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RE: [buffywantswillow] FF: NKA

Awesome need more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christeen Demons [mailto:Shyfox30@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 1:03 AM
To: buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [buffywantswillow] FF: NKA

Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story belong to Joss...the rest,

well...I'll let you know at the end.:-) I prefer to keep it a surprise for 
as long as I can.

This story is not part of my Sappho's spell series.

This is a Buffy/Willow story, but it may not appear that way at first.

Comments and criticisms are always welcome. Let me know what I'm doing 
right as well as wrong.:-) Every writer needs it.

NKA (No known Allergies)
Part One:

A tall, curvaceous blonde surveyed the loud, boisterous crowd that 
surrounded her with intelligent vibrant blue eyes. She noticed the young 
people on the dance floor, dancing to a wild beat that she could never hope 
to imitate. She had tried dancing once...but it had ended in a mishap and 
she hadn't tried it again. She doubted she would ever be able to relax her 
frame to be able to dance in that jumbled, erratic way, and she wasn't sure 
she would ever want to. Nobody she knew ever
danced in such a manner.

Her eyes moved from the dancing crowd to a table set away from the dance 
floor, and the people surrounding it. Her keen study into human interaction

was needed as she studied the four young people that convened there. A 
short blonde girl captured her attention right away, the tense lines in her 
bodies frame giving away her irritation, though the smile on her face belied

such emotion. The contrast was confusing, but she supposed the girl was 
trying to cover up her true emotion, the
one the white knuckles wrapped around her drinking cup gave away. If the 
girl had been squeezing the cup any harder, it surely would have shattered 
into peices.

The woman noticed how the young blonde's eyes seemed to keep flickering to 
the red headed girl sitting across from her, as if she wanted to maintain 
the contact but was afraid to let her eyes linger too long. From her human 
interaction studies, the woman thought that the young blonde held a secret 
attraction for the girl, but was afraid to reveal it. The woman wasn't sure

why she would be afraid to reveal such an attraction...surely it was 
acceptable in this day and age, as the
red headed girl's close proximity to another blonde headed girl gave 
evidence of. 'That must be it.' The woman thought to herself. The red 
headed girl must already be involved with the blonde she was sitting next 
to, and the other blonde must think that her affections wouldn't be
reciprocated or appreciated.

She noticed the fourth companion around the small table kept looking around 
the room, appearing to either be looking for someone to show up, or avoiding

the tension that the woman could sense in the group from her vantage point.

He was of an average height, not as tall as some of the men that she knew, 
but his looks were astheically pleasing: dark hair, and dark brown eyes set 
in a not too narrow face, being the described standards that most of the 
people she knew looked for in a mate.

She was startled as cool, calculating green eyes swept across the crowd in 
the room, before settling on hers for a brief period of time. The 
assignment she had been assigned to reared it's head as she stared into the 
green orbs, wondering briefly if she had been recognized. She waited
until they moved on, back to their impassive study of the red headed woman 
she sat next to, before she moved, standing from her seat and walking in the

direction of the pay phone.

"Hey! What's the hurry, Baby? I thought me and you could get better 
acquainted." An overzealous teenage male that had been observing her for 
some time from a dark corner, suddenly stepped into her path, blocking her 
progress with a hand on her shoulder.

"Please, remove your hand." The woman said, politely, keeping her voice low

hoping to avoid creating a scene.

"What? This hand? Why would I want to do that? You're nice...and soft..."

The obviously intoxicated male started feeling up and down her arm in a 
presumptious manner. His face turned bewildered as he felt something 
strange underneath the woman's blouse. "...and metal?"

"Remove your hand or I will remove your arm." The woman threatened in a low


"Hey...no problem lady...whatever you say." The teenager said, backing up 
rapidly from the blue fire in the woman's eyes. "Freak of nature." The guy

mumbled under his breath, while colliding with a dancing couple on the dance

floor. He apologized rapidly to the irate couple, then slipped into the 
crowd, leaving the befuddled couple behind to stare after him.

Said Freak of nature looked around the room to see if the scene had caused a

large amount of disturbance. The woman's eyes met an equally blue pair, and

she let her eyes fall demurely to the floor as she continued on her way to 
the pay phone.

Stepping up to the archaic mode of communication, the woman picked up the 
handset, then discretely hit the triangle shaped broach that was pinned to 
her blouse. "Seven to Voyager, please respond."

Disclaimer continued: The characters of Star trek Voyager belong of course 
to Paramount.
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