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FIC: BtVS 2117 (Section 1.6)

It's action time... now we see how all that manga paid of in my writings, Spike, Buffy, Willow and Zoëga all gets a shot at Dru and Willow learns more about her past. The ending will leave you wanting to rip my throat out... again...

Title: BTVS 2117
Part: Section 1.5
Author: Cilia
Email: cilia@xxxxxxxxx
Disclaimer: I'm not really sure, but I guess Joss just owns most if it,
since a large chunk is mostly born from my hyperactive mind, but if he wants
this story it's his.
Distribution: If you want it just ask. List archivist go ahead.
Feedback: Why not, boost my ego a little bit more will'ya!
Summary: Buffy is pulled into an utopian future to once again fight the
forces of darkness. She befriends Willow's great granddaughter that bears
her foremothers name, a new adventure begins and Buffy must ask herself: Do
we really get a second chance?
Note: This has no connection to the Royalty series

BtVS 2117

Section 1.6
They group raced through the labyrinth underneath the Church of Saint Joyce Summers. The rescue of Zoëga and Willow had gone too easily, so both Buffy and Spike were sure that more was to come.
"So Spike what do we do now?" Hope asked as she tried to keep up with the vampire.
"We get to the top level destroy the altar on which Dru is going to try to raise the Primal One, dust Dru and go out for a beer," he stated.
"And you were one of the people responsible for saving humankind?"
"My plans may be simple and they may be crude, but they get results."
"I repeat: You were one of the people responsible for saving humankind?" Hope muttered.
"Give it rest Hope. Spike's plans always work, sometimes," Buffy said.

Dru knelt in front of the altar. Soon it would be completed, soon everything what was would be again. She raised the dagger.  
"Drop it Dru," Spike boomed as he came flying up through the trapdoor that lead into the labyrinth beneath the church.
"William how nice of you to drop in," she stated as Spike landed in crouch on the marble floor and cracking it in the process.
"Dru I'd like you to meet a close personal friend of mine," Buffy stated as a hail of arrows came flying from behind Spike. Then the Slayer came flying up from behind him, firing as she went, but Dru just stood still and the arrows seemed to flow around her. Buffy did somersault and landed firmly on the ground next to Spike.
"No matter the size of the audience always make and entrance. Right Slayer?" Dru stated as she dusted herself off.
"I think some of those marbles are still a little loose," Buffy whispered to Spike, who just nodded slightly.
"I know you," Dru said with a grin as Willow climbed up through the trapdoor.
"Dru don't?" Spike barked.
"What afraid she'll find out the truth William, how you weren't able to save her parents that night thirteen years ago, "or how you."
"NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!?!" Rang through the church. 
Blue stream of energy shot from Willow's outstretched hands, but then curved passed Dru just like the arrows had and then Willow collapsed. Hope caught her before she hit the floor.
"What have you become Dru?" Spike asked calmly.
"More then I was the last time we fought my dear William," she answered.
"Okay I've had enough," Buffy stated and launched herself at Dru.
In mid flight two stakes shot out from her wristbands into her palms, but Dru sidestepped and Buffy went crashing into the marble floor, twisting and landing on her back she let the stakes fly, but they just curved around Dru. Spike tried to take advantage of the Dru's momentary distraction and leapt into action, the energy blade coming to live in mid air. He swung it over his head with all his might, but it came against a solid barrier and then he felt as Dru's fist connected with his midsection. A kick to his head, another punch to his stomach and then a roundhouse to the chest that sent him flying. Spike looked up from the floor blood flowing red from the corner of his mouth and a cut on his forehead.
"You never learn. You see dear William after our last battle I thought it better to come prepared, so I." Dru stopped and then grabbed her head as if in pain.
"Noone hurts my friends," Zoëga stated in a calm voice. His fingers were pressed against his temples.
"What. are. you. doing." Dru said and reached for something in her dress. Then the air crackled with energy.
"Shutting you." Zoëga stopped mid sentence as the blast from the gun hit him in the shoulder.
"Zoëga?!" Hope called out as the young man crumbled to his knees.
"Foolish child," Dru muttered.
As she turned towards Hope and brought her gun to bear there was sound of breaking glass. Dru looked up only in time to see a winged figure bearing down on her and the light reflected of silver talons.

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