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OT: Alyson Hannigan Q & A

For those of you who don't get the Slayer's Circle...Aly was the first
to answer a new Questionnaire the WB is doing with it's stars. Here are
the Q's and Aly's A's.......

Buffy's Alyson Hannigan takes a stab at the premiere edition of The WB

What was the last book you read?
High Fidelity

What is your favorite movie?
Being John Malkovich

How would you use three wishes?
World peace, homes for kids? animals, more wishes

What was your very first job, acting and non-acting?
Print ad for Delta, babysitter

What superpower would you like to have?
To know anything someone needed to know but not be cocky about it

What would you be doing if you weren?t acting?
Working with kids or animals

What trait do you envy in others?
Organization skills

What is your typical breakfast?
Eggs, turkey bacon, toast, sometimes pancakes w/bananas and blueberries

What?s your biggest pet peeve?
People who are always mean to other people

If you could play any role ever written, which would it be?

If you could have lunch with anyone, who would you choose?
Deepak Choprah

What?s hiding under your bed?
Scrabble, one slipper, stuffed bunny, phonebook

What do you value most in your life?
My loved ones

Do you draw any inspiration from a particular actor or actress?

Who would be your desert island companion?
My boyfriend

If the world were to end tomorrow, what would be the last thing you?d
Marry my boyfriend

Mercedes, Porsche, Jeep, or minivan?

Favorite music?
Macy Gray, Ben Lee, Sting, Queen, Beck, Lauryn Hill

What?s the one thing in the world you?d like to change?
There should be a law that there?s a pajama day every few weeks

Who was your first crush?
Elroy Jetson

What was your first kiss like?
It was nice

Does anything frighten you?

Name one of your vices.
Miami Vice

Name your greatest virtue.
I don?t take up much space

Use one word to describe yourself in a personal ad.

You've got to love her for the bananna's, pajama's, and the answer to
the last question. Hell, you just have to love her in general.
*sigh*....I wouldn't have taken her for a Lauryn Hill fan

Your humble bard,
(Sig is cooking up new ways to torture the lists.)

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