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Greatest Weakness (2/?)

Title: Greatest Weakness
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@xxxxxxxxx
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Feedback: Makes me happy
How is this one so far? 


Willow stared at the white tiles of the hospital ceiling. She had
counted them several times as she had tried to sleep. It was pointless.
Sleep was illusive. She had too much on her mind to sleep. 

She looked beside her and smiled slightly. Buffy was sleeping
peacefully, exhaustion having overtaken her soon after her proposal for
Willow to accompany her. She brushed blonde strands from her friends
peaceful face. 

Buffy had been through so much in the last six months. Willow often
wished she could somehow take away the pain and hurt and leave some nice
happy feelings in its place. She knew that wasn't possible. In a way,
the pain had made Buffy grow up. She had watched her friend mature into
a woman. Angelus had caused that. 

Willow was glad that Angelus was gone. She felt incredibly guilty though
that Angel had been the one sent to hell. She could kill Xander for not
telling Buffy. Her friend had suffered so much already. She now had to
deal with the memory of sending her love to hell. Willow had never met
anyone braver than the slayer. Ever. Buffy was so strong. Willow was
always weak. She hated it at times, but she knew what she was.

She was in love with Buffy. She didn't know quite when it happened. It
just had. She had realized it when she found out that she and Angel had
had sex. She had felt jealous...not because Buffy had a hottie like
Angel but because Angel had taken what she wanted. She didn't think she
was gay. No other woman was attractive to her. It was always just Buffy.
With the slayer, it didn't matter that she was a girl. Willow loved the
person that Buffy was, regardless of her sex. Had she been a man,
Willow's feelings would not have changed. 

She watched as Buffy's breathing became more rapid. Her friend whimpered
in her sleep. Willow knew her friend would have nightmares about that
night. It was inevitable. She leaned down and kissed Buffy's forehead.
She heard Buffy mumble in her sleep. Startled, Willow leaned back. Had
Buffy just said I love you Willow?

She was going crazy. It was just wishful thinking on her part. She
watched as Buffy began to settle down as her hand slowly caressed the
girl's arm. She made her decision. Her parents were in Europe for the
summer. She would call them and let them know she was taking a trip. She
wasn't letting Buffy leave alone. She was going with her. In the
morning, she'd sneak out of the hospital. They could make some time
before anyone realized that they were gone. With that settled in her
mind, she felt sleep overtake her. 

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