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Stones In The Road

by Boo

Stones In The Road Part 4


Stones In The Road


"It's been so long since I've touched
So long since I wanted
Then you made me laugh
And my heart opened...
Please forgive me
I don't know what to do
It's an old fire
This familiar desire
But my skin is painfully new" - Melissa Etheridge


"Xander, why aren't you out there with happy feet? Go make with the flirting," encouraged Willow, glancing past him at the crowded dance floor.

"Nah. My heart's just not in it tonight," sighed Xander, not even considering her suggestion. He took a sip of his beer, almost as uninterested in drinking as he was in dancing.

"I hear ya," sighed Willow in dejected agreement. "My booty don't want no shaking tonight. Still, being here beats staying home and watching Demi Moore cry in Ghost for the umpteenth time."

"Or renting the Wedding Planner again," countered Xander.

"For example," nodded Willow approvingly.

"Still, doesn't mean we can't have some fun," smiled Xander.

"Such as?"

"Well...we could go down to the corner gas station and see if the new Playboy came out yet," grinned Xander.


"Oh, methinks you doth protest too much," said Xander with mock surprise.

"Not at all. But don't be silly, all the new magazines come out on Monday," explained Willow.

"Oh. Right," smiled Xander awkwardly. "I, uh, knew that."

"Uh-huh," responded Willow doubtfully.

"Guess that only leaves..."

"You mean?" asked Willow suspiciously, hinting at a smile.

"I mean," nodded Xander. "It's time to rate that girl. You first."

"Me? Oh, alright." Willow scanned the room, her eyes pausing every so often on a likely candidate.


"I'm looking!" snapped Willow, finally settling on someone. "I'd suggest that attractive redhead over there by the band, but you have a notorious track record of not noticing attractive redheads."

"And the more attractive they are, the less I seem to notice them," smiled Xander. Willow smiled gratefully in return and winked at him.

"You know what's scary?"

"That rather tall looking brunette over there?" suggested Xander timidly.

"No, and don't be rude! What's scary is that you and I have very similar taste in women."

"We do?" said Xander slowly, contemplating the consequences of that theory.

"We both noticed April the robot," said Willow, making quotation marks with her fingers when saying the word noticed.

"Not to mention Dawn the last time she was here," frowned Xander.

"Don't remind me," grimaced Willow.

"So that's your track record? Two equates a similar taste in the female form?" asked Xander.

"Just saying," shrugged Willow.

"Wait a minute. Common interest, similar taste...someone we both know," pondered Xander. Willow's eyes grew wide with a sudden fear.


"What?" cringed Willow.

"Is this where you tell me about having a crush on Anya?"

Willow's head snapped up as if she had been slapped.

"Wh-what? Huh? What are you..."

Xander's laughter interrupted Willow and brought a red color to her cheeks.

"Bastard," muttered Willow under her breath even as she tried not to smile.

"How about that brunette over there," said Willow, nodding in the direction of the front door.

"Hmm, possibly...but on closer inspection I'd say there's a hint of Cordelia in the way she struts."

"I'm thinking it's the awkward walking in high heels more than a strut, but I see your point," agreed Willow.

"How about her?" suggested Xander. Willow followed his gaze and immediately frowned.

"Possible jailbait with a fake I.D.," dismissed Willow. And then her face lit up. "You know, twins are always fun."

Xander quickly snapped his head around but didn't see who Willow was talking about. When he looked back at her Willow had a much too innocent grin on her face.

"Didn't say they were here, silly," teased Willow.

"That's so not fair," protested Xander meekly.

"Sorry," apologized Willow, finishing her drink. "And don't think I'm done getting my retribution over that Anya remark."

She looked over to the bar to see how long the line was and noticed a blonde with her back to them. Glancing back at Xander, she waited for him to look at her as he searched the room.

"How 'bout that blonde over by the bar?" asked Willow. Xander looked and smiled approvingly.

"Nice butt," grinned Xander.

"Oh yeah," replied Willow a bit too enthusiastically. Xander raised his eyebrows at her.

"Is that what you notice first in a girl?" asked Xander, genuinely interested. Willow twisted her neck to look back at the girl.

"No. It's the eyes. Always the eyes," answered Willow, her smile slowly vanishing. "What about you?"

"Promise you won't laugh?" asked Xander, finishing his beer.

"No," replied Willow with a straight face.

"Fine. I'll tell you anyway. Her smile."


Xander nodded.

"Aw, that's so cute!"

"Yeah, that's what I was going for. Cute. Macho being so overrated these days," mocked Xander.

"Seriously, you noticed Anya's smile first?"

"Well, no. It was more her standing naked in my basement with her dress pooled around her ankles on the floor."

It was Willow's turn to raise her eyebrows.


"Huh?" repeated Xander.

"Just thinking. You and I found our loves so differently. You and Anya, it was more of a physical thingy which grew into love and friendship. Tara and I were friends first which grew into love and that physical thingy," smiled Willow wistfully. It took a moment for her to realize that Xander seemed uncomfortable...though she immediately understood why. She had mentioned Tara's name. Out loud.


"Again with the huh," commented Xander.

"Just wondering. You and Buffy. Friends at first...what if she had agreed to go to that dance with you a thousand years ago. What if..."

Willow didn't finish and her eyes weren't entirely focused on Xander.

"Where you going with this, Will?"

"Like I said, just wondering. If you two had been a couple, had been happy...what would've happened to us, to the gang, if you guys broke up or, or if it didn't work out? I mean, look at your friendship, look at what you could be risking, what you could lose," said Willow, real pain in her voice.

"Excuse me, present tense here? It's would have lost, not could lose. Cupid isn't shooting any arrows in that direction these days," laughed Xander.

"Oh. Right," said Willow with a forced laugh. "Of course."

"Besides, I guess we'll never know. I had that spark, the butterflies in the stomach every time she walked into the room. But she didn't. It wasn't meant to be," shrugged Xander.

Willow smiled, staring at her empty cup.

"Yeah. I get that," she whispered distantly. Xander scrunched up his face, wondering what Willow meant.


Willow looked up at him.

"Don't look now, but that blonde you were checking out before is walking over here," said Xander, looking past her. Willow turned and looked over her shoulder.

"Damn butterflies," whispered Willow to herself.

"Hey. Sorry I took so long, that line was like forever. And might I add that chivalry is officially declared dead. There were at least two guys up there that could've let me go ahead of them and didn't," said Buffy as she settled three full cups on the table in front of Willow. "I must be losing it. Am I losing it?"

"Huh?" tried Willow, reaching for one of the cups.

"My flirting skills. Those guys didn't so much as blink," pouted Buffy.

"Maybe they were a couple," said Willow. Buffy tilted her head just a bit.

"Oh. Hmm, hadn't thought of that. But thanks for stroking my ego," smiled Buffy.

"A couple of what?" asked Xander, perplexed.

"Here's to stroking," toasted Willow as she raised her glass, only just then realizing what she had said. "Um, I, I meant...well, you haven't lost it. The flirting. Not that your stroking leaves anything to be...okay, shutting up now."

Willow hid her face behind her cup as she drank. Buffy smiled and pushed a cup towards Xander.

"To stroking," giggled Buffy as she raised her cup to her lips.

"I'll drink to that," grinned Xander.

"Hey. What's with the long faces? Why aren't you out there dancing?"

"Just not up for it tonight," shrugged Xander.

"What he said," nodded Willow.

Buffy frowned and put her hands on her hips.

"What's with you two? I said we needed a night out to have some fun and fun will be had. You telling me that with that drool-worthy outfit no one asked you to dance yet?" asked Buffy, her eyes on Xander.

"Well, technically, I didn't ask her...but she didn't ask me either," replied Xander weakly, avoiding Buffy's stare.

"Oh, not that we aren't having fun!" said Willow.

"Right!" added Xander. "Why, we were just..."

Xander hesitated, seeing Willow shake her head vigorously at him.


"Just what?" asked Buffy, glancing from Xander to Willow and back.

"Oh, you know, just people watching, learning the newest dance craze," smiled Willow. Buffy rolled her eyes and sat down in the chair next to Willow.

"You were playing rate that girl again, weren't you?" admonished Buffy.

"What? Why Buffy, I'm shocked! You think we'd stoop so low as to judge people simply by their looks?" asked Xander in astonishment.

"Never. So who's the cream of the crop tonight?" asked Buffy, taking a gulp of beer from her cup.

"Pretty even field tonight," sighed Willow. She froze with a look from Buffy.

"Hey, wait a minute...I was out there!"

"Um, ya know, I suddenly feel like dancing. C'mon," said Willow, standing and grabbing Buffy's hand. "I'll show ya how it's done."

Buffy barely had time to put her cup down as Willow pulled her out onto the not too crowded dance floor. Yet almost as soon as they had begun to dance the song ended. The band didn't get much applause and as if they were accustomed to that quickly began another song. A very slow song.

"Damn. Guess we'll have to sit this one out. I was just getting warmed up too," pouted Willow.

"So dance with me," said Buffy nonchalantly. It took a moment for Willow to register what she had said.

"Buffy, there's not a lot of couples on the floor. People are going to be staring at us," warned Willow, her voice not much more than a whisper.

"So? You know anyone here? I don't. Never really cared what strangers thought of me. Do you?"

"Um, no...no, I guess not," shrugged Willow.

"Hey, you promised me a dance. C'mon, show me your moves! They'll probably play another fast one right after this anyway," encouraged Buffy.

"Okay," smiled Willow weakly. "What the hell!"

Willow reached out and intertwined the fingers of her left hand into those of Buffy's right hand. An awkward movement of their arms, a few seconds to get positioned, and then Willow slipped her arm around Buffy's waist, leaving Buffy to wrap her arm around Willow's shoulder. Willow glanced over at Xander, catching his eye...and the way he looked at her seemed familiar somehow...

She was wearing a black sleeveless dress, he a borrowed tuxedo. And they were dancing. Close. Very close. Xander slowly leaned his head down to her, and she responded instinctively, without thinking, angling her lips up to his, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do...

And then Willow was looking at Buffy. A very motionless Buffy. Whether it had been Willow's hesitation or the closeness of their bodies, something was different. Gone was the confidence in her eyes, the bravado, even though she was smiling. She felt Buffy's hand tremble on her back. Willow opened her mouth to tell Buffy that she didn't have to do this, that she didn't have to prove anything...but instead her lips curled up into a smile. And Willow simply nodded once to calm her, to reassure her.

Willow eased Buffy a little closer to her, meeting just the slightest resistance as they began to sway back and forth. Buffy's palm was sweaty but the tenseness Willow had felt before melted away. She tried to look at Buffy without her noticing, glancing up and then looking down at their feet, repeating this once, twice. Buffy responded by resting her head on Willow's shoulder.

"You like what I'm wearing?" asked Willow softly.

"Oh yeah. Gonna break some hearts tonight. Even more so when the guys find out you play for the other team," smiled Buffy.

Willow didn't say anything but Buffy was suddenly just a little more aware of Willow's hand across her waist. She nestled her head comfortably against Buffy's shoulder. They moved in time to the music, neither leading, neither following.

"You've done this before, haven't you?" whispered Buffy into Willow's ear.

"What...danced with a girl?" asked Willow, her eyes just slightly more open than a moment before.

"Nooo. Even I've done that before," laughed Buffy.

"Don't remind me," sighed Willow. Buffy hesitated, unsure if Willow's tone held bitterness or jealousy. She had only told Willow about dancing with Faith. Willow had never seen them together...had she? Buffy pulled her head back, catching Willow's eye, taking in a shallow breath.

"I meant...you've tried to seduce a girl before," said Buffy with a straight face.

Even though the song wasn't over, Willow stopped dancing. Her eyes were intent on Buffy, her face expressionless. Buffy blushed.

"Sorry," cringed Buffy. "I was going for the funny. You know, a watch your expression thingy. I should've..."

Buffy stared at Willow but her friend's expression never changed. Once again she pulled Willow close and began to dance, though this time she had to nudge Willow into following her lead.

"Sorry," whispered Buffy, her head on Willow's shoulder.


"W-what?" stammered Buffy, pulling her head back.

"No, I've never tried to seduce a girl before. When you asked me if I've done this before...I thought you were going to ask me if I've ever fallen for a girl before."

And now Buffy stopped dancing. Her mouth slightly open, she glanced away but then again looked up at Willow, narrowing her eyes. The song ended and the couples on the floor began to head back to their seats.

"Thanks for the dance, Buffy," smiled Willow as she pulled away, their fingers slipping apart.

"Um, yeah, I uh...oh, hey, I get it. You wanted to see my reaction, right? Just like me. Had me going there for a moment, Will. Willow? Hey, wait up!"

Xander intercepted Buffy before she got back to the table.


"Huh? What?"

Xander looked at a couple just leaving the Bronze through the front door. The guy seemed just a little too eager to leave. Buffy followed his gaze.

"Vamp. Good catch."

"Right. So maybe someone should, oh, I don't know, maybe stake him?" suggested Xander.

"Right. And that someone would be me," said Buffy, her eyes on Willow. "This shouldn't take long."

"It's okay, Buffy. I'll make sure Xander gets home safely," smiled Willow.

"Yeah, I...hey, wait a minute," complained Xander.

"Gotta run," yelled Buffy over her shoulder. She paused at the door and looked back at Willow. And Buffy smiled when she saw that Willow was still watching her.


Xander kept glancing at Willow as they walked home. Even though she knew he was doing it she ignored him, though there was just a hint of a smile on her lips.

"That was some dance," commented Xander, looking straight ahead.

"Oh? How so?" asked Willow innocently.

"Oh, come on now! Two girls slow dancing together, cheek to cheek, hand to hand, bosom to..."

"Someone sounds jealous," teased Willow.

"Not at all!" protested Xander. "I just hope I'm there the next time you two tango."

"And what makes you think there'll be a next time?" asked Willow, suddenly intently interested in his answer.

"One can always hope," grinned Xander.

"Xander, Buffy wanted to dance. The song ended and she, being full of mischief girl, wanted to see what I would do when that slow song started. I think she was mortified when I took her up on her dare," smirked Willow.

Xander didn't answer but there was a smile on his face.

"You're still thinking about us, aren't you?" scolded Willow.

"Guilty as charged," laughed Xander.

"Hey, it wasn't as bad as that time she danced with you. Remember? When she got back from Los Angeles?"

"Oh yeah," agreed Xander, smiling even more now. Willow rolled her eyes.

"You're hopeless!"

"That's my middle name. Xander Hopeless Harris," nodded Xander.


Buffy paused for a moment and leaned against the wall, instantly regretting it. A sharp pain stabbed across her shoulder and down her arm. She winced, grinding her teeth so as not to cry out and wake anyone. Her right arm hung down by her side and she held it against her with her left hand. Taking a deep breath, she eased her left foot onto the first stair but hesitated, waiting for the dizziness to pass.


"Oh, hey Willow. Didn't know you were still up."

By the way Buffy stiffly turned to face her, Willow knew something was wrong.

"Couldn't sleep. You're hurt," said Willow, stating the obvious. She walked over to Buffy and stood next to her, unsure of what to do.

"It's not bad. Really. Got slammed against a tombstone," sighed Buffy. "But you should see the other guy. Oh, wait! You can't, 'cause he's dust now."

"Let me help you upstairs," offered Willow, smiling her approval.

"Thanks. I'm thinking a hot bath might be just what I need."

Willow wrapped her arm around Buffy's waist, careful not to touch her arm, and Buffy leaned against her, one arm across Willow's shoulders.

"Want some aspirin?" asked Willow.

"Bring the bottle," nodded Buffy, wincing as they made their way awkwardly up the stairs. Willow smacked the light on with one hand guided her over to the bed, worried even more now because Buffy seemed to be leaning on her with most of her weight.

"Here, sit," ordered Willow, easing her down. "You sure it's only your arm?"

"Yeah. I just landed wrong. A little soaking in hot water is just what I need," smiled Buffy, trying to calm Willow's fears.

"Okay, I'll go run the bath."

"Thanks," nodded Buffy. She heard the water running and Willow opening the medicine cabinet as she unbuttoned her blouse with her left hand. When she looked up she saw Willow standing there with a paper cup full of water and two aspirin in her palm.

Buffy took the aspirin but grimaced as she reached for the cup with her right hand.

"I'll hold the cup," frowned Willow. Glancing down at Buffy's open blouse, she was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Thanks," smiled Buffy, tossing the aspirin into her mouth. She waited a moment but Willow, distracted, just stood there. Buffy waved her hand and pointed to her mouth.

"Oh! Sorry," winced Willow, lifting the cup to her mouth so she could drink. Finished, Buffy slowly stood up from the bed.

"The bath will be ready in another minute or two," said Willow. "I made sure the water was hot."

"Thanks. Could you, uh, help me here?" asked Buffy, shimmying her shoulders to slip free of her blouse.

"Oh. Sure," nodded Willow, trying not to look at her friend's chest. Sensing her discomfort, Buffy hesitated but then awkwardly covered herself with her left arm. Willow tugged the blouse free from her right arm and tossed it onto the bed.

"Willow, could you do me one more favor?"

Willow glanced down at Buffy's pants and blushed.

"Um, no," smiled Buffy, trying not to laugh. "I can wiggle out of these. My robe is hanging in the closet. Could you get it for me?"

"Oh. Robe. Right. Of course," nodded Willow, rolling her eyes and quickly walking over to the closet. Buffy bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Willow came back and handed her the tericloth robe.

"Thanks. I think I can manage the rest," teased Buffy.

"You sure?" countered Willow doubtfully, again glancing down at Buffy's pants. It was Buffy's turn to roll her eyes. "Call me if you need help with the wiggling or maybe if you want your back washed."

Before Buffy could answer, Willow walked past her, heading for the door.

"Where are you..."

"Be right back," answered Willow.

Puzzled, Buffy went into the bathroom and automatically reached to close the door behind her but paused, glancing back in the direction Willow had gone. With a smile known only to her, Buffy left the door open.


Head leaning back against the tub, her eyes closed, Buffy almost dozed off. She shook her head, realizing that the silence around her was what had both let her drift off and had woken her.

"Willow? Hey, you hiding out there? Wanna help me with my hair?"

Buffy waited but heard nothing. Tapping her fingers on the edge of the tub, she slowly exhaled, puffing out her cheeks. She turned her hand over and saw how wrinkled her fingertips were.

"You can lead a horse to water," sighed Buffy as she stepped out of the tub and toweled herself off. Wrapping herself snugly into her robe, she heard Willow walk into the room. Buffy glanced into the mirror, only then realizing that she had been pouting. With a shrug she smiled and walked into the bedroom, feigning surprise at seeing Willow. She was sitting on the bed, obviously trying not to smile.

"What?" asked Buffy suspiciously, sitting down at her dresser.

"I made you something," said Willow proudly, holding up what looked like a toothpaste tube.

"Isn't that just one of those sport creams? You know, for achy muscles?"

"Well, yes, but I added a little something to make it more, um, effective," explained Willow.

"You mean magic," said Buffy.

"For example," grinned Willow.

"Thanks. Let me just brush my hair first," said Buffy, turning to face the mirror. She picked up a brush and winced in pain even as she raised it towards the side of her head.

"Here, let me," offered Willow, quickly getting up. She took the brush and stroked Buffy's hair, gently tugging any pulls free, wincing herself when she hit a snag.

"Sorry," apologized Willow.

"No need to...I mean, thanks. Really. For everything," smiled Buffy. Willow smiled in return, their eyes meeting in the mirror. Willow kept brushing her hair but didn't look away at first, her gaze lingering as Buffy watched her. Almost blushing, Willow concentrated on what she was doing. Buffy closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the brush, the rhythym of Willow's strokes. Willow's body pressed against her back and she felt the heat from her friend's body, warm, so close. Buffy's eyes snapped open, remembering who she was with and yet uncertain why she had suddenly held back, had pulled away from what felt so good.

Willow paused, then put the brush down, leaning into Buffy even more as she reached across. Distracted by Buffy's gaze, the brush almost fell off the edge of the dresser and they both reached for it at the same time. Their hands touched. Neither one moved.

"I'll, um, get that cream. Oh, I made it lavender scented. No need for it to be smelly for it to work."

Willow picked up the tube, fumbled with it and almost dropped it, covering up her embarrassment by smiling. Buffy spun around in her chair to face Willow.

"Here, let's just push that robe back a bit so I can get at that shoulder," said Willow. Buffy sat still, letting Willow open her robe. She watched as Willow spread some of the cream into one palm and rub her hands together. As soon as her hand touched her skin, Buffy felt a warmth spread into her shoulder. She closed her eyes in appreciation.

"Mmm, Willow, I'm not sure what mojo you worked, but that feels good."

Willow put both hands on Buffy's arm now and Buffy pushed her other shoulder free, letting the robe droop down her back. Willow still worked the cream in but slowed her motion, leaning forward, her face now close to Buffy's. Buffy opened her eyes and smiled as Willow slowed even more, her fingers barely moving.

"Better?" asked Willow, trying not to look down.

"Much," nodded Buffy imperceptibly, nervously swallowing. "You feel...I mean, it feels...good. What you're doing. Good."

"Yeah. I, uh, thought it would feel...work! I meant work," corrected Willow, so close now her hair brushed against Buffy's neck.

Buffy reached up, touching Willow's wrist and Willow froze. She turned her head but didn't pull away, looking into Buffy's eyes. Ever so slowly she leaned closer, her lips almost brushing against Buffy's lips, but she hesitated. Buffy inched forward as if to kiss her but she too wavered, waiting. Their lips almost touching, Willow tilted her head, her breath puffing against Buffy's cheek.

"Buffy, if we..."

"I know," whispered Buffy.


"I know," repeated Buffy even softer. And then her lips found Willow's. A first tentative touch, exploring, surprise at how soft her lips were, and then a real embrace as Willow finally responded. Each unsure of what to do with their hands, Willow rested one palm against Buffy's cheek, her other hand on Buffy's hip, Buffy in turn wrapping her hands behind Willow's head, gently pulling her forward.

Gasping, Buffy reluctantly broke the embrace to catch her breath. She smiled even as her lips trembled, shivered even though she wasn't cold. It took a moment for Willow to realize that Buffy was...nervous. No, more than nervous. It was an emotion she rarely saw in the Slayer, one that Willow refused to give a name to. But this wasn't the Slayer now, this was Buffy.

Willow leaned forward, kissing Buffy's forehead, letting her lips find their way down Buffy's cheek. Her hand cupped Buffy's face as her lips hesitated before Buffy's mouth, first brushing against her upper lip, then tugging gently on her lower lip. And Willow felt a smile form under her kiss, knew that Buffy's body was no longer shaking. Buffy lowered one hand, found Willow's hand on her hip and slipped her fingers into her own.

Willow opened her mouth slightly, intensifying the kiss, the sensation hinting at the familiar yet oh so new. Oxygen became an issue and she reluctantly pulled back.


"Huh?" managed Willow, her eyes unfocused.

"One of us here is almost naked and the other one is kinda not."

"Oh," grinned Willow, looking down. "And I'm guessing that red flannel PJs do not sexy lingerie make."

"Don't sell yourself short," said Buffy, touching her nose to Willow's. Willow began to unbutton her top but Buffy stopped her.

"Let me," offered Buffy, eliciting the smallest of smiles from Willow. Buffy undid the last button and looked up at Willow, keeping her eyes on her as she pushed her top past her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. And then Buffy stood up, waiting for Willow to make the next move. She reached for the knot holding Buffy's robe together and playfully tugged at it, leaving the robe open and loose, though Buffy kept it from dropping to the floor by pressing her elbows against her sides. Willow adjusted the robe so that it hung from her shoulders and then wrapped her arms around Buffy, hugging her.

"Nervous?" whispered Willow into her ear. Buffy leaned her head back just enough so that Willow could see her face but wouldn't look at her.

"Maybe a little," nodded Buffy, adding a shrug.

"Me too," admitted Willow softly. She slowly turned so that their lips were almost touching. Just before they kissed Buffy pulled back.

"Maybe we should..."

Buffy nodded in the direction of the bed behind them.

"Okay," murmured Willow, taking Buffy's hand into her own. Buffy sat on the edge of the bed, appreciating Willow's body but too embarrassed to stare. Willow sat next to her, one arm across her shoulders. She touched Buffy's cheek, her hand barely brushing across her skin. Turning her head ever so slightly, it was Buffy who sought out Willow's lips. This kiss wasn't as long as the first, but when Willow eased away, Buffy was smiling.

"Close your eyes," whispered Willow. Buffy did and felt her pulse quicken, throbbing against Willow's hand on her neck as she anxiously swallowed. Willow slipped Buffy's arms free from her robe, the white tericloth pooling around her hips as she gently eased Buffy back onto the bed.

"Keep them closed," said Willow, her voice full of promise.

Buffy simply nodded once. She felt Willow straddle her but didn't move. Willow brought her lips close to Buffy's mouth but didn't kiss her, moved to her cheek, her neck, barely touching her. A breath on her skin, a caress with hand held the same sensation as a kiss. Moving lower down, letting her hair drift across first one breast and then another, Willow both teased and yet relaxed her lover.

Buffy's lips parted, a single breath sharply drawn in, her fingers tensing, digging into the soft comforter beneath her...


Both wrapped in the bedsheet, Buffy rested her head on her pillow, the pillow they were now sharing, only inches away from Willow's face. Her lips moved, hinting at a smile. And Willow smiled back at her. She ran her fingers through Willow's hair, brushing it aside, playfully caressing it. Willow closed her eyes at the touch.

"That was...nice," whispered Buffy. Willow slowly opened one eye.

"Only...nice?" she teased.

"Okay, that was reeaaally nice," grinned Buffy. And Willow nodded in agreement.

"Oh yeah," breathed Willow, pressing her cheek against the warmth of Buffy's palm.

"Really? You're not just...I mean, I'm sorry I didn't...you know," winced Buffy.

"Oh, hey, don't be silly! One step at a time here, girlfriend," soothed Willow, smiling. "Gotta walk before you can run and all. No need to rush things."


"Buffy. Slow is nice too."

Willow reached out and brushed Buffy's bangs away from her eyes.

"Oh yeah!" giggled Buffy.

Willow winked her appreciation at Buffy's compliment.

"Girlfriend. You said...girlfriend," said Buffy, thinking about how that sounded.

"Yeah, I guess I did," laughed Willow. And then her smile faded away. "How do you feel about that?"

Buffy rolled over on to her back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm thinking I could get used to the sound of that," nodded Buffy, glancing back at Willow and reaching for her hand. "Um...again, sorry 'bout the fumbling around. Not that..."

"Hey. Fumbling around is very underrated and half the fun, girlfriend."

They didn't say anything, content to simply drift into each other's gaze, getting lost there. Willow swallowed and felt tears welling up at the corner of her eyes.


"Shh. It's getting late. We'll talk in the morning," promised Buffy, touching a finger to Willow's lips.

"Okay. But...can you stay with me? Might be awkward, what with Dawn, morning, raised eyebrows leading to questions leading to..."

"I'll stay."

Willow blinked, not sure if she had heard right.

"You sure? I mean, I want you to, but..."

Buffy leaned in and silenced Willow with a kiss, letting her lips linger for a moment. She pulled back and smiled as Willow took in a deep breath.



"Thank you," whispered Buffy.

Willow again felt her eyes becoming moist and she nuzzled against Buffy's shoulder, pulling her close.

"Here," said Buffy, wrapping Willow's arm around her waist as she turned her back and spooned against her.

Willow lay there, eyes wide open, just listening to Buffy breathe, taking in the scent of her hair, her body, squeezing her ever so slightly.


Willow had to swallow once to find her voice.

"Yeah?" came her whispered reply.

"I have a confession to make," said Buffy softly. Willow tensed, immediately hoping Buffy hadn't noticed.

"Okay," winced Willow. Buffy took a deep breath.

"My arm...it um...my arm didn't hurt as much as I let on."

Willow lay still until Buffy looked back...and saw Willow smiling.

"I know," nodded Willow.

Buffy raised her eyebrows in surprise and then smiled too. Willow leaned across and brushed her lips across Buffy's mouth.

"Goodnight," whispered Willow into her ear, settling back down against her back.


Buffy entwined her fingers between Willow's and then moved her hand up from her waist until Willow's hand covered her right breast, pressing her arm against her skin.

Willow didn't want to sleep, didn't want this moment to end. She held Buffy, listening to the stillness of the dark, feeling her chest rise and fall, her breath slowing, deepening, her body twitching slightly as she drifted into sleep. Comforted and warm, Willow snuggled close against her and closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep as well.


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