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Re:List Blackout?? (now a challenge!!!)

*waves at Bill*

Hidey Ho Bill.....! I'm still here. I think everyone went catatonic or
something...either that or they're all mourning the willow/Tara relationship...cuz that
means no more Buffy/Willow subtext....ahh..tis all good...anyhoo...yeah..I've tried mouth
to mouth, a defribulator...even concidered dancing around a campfire naked but then
thought that would definitly shock them all into non-verbalness forever! lol.....I've
posted challenges and songs and..ehh..what's a step-listmom to do? I mean short of
whipping the sibs with wet noodles while singing 'oh my darlin clemintine'. *big
sigh*.....wish Rod was around..he'd stir things up...if not, at least I'd be getting my
love letters again from him....*sigh* (sound of me sighing again)...oh well....here's a


Write Buffy's reaction to Willow's little "It's complicated because of Tara" speach. Give
it angst, give it tears!!! Show me the slayer's pain damn it!! gimme somethin other than
static and no email from my two favorite lists! Come on guys...you can do it! Anti up
and get back into action...we have a whole summer to fill up with wonderful angsty love
stories about willow and buffy.

And my last challenge still stands. Write the next installment of The Road Series. I
double dog dared you people and you haven't taken up on it yet? Sheesh...come on
kids...get those keyboards humming!!!!

Your humble bard and Rod's secret love slave,
Shadowlander's #1 fan and her 'Official Un-Official Idea Bouncer Offer'
Pat Kelly's #1 fan and his 'Offical scene runner-by'er'
- - - - - - - -
"One out of every ten people is born to give the other nine trouble. Guess what number I
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty
girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."
"They say that love hides behind every corner... am I walking in circles?"
- - - - - - - -

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