a series of Kendo exercises concentrating on her thrusting 
attacks and her defensive speed.

Buffy was being watched. Willow had woken up shortly after Buffy had started 
her katas and was enjoying watching the slightly erotic display of a nude 
slayer exercising which was being put on for her benefit, even though 
un-knowingly. In fact, she was beginning to become just a wee bit aroused by 
the display.

Willow was familiar with Buffy's routine, having watched it several times, 
albeit with a fully clothed slayer. Just as Buffy was finishing up the last of 
her Kendo routines she said, "Meow, that looks yummy."

"What?" Exclaimed the startled slayer. "Will, I thought you were still asleep. 
Just how long have you been watching me?"
"Oh, about thirty minutes or so," Willow said smiling. "I would never dream of 
disturbing you at your exercise," she continued with an impish grin.
"And may I assume that you received no, vicarious, pleasure from watching my 
activities?" Buffy asked as she grabbed a towel and headed back into the 
"Who, me?" Answered Willow trying her best to look innocent.

"Up now, slouch," Buffy said as she proceeded to pull the blankets off the 
protesting occupant.
"No, too cold, you come back to bed," protested the redhead.
"Nope, sloth-girl," Buffy answered, as she continued her assault on the 
blankets, "time to rise, shine and bathe. If you are lucky and ask nice, I 
just might let you wash my back though," she said as she left the room heading 
for the bath.
"Oh, goody, may I please," said Willow, as she jumped out of bed. "Oh, cold, 
goosy bumpies," she yelped and quickly ran to grab some of the blankets from 
the night before.

"Morning love," the hacker said as she moved into the bathroom and hugged the 
slayer from behind as she was in the process of gathering the soap and shampoo 
for their bath.
"Sleep well?" she asked as she tuned Buffy around so that she would be able to 
snag her good-morning kiss.
"Yep, how about you," the slayer replied returning, with vigour, the kiss.
"Not bad, weird dreams, though," Willow replied testing the water, "Oh, 
goody-goody, hot," and proceeded to jump into the bath.
"What do you mean weird?" Asked a suddenly concerned slayer, as she to entered 
the water.
"Well, just strange images, and vague uneasy feelings, like I've experienced 
this reality before or something," Willow answered as she began to get to work 
with soap. "Turn around Buff, you promised me back."
Buffy complied with the mock order from Willow saying, "well I didn't exactly 
promise, but you have been good."
"How good?" Bantered the redhead.
"Very." Replied Buffy, "By the way," the blond continued, "you know that what 
you did last night was nuts, right?"
Willow said nothing as she continued to wash Buffy's back. 
"I mean, off you go - dragging me and a cat with you, into an unknown portal in 
the middle of a ritual, answering no questions."
"Hey, I didn't mean to bring the cat," Willow responded, "and, I had no real 
choice Buffy, I'm supposed to help those who ask. I'm almost compelled to go."
"Okay, its all water under the bridge anyway," the slayer replied, "I just hope 
that these folks can get us home."
"Oh, I think so," Willow replied, "besides, I'm dieing to see what Giles's 
reaction was."
"Well, I can guarantee, whatever his reaction, he wasn't speechless." Answered 

The two women spent the next few minutes washing themselves, and each other. 
Things were just beginning to heat up from their activities when they heard a 
knocking at the door.
"Damn," Willow said extracting her hands from several of Buffy's sensitive 
spots, "just when things were starting to get interesting."
"Come-in," she yelled to the door giving Buffy a quick kiss as she left the tub 
and grabbed a towel. 
She turned to her lover and said. "We will definitely finish this later."

Willow went into the sitting room to great Amana and two other women who had 
arrived with several items. Principle amongst them was several items of 
"I hope you slept well," asked the mage. "I trust you are rested and are ready 
for what looks to be a very busy day." She continued as she and the other 
ladies laid out the several items of clothing.
"We have brought several items of clothing for you," she continued pointing out 
the robes, dresses and other apparel. "We have also brought under-clothing and 
other toiletries for the two of you."

"Thank-you," replied Willow as she proceeded to look over the various items of 
underwear and finding that all of the items were in their sizes.
"I think however, that Buffy is going to need clothing that isn't a dress," she 
continued not seeing anything resembling pants in the pile.
"We know," replied Amana, "however, since I understand that Buffy will need to 
be fitted for armour, albeit leather armour, she can wear the clothes that we 
have brought here in the meantime."
"These will be fine," said the slayer as she emerged from the bathroom with a 
towel wrapped around her body. "Just so long as the clothes are warm, I'll be 
happy," she continued joining Willow in choosing appropriate underwear and 
other garments.

"Wait," Amana said, as the two travellers were starting to dress, by dropping 
their towels, figuring that modesty was definitely going to lose out to 
warmth, "I have brought Aiofe and Bridie along to be your assistants." Amana 
said as she pointed out the two other women. Aiofe was tall and dark-haired, 
while her companion was a little shorter than Willow. Both women had pale 
complexions and deep jade-green eyes.

"But, we don't need help to dress," Willow complained. "After all we have been 
doing it ourselves since we were small."
"It's not that you need help dear," explained Amana, "its just that two persons 
as powerful as you and Buffy are required to have assistance as part of your 
station in our society. Others you will come in contact with will not give you 
the respect that you deserve if you do not have the symbols of your rank and 
"Oh," exclaimed Buffy as Bridie began to help her to dress, with Aiofe 
performing the same task for Willow. "Will they cut our food and help us to 
eat also?"

"No, that they won't do," replied Amana with a smile in her eyes, "however, 
they will serve your food and keep your suite tidy."
"That will help," replied Willow as she tried to come to grips with the situation.

Within minutes the two women were dressed and were heading out of their suite. 
Amana led them down two fights of stairs to a large room, which was obviously a 
dining hall. Like the other rooms in the castle it had stonewalls. Several 
heavy oak beams spanned the hall, forming the support structure for the roof. 
The floors were thick pegged oak boards, and there were a number of chandeliers 
hanging from the ceiling.

"This is where we will break our fast," she said leading them to three 
chairs. "After we have eaten we will retire back to the study and continue our 
conversation of last night." 

The serving girls with several platters of fresh fruit, breads, cheeses, 
yoghurts and beverages, quickly filled the table in front of them. The three 
women quickly fell to eating.

Later they returned to the study area, which had already begun to fill with the 
other mages. The women took the same places that they had the night before. 
After allowing everyone time to greet each other, Grael stood up to continue 
the discussions from the previous night.

"I trust that you will want to know what we have planned," he said starting the 
conversation. "We have gone ahead and made some preliminary plans, which we 
will discuss with you, however, I would prefer to continue discussing our 
present situation first."

"That sounds ok to me," replied Willow, "I do have a number of questions."
"Well, ask away."
"Okay, first, why is it so cold, second, why do you speak English, and third 
what gives with the weird technology level?" Willow continued. "I mean you have 
plumbing, some heating and very fine textile weaving, but no electricity or 
mechanical devices."

"The answers to your questions are all related to the same cause, and will sum 
up the background left out last night," answered Grael. "It has to do with the 
differences between your world and ours, and the impact that the flood of 
demons has had on our world."

Frankel then took up the conversation, "we have studied, as best we could, your 
world. It would appear that for the most part our world followed yours in 
societal and scientific development up until a hundred or so years ago. For 
example we had the same Judeo-Christian influence, the Middle Ages, the 
reformation and the beginnings of the industrialized era. We also experienced 
the same waves of exploration."
"What happened then?" Asked Buffy.
"Two things," answered the sage. "First, we entered into a mini-ice age due to 
a series of massive volcanic eruptions, and second we began to experience the 
increased demon activity. We are still not entirely convinced that the two 
events are not related, since the demons do appear to love the results of the 
cold," he continued, as he once again got up from the table and began to pace 
around the room.
"Both of these events had an immediate retardation effect on our scientific 
progress, in addition to massive bouts of war, famine and social upheaval. As 
a result we are approximately a century behind your world," he concluded, 
staring out of a window.

"Well, that does answer my questions," replied Willow. "I do have one other 
before you go on with your agenda."
"What's that?" Asked Amana.
"Why is magic apparently more advanced here?" asked the redhead.

"In part due to the upheavals we talked about," answered Amana, "we have been 
required to develop other methods to deal with our problems and with the demon 
plagues, however, we have now come to the end of our resources."
"Hence our need for you," concluded Grael.

"Okay, then," said the slayer, "what are your plans for us then?"

"Right, down to business," replied Grael. 
"First, we would like for both of you to be fully assessed in your magical 
talents," continued Amana, "then, we are going to arrange for you to be 
outfitted and appraised in your fighting skills Buffy."
"We would then like to take some time to have additional talks with the two of 
you on slayers and slaying," interjected Frankel, continuing his personal 
"That will probably take most of today," added Grael, "then, over the next few 
days we will start to train the two of you."

"Heavy workload," commented Buffy. 
"At least it will keep us busy," replied Willow, "in fact, sounds like fun."

"We will also be training you in several Martial arts Willow so that you will 
be able to protect yourself when you don't have time for magic," added Amana.

"Oh, boy," exclaimed Buffy, "sweaty witch-girl, I love it."

"Alright then," said Grael, "lets get down to work."

Just then Buffy felt a familiar unpleasant cramping in her loins. She turned 
to Willow saying, "Will, watch-out, my spidey sense is tingling!"

Suddenly the door to the study area burst open and six demons burst in, with 
the leader, a green imp like creature yelling, "Ok - scum, now we are going to 
get some answers!"

Finis Part II

To be continued...

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