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Re: [buffywantswillow] Title: The Rocky Road Chapter 14: Two Roads Diverged. . . (15/15)

Ok just to make sure you know what the hell you are doing... I have recieved the last part of your rocky road series and because you had put that (15/15) in the title of the repost to indicate that this would be the end of this part I've been overwhelmed by my curiosity.

Ok... now I have read it and... do you know what you just did??? You drove me that crazy with that ending that I now MUST read the rest (from "The Road to Recovery" to the end) to understand that. And I'll tell you... If I'm only halfway right with the way my brain works in the moment... and if you don't continue this series... then... then... I'm absolutly sure you'll drive me insane, crazy, and make me do things I can't even think about, like jumping out of your comp and choking you til you write... write a sequel to this.

Ok... I probably won't really do THAT but I'll maybe loose all my hair and...and become impotent or something like that. You got me?? If you let this end this way then I don't know how to live on. Well maybe nothing will really change but...but you're driving me nuts with that ending you know that?

Well so much for my going insane if you don't write a sequel. Hmmm... I hope i didn't scare you, I wouldn't like me anymore if I did that.

What I actually wanted to say (and now that I have calmed down a little I can say it) is that with THAT ending you made me so curious that I can't hold back any longer and have to read the rest now. And that I really don't think that this should end THAT way. So write a sequel and don't let me hang. Don't let anybody on the lists hang. Ok now since I have easter-holidays at the moment and by the speed that I can read, and if I record all the shows that I normally watch on TV... then I think I could read the whole series in...hmmm... maybe 3 or 4 days. Maybe less if I don't eat or sleep in that time. Ok I'll tell you how much I liked (or disliked, which I don't think but it COULD happen) the stories then. If your writing isn't much more bad than in most of your other fics then I'm sure that I will like it (Hmmm... maybe not strong enough that word... hmm... I think that I'll LOVE it :-)

Ok, I think I've been long enough a bad boy now. I'll go back to reading and... well.. reading :-)

And please write a sequel *VBG*

Quindo Ma


Seduce my mind and you can have my body... touch my soul and I'm yours forever.

Never Explain... your Friends do not need it and your Enemies will not believe you anyway.

Always remember the last thing you say to people each day. Because what if it happened to be the last thing you ever get to say to them?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive... trust your heart.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
All people are applauding, I can hear them... I like it. It's sooo great to be in the middle of everything. I want to hear more. But...
Damn just another dream... why can't this come true ;-(

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