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FIC:BtSV:Watcher Returns

TITLE: BtSV:The Watcher Returns
AUTHOR: Ralf Quimby
ARCHIVE:Be my guest. Just let me know
DISCLAIMER:Joss invented the people, place, and things. I invented
this story and one vampire.

Giles answers his door, Quentin Travers is there with a young looking

"May we come in?" asks the watcher.

"Oh very well, come in." Giles reluctantly agrees. "What brings you
here?" pointing to a chair.

"Buffy, how did you get that name?" asks Willow. "It's something
I've always wondered, but never had the nerve to ask."

"Mom needed drugs when I was born." she explains. "She was still woozy
when they asked her what name to put on the birth certificate. It was
supposed to be Elizabeth, but came out Buffy."

A female vampire jumps out of a tree landing behind Willow.
"Oooo, lunch!" gloats the vampire. She moves fast grabbing Willow and
biting her on the neck. She then gets a disgusted look on her face.

"What have you been eating?" she yells spitting. "I haven't ever
tasted anything that bad."

"I married a vampire." is the answer as Willow kicks loose. "My veins
are hers alone."

Buffy stakes the vampire and they continue patrolling.
"Gretchen, if you would be so kind?" Travers asks the woman, who
proceeds to deck Giles.

When he wakes up he is tied to a chair. "What the bloody hell are
you doing?" he demands.

"That slayer of yours needs to be under better control." Travers
responds. "Wesley was even less able than you to accomplish this.
Fortunately we have a last ditch method."
The two women have finished patrolling and are heading to Giles' to
report. They walk in to find Giles tied to a chair.

"Gretchen, get her." orders Travers.

The woman attacks Buffy. She knocks Buffy into a wall, where she lays
stunned for a second. Gretchen vamps out and moves to bite Buffy on
the neck.

"She cannot actually drink her blood, but if she lets her bleed almost
to death it works just as well for turning her." explains the watcher.

"What are you talking about?" demands the ex-watcher.

"The way to control an unruly slayer is to make a vampire, and then
bond her to her watcher. That is you." answers Travers. "Relax I am
doing you a favor. I am making you immortal."

Meanwhile Gretchen has been clobbered ,less than successfully, by
Willow and responds by clobbering her back. Buffy sees this, vamps
out and attacks Gretchen.

The two vampires fight getting the attention of Travers who sees
Buffys game face.

"What happened to her?" demands the surprised watcher. "Who did this,
and how many has she killed?"

"She hasn't killed anyone." answers Willow. "We restored her soul."

"And what happens when she has that moment of pure happiness?" asks
the watcher.

Buffy finally gets the upper hand and kicks Gretchen into the wall,
where she lays unconscious. She then falls over herself.

Willow hurries to the side of her injured partner. "Are you OK?"
she asks holding her.

"I need my Willow." she murmurs then bites Willows neck. Willow
responds by holding her head in place.

A few minutes later Buffy stops drinking and stands up mostly
recovered. She grins at Willow then unties Giles.

"You stupid girl!" yells Travers. "Look what you've done to that
girl." pointing at Willow who stands up rubbing her neck with a
goofy grin on her face.

"What has she done?" Willow asks curiously. "I feel fine."

"How...what?" Travers stammers. "How did you recover so fast?"

"Shouldn't you be seeing to your friend?" interrupts Giles pointing at

"She will be alright!" he responds.

"Who is she?" asks Buffy.

"There was a slayer named Gretchen in Victorian England." answers
Giles. "I thought the fact that her watcher was named Quentin Travers
was a coincidence until now."

"What are they doing here?" asks Willow who has found something to

"They wanted to control Buffy by turning her and bonding her to me."
he says with a slight grin.

"Too bad, she's mine." asserts the hacker. "And I like her the way she

Gretchen stands on shaky legs. She looks around then follows her
instincts, grabbing Travers and biting him.

"Gretchen, stop." yells the watcher. "You don't know what you are
do...Oh dear GOD! That feels good."

"Get a room, you two." grins Buffy.

"Why?" Gretchen asks finally looking up.

"Look at him, he wants it."

Gretchen looks hard at the watcher and finally sees. "Damn, viagra
didn't work that well!"

"You mean, you never!" Willow can't believe what she is hearing. "Why

"Because it isn't proper." Travers answers.

"You are married." points out Giles. "And within a marriage.."

"What do you eat?" queries Buffy.

"He fills a mug, and I drink from that." responds the older vampire.

"We keep a bottle on ice. But that is for emergencies." says Buffy.
"Straight from the source tastes much better, and leads to faster
healing. Not to mention is a big turn on." she continues grinning.

Gretchen listens then grabs Travers. "Come, Quentin, we are going to
the hotel. Now!"

Travers is dragged out complaining, but not to loudly, by his
The next evening, Travers calls Giles, sounding tired.

"...six times! That's more..."

"Than I need to know." interrupts Giles. Hearing a knock, he continues
"I must go, there is someone at the door."

He opens the door to find a delivery man. "Sign here please." He
shoves a clipboard in Giles face. Giles signs and gets an envelope
in return.
To Rupert Giles
>From Watchers Council
Subject Quentin Travers

It has come to our attention that Quentin Travers was a watcher during
the reign of Queen Victoria.

At that time he created the test known as 'Cruciamentum'. In all that
time only one slayer has survived it, Buffy Summers.

As a result he is dismissed from the council.

As a further result of the above your dismissal as a watcher is

We will not try to give orders. Your slayer works better that way.
However we will give assistance when needed.

Barnabas Collins:First Speaker Watchers Council

PS Welcome back Rupert
It has gotten late and Giles just sits there. He has a look of
contentment on his face.
Betcha thought I meant that bastard Travers.

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