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Re: [buffywantswillow] Spoiler: I Knew It!

On Tue, 9 May 2000 18:30:27 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>> Spoiler Space:
>> I
>> K
>> n
>> e
>> w
>> I
>> t
>> I
>> K
>> n
>> e
>> w
>> i
>> t
>> ..
>> I
>Shyfox, man - so right!! Riley was HOT (c'mon, he
>was...) but god - in cahoots with adam... and he's my
>bet... Spike is really a white hat after all - somes
>thru and all in the end.

I was so glad that Angel beat the crap out of Riley. Not so much
because I dislike Riley, but he's *human*. He shouldn't be out there
upstaging a vampire or a Slayer (like he did last week in NMR) in the
fight scenes.

Adam is dull. The whole Tony Robbins charisma thing really did not
pay off for me. It sounded so incongruous coming out of his mouth.
And Spike...I don't get his appeal. He always seemed like just a big
pain in the ass to me. :)

>And the "fight" - so NEEDED to happen and aint they
>all gonna fell like asses when they finally figure out
>they have been played for complete fools.

Agreed. The gang splits up, only to have them come back together
closer than ever, yadda yadda. At least, that's my hope. I'm also
hoping that Willow was being prophetic when she was talking about the
campus housing where you could get a whole bunch of people to go in on
the whole thing. Would be cool for the whole gang to live together,
and it would be nice to finally get Xander out of the basement.

>More spoilers for next week
>I was fine with the trailer for next week until they
>went all mystical - what? trying for the charmed
>crossover audience (I like charmed BTW) Willow is the
>magical one - does buffy really need to have that too?

I was immediately reminded of "The Matrix", which is a definite
possibility considering how much Joss has said he's loved that film.
But the whole "Buffy kicking Adam repeatedly" scene is straight out of
the Matrix, and the scene where Buffy stops that RPG by raising her
hand is very similar too (the doves were a nice touch, tho).

The previews wowed me. Which is really saying something. I can
hardly wait for next week now.

Willow: "We have to face it, you can't handle Tara being my girlfriend!"
Xander: "No, it was bad before that, since you two went off to college and 
forgot about me, left me in the basement to--Tara is your girlfriend?!"
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx
*web: http://www.heckman.net/erin

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