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Re: [buffywantswillow] General Announcements

At 05:27 PM 6/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Greetings list-kids!

>I really hope this club thing can take off....we will be able to banter
>ideas back and forth and perhaps even form some alliances for joint fics
>(god help Rod if/when that happens) in the future. I myself have agreed
>to a joint fic with another listmember (HEATHER WHERE ARE YOU!!!???) and
>have some wonderful torturous ideas in mind when we get together and
>actually start writing. So you see...I haven't given up on you guys at
>all...as a matter of fact, I'm stepping up my listmum duties two-fold
>and have many wonderful things in store for you guys. *insert evil
>laughter here*

Speaking of joint fics, what ever happened to the Buffy/Xena crossover fic
that someone was doing as a joint fic? I've had a very long day, and I
can't remember who was writing it at the moment, or where I filed the
bookmark for it, but I do remember that they forgot to finish it. As both a
Buffy and a Xena fan, I'd like to see the rest of that someday.

tater (Vegetables of the world unite!)

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