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Re: [buffywantswillow] FIC: Afternoon at the Bronze (1/1)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: M.L. Tankesly 
To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx 
Cc: buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx ; SapphicSlayer@egroupscom 
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 7:18 AM
Subject: [buffywantswillow] FIC: Afternoon at the Bronze (1/1)

Greetings all...finally got a bit of relief from my "writer's block",
yay me! So I'm back and apparently just as strange as ever. *lol* So
without ado...enjoy.


Title: RS1: Afternoon at the Bronze (1/1)
Series: Part 1 of the "Reality Shift" series.
Author: Shadowlander
Email: Shadowlander1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - or - Tankesly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters commonly associated with

Buffy the Vampire Slayer; they are used without permission. No
copyright infringement is intended.
Pairing: B/W
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Alternate Universe type stuff, Faith is the slayer who killed
Master and Buffy is just a simple musician...yeah right! Everything
else is
a product of my rather unusual imagination. :)



"Ouch!..you son of a bit-" Buffy Summers growled jerking away from
the mangled patch of wires and transistors formerly known as the
amplifier that powered her guitar. "Useless piece of-" she continued to

mutter in French adding several rather colourful and somewhat
impossible curses for good measure about the physical well-being of the
makers of the ancient sound equipment. Tossing aside her screwdriver in

> snip

The End.

Well, not really, this story is continued in "A Night in the Library"
second story in the Reality Shift series as well as the rest of the
itself as the Slayer and her band of misfits try to keep the hellmouth
going nova on them. Anyone interested in seeing how the rest of the
ride is like?

Raises hand while yelling: "Me, me, me!"



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