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FIC: Apollogy Accepted

This has been bouncing around in my head for a few days. It is actually a
crossover of sorts.

Disclaimer:Buffy and all her friends in this are the Property of Joss Wheden
and Mutant Enemy.


Apology Accepted

"Buuffyy!" Willow shrieks as the slayer brings her to a mind blowing
orgasm. "Oh god, that was good."

"That is good to hear." responds Buffy. "I do love you. You know that
don't you."

"I do." she reassures her lover. "I love you too."
Next day.

"Buffy! I saw you kissing Riley!" Willow is not happy. "I thought
you loved me." She is starting to cry.

"Oh Willow." the slayer is uncomfortable. "He kissed me. The only way
to stop him was to break something."

"Not good enough."

"I'm sorry. How can I make it up to you?" asks the penitent slayer.

An hour later if anyone could have looked in their room, they would
have seen a naked Buffy, hands tied behind her back and her ass red,
kneeling with her face between Willows legs 'apologizing'.

Breathing hard Willow says "Apology accepted."

This is an archive of the eGroups/YahooGroups group "BuffyWantsWillow".
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