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FIC: The Ties That Bind (7/?)

Just kidding.

This fic has gotten a less than stellar response from these two lists so
I'm pulling it and I'm not going to post it here anymore. I've gotten
some (i.e. SEVERAL) veiled flames and not so veiled flames OFF-list and
I'm quite frankly not up to dealing with it. This has been a loose list
in the past...after all, Pat posted his Buffy/Faith fic here and I
thought you guys would stick with me on this one. Oh well. Such is
life. If you are interested in seeing the rest of the story, please
check my site Kimber's Corner or Exquisite Coalescence for updates as I
am posting it there as it is being written. I am also posting it to
WillFic, WillowSlashFic, SapphicSlayer and WillTara...these are other
Mailing Lists from EGroups. Before I get bombarded with questions let
me answer them now:

1. No, you can't know the names of the flamers but I will say that it
was a few regulars which hurts me, 

2. No, I won't email the story to you when I send it to the list. Check
the sites I mentioned or the mailing lists. 

3. If I sound miffed and disjointed about this then you're probably


(sig is disgruntled....hrumph)

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