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Feed the Bards and I need fic help

Jim, I love "Planet of Darkness" it's going great so far and I'm glad
someone picked up the uber gauntlet. I counting the minutes until Part 3
comes out.
Actually, there are tons of authors to say 'great job guys (and ladies
of course) but since Windows95 crashed and took all my files I have nothing
to refer to. So all authors please feel free to insert your name after the
phrase "great job, I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.........and
your story soon."

Christeen, I believe you were writing "NKA", the Buffy/ST:V crossover,
which I loved so far. Could you do me a favour and sent the parts you've
posted to me privately. I lost all the posts you had put up. My addy is

Shyfox or Kimly, I'm not sure which of you wrote "Unexpected
Surprises", could you let me know where that and the preceeding stories are
so I can go get them. I lost the addy, when Win95 died. Thanks.


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