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The Old House by the Highway (The Will/Buffy lists Edition) (rated 12: )

The Old House by the Highway
by Ryan
Rating: 12 (British system)
E mail: ryan.hufton@xxxxxxxxxx or ryan.red@xxxxxxxxxx
1. Willow and co. are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and WB.
2. Song: GULF COAST HIGHWAY By Nanci Griffith
3. No copyright infringements intended.
Feedback: Please, please. I need feedback OK It makes me write more!
Summary: A Short piece to answer one of my own challenges.
Distribution: Just take and E-mail me OK :)

Willow looked at her grey haired wife, she smiled. As she remembered how
they fought to build a life together. The many jobs Buffy had done, in
their life together.

<Gulf Coast Highway he worked the rails
He worked the rice field with their cool dark wells
He worked the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico
The only thing we've ever owned is this old house here by the road.>

Willow felt her old bones moan at her. They had been married over 50 years.
Her hair had lost it's colour to the grey of age, with the passing of
seasons. She knew it was only a matter of time, before they would see all
their old friends again.

<And when he dies he says he'll catch some blackbirds wing
Then he will fly away to heaven come
Some sweet bluebonnet spring>

Buffy adjusted her glasses so she could see her wife. She knew she was
thinking about the past again. She remember how they lived life to the
full. How hard sometimes had been, but being with her, made it though worth

<She walked through spring time when I was home
The days were sweet our nights were warm>

She felt an ache in her heart, as she remembered that half the work she had
done took her away from her and their home. Their old house by the highway.

<The seasons change
The jobs would come
The flowers fade
And this old house felt so alone when the work took me away>

Buffy knew how much Willow missed many of her old childhood friends who had
crossed the great divide, into eternity.

<And when she dies
She says she'll catch some blackbird's wing
Then she will fly away to heaven
Come some sweet bluebonnet spring>

They both looked out over their garden, as the sun began to set. The scent
of flowers surrounded them.

<Highway ninety, the jobs are gone
We tend our garden
We set the sun
This is the only place on earth bluebonnets grow
And once a year they come and go
At this old house by the road>

They slowly sat down together to watch the sunset. Their eyes grew tired
and they lent against each other. Their eyes closed.

<And when we die
We say we'll catch some blackbird's wing
And we will fly away to heaven
Come some sweet bluebonnet spring>

A blackbird flew overhead.

A dark haired man slowly entered their garden. Angel saw his old friends
and knew they had been called home.

The End

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