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Maybe a little OT: A cursed one begges for help

Hi all out there,

I am definately cursed. Really, I am no longer convinced that I am not. You all know why? Cause I was finally able to set up my sat-reciever, so that I could finally be able to see the BtVS show's a little earlier AND in english (I live in Austria and here I only get it in german, and I'll only get it late this year, prob December). And what did I get?!? NOTHING!! The only channel on which I could be able to see the show (Sky1) needs a damn f***ing decoder.

Ok, sorry that I was harsh, wasn't intended to do that. I was just a little angry bout that fact. Now I need some sympathy from anyone that is willing to help me. I'll get my cable (for internet) in about 7 to 10 days. And now I wanted to ask you if it is able that you guys out there send me all that is possible from the show. Vid clips, pics, sounds, transcripts, summaries, basically anything that prevents me from dying here. If anyone is willing to do that then send me a mail to quindo-ma@xxxxxx and we can talk about how to send it to me. Maybe even one or the other video tape over mail (I'd pay for it). I really need that help. If anyone knows how I could get a decoder for Sky1 then I'd be eternally grateful for that.
I know this may be not the right thing I should ask for here, but I am really starving here. All I can get are bits and chunks of info's about what happens and I don't think that I, as somebody who was born in the USA and can understand english almost perfectly (well at least concerning the things I could watch on TV), I really can't wait any longer til I finally find out what the hell is happening on BtVS. I really don't want to live any longer with only GERMAN! reruns of the second! season. Maybe I could accept that for the third season, but not for the second. Not as long as I know that SOMETHING is happening out there. I know a lot of facts about the 4th season but it's just not the same as seeing it in the full 45 minute version.

Ok if anyone is willing to help me in any way then mail me at quindo-ma@xxxxxx so that we can discuss it offlist, since this really isn't anything that concerns anyone else but me and those willing to help.

Ok I'm finished now and many, many thanx to everybody that can and wants to help me out of this misery, so that I don't feel like I'm cursed like Angel, who loses his soul after a instant of total happiness. I really don't think I deserve it to live almost 8 months, maybe even more, without new BtVS shows.

Thanx again for any help I get

(a cursed feeling) Quindo Ma


Seduce my mind and you can have my body... touch my soul and I'm yours forever.

Never Explain... your Friends do not need it and your Enemies will not believe you anyway.

Always remember the last thing you say to people each day. Because what if it happened to be the last thing you ever get to say to them?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive... trust your heart.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
All people are applauding, I can hear them... I like it. It's sooo great to be in the middle of everything. I want to hear more. But...
Damn just another dream... why can't this come true ;-(

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