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Re: [buffywantswillow] NOTE: The Rocky Road

At 02:09 AM 4/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
>You know. I was wondering if I broke you guys with posting the last two
>parts of Rocky Road on the same day. But Quindo's feedback tells me
>otherwise. LOL....
>Shadow and Pat warned me that I was gonna be hunted down and tarred and
>feathered like the bad bard that I am.....only Shadow predicted that
>Erin and Kimly would be leading the pack complete with burning torches
>and everything! hehe
>If there is enough of an outcry for it....I *could* perhaps be persuaded
>to do an Epilogue.....maybe. Like I said to Pat and Shadow this
>afternoon....It's called the Rocky Road for a reason. You guys *really*
>didn't expected a happy ending....did you?
>I've been a bad bad bard,
>(sig is cooking up new ways to torture the lists......)

Ahem. If you do not write a sequel, or at least an epilogue to Rocky Road,
then I suggest you get rid of all your houseplants. And move to the Sahara,
because there is always the lawn, and those trees over there, and that weed
that snuck in where you didn't expect it. We are everywhere, and we will
get you.

And if you're wondering what a bunch of plants can do to you, you just wait
and see. <evil snickering>

tater (Vegetables of the world unite!)

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