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Re: [buffywantswillow] Fic: A Shower...and more? NC-17

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Quindo Ma 
To: ~Egroups BuffywantsWillow~ 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 5:16 PM
Subject: [buffywantswillow] Fic: A Shower...and more? NC-17

Title: A Shower... and more?
Author: Quindo Ma
Rating: NC-17 PWP
Summary: Buffy and her.. ah.. roommate *g* share a shower... and maybe a little more.
Pairing: Let that be a secret for now ok?
Spoilers: None but I'm using an idea from Sanctuary.
Feedback: Now if you think that an author could live without... then you have no idea why I actually have written this. Everything to quindo-ma@xxxxxx . FLAMES will all be deleted and consequently ignored!!
Distribution: Jen (although I doubt that this'll land on your site*g*), Gary, Bill and Quentin. All others who want to archive this fic, tell me the site you want to archive it on and I'll say yes.
Disclaimer: Buffy, Willow and co. belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy Inc., etc. etc., I just know I don't own them.

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Hope you all enjoyed it. This is my first real NC-17 fic and I at least hope that it is good.

Well, I liked it... a lot! Keep those fics coming!


Faith: "Nicely diverted, B." 
Buffy: "Diverted? That was me fighting for my life, Miss Attention Span." 
Faith: "This isn't a Tupperware party. It's a little hard to plan." 
Buffy: "The count of three isn't a plan. It's Sesame Street." 

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