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Down Twisted

by drkdreamer

Chapter 20


Across town, Buffy Summers awoke just as the early morning sun began to spread it's light over Alexandra Robert's house. A quick glance at the old clock reveled it was now 6:45 a.m., time to awaken her slumbering lover. Willow was curled onto to her side, with one of her cheeks pressed firmly against the Slayer's left breast. She looked so damn peaceful and, after last night's trouble, Buffy detested the fact that she'd have to be the one to call Wills from her easy dreams. Knowing that it must be done, and with more than a touch of regret, the tousled haired blonde lightly shook the Wiccan's shoulder.

"Willow, my love, it's time to get up."

The red head's eyes opened, automatically, but she wasn't truly awake until she felt the sweetest kiss descend across her brow. Buffy had to grin as she stared down into playful green eyes and a happily smiling face.

"Mm, morning. Gotta say, babe, you are the greatest wake up call in the entire universe."

The blonde Slayer, with those warm hazel orbs, felt a snarky little smirk over take her visage and did nothing to halt its course.

"The pleasure was all mine, Will. Now, what do ya say, shall we go have breakfast with Alex?"

Buffy tried to roll from the warm bed and was, therefore, shocked when Willow stopped her cold. The other girl had pinned her shoulders against the sheet and was looking down at her with the rather predatory look that caused bolt of heat to erupt within her stomach.

"Food isn't what I'm hungry for, you're what I want, love."

Willow sealed those words with a devastatingly hot lick across the exposed length of the Slayer's neck. It felt utterly fantastic and Buffy was half tempted to just give in to her suddenly voracious girl friend. God knows, her body still ached with pent up need after simply holding Willow for hours on end last night. The other girl, well aware that the golden haired Slayer was wavering on the line of doing what was right or giving into simple surrender, decided to take things up another notch. She wanted Buffy, with this desperate, hasty need, and nothing was going to stop her from taking her obviously torn best friend. Willow began to ever-so lightly stroke the back of her hand over the sensitive flesh of her lover's lower belly. A multitude of goose bumps raised up over every inch of Buffy Summer's skin, she knew she was in deep trouble when the Witch lifted up her head to suddenly impale the Slayer with all the heat kindling within her burning emerald gaze.

"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop. We can get up, grab some food and begin yet another day of hunting. I'd much rather stay right here and love you until evening comes, Buffy. The choice, of course, I'll leave up to you."

Buffy Summers wanted to scream out loud, how in the Hell was she supposed to resist such a lovely plea? The Wiccan, meanwhile, let her body lie perfectly still knowing that her best friend found it hard to deny her simple things. She counted on it, Not being able to truly be with her lover last night had almost broken Willow in two. The Slayer promptly gave up all thoughts Alex and Skyton and gave herself over to her intoxicating lover.

"I'm yours, Will, for however long you want me."

She smiled then, with this heart-stopping ease, at the still red haired girl. Willow Rosenberg was, completely, taken aback by those few words. Sometimes, it stunned her that the Slayer would risk everything by allowing just a simple Hacker/Wiccan to love her. Buffy ached, clearly recognizing the insecurities coming to light within the other girl's marvelously, deep green eyes. It slayer her, if you'll pardon that expression, to realize that her utterly gorgeous, highly intelligent, thoughtful lover still couldn't seem to understand that she was a truly beautiful, well loved young woman. The blonde, once again, silently damned Willow's early school years for leaving the other girl feeling that way. Granted, the Witch's natural beauty was, somewhat, hidden behind the geeky clothing that had been Sheila Rosenberg's fault. Buffy Summer's, apparently, was the sole person to find the red headed charmer lovely, both inside and out, and That had been well before they'd entered into their present relationship!

"Someday soon, Will, remind me to sit you down and explain that you are the single, most beautiful person that I've ever met, 'Kay?"

The Slayer's voice held an ironic lit because she was abundantly aware that the nice heat that had been building up between them had cooled considerably. It didn't surprise her at all when Willow actually flushed at genuinely, honest compliment. The grass eyed girl's grip had loosened by then so Buffy took the opportunity to jump from the bed. She dressed, hurriedly, then cocked up an impudent eyebrow at the Wiccan.

"Grab your clothes, babe, and let's go get some food."

It puzzled her when Willow simply shook her head. The blonde Slayer frowned, thinking she'd really made a mess of things.

"It's all right; go on with your bad self, Buffy. I'm just gonna hang out here for another minute, then I promise I'll be right out to join you and Alex, okay?"

The other girl agreed and, feeling much relieved, proceeded to head out the door. When Buffy entered the silent kitchen, it occurred to her that Alex must have left already because she remembered seeing the dark woman's bedcovers neatly folded out on the couch. When her gaze fell upon the kitchen table, Buffy Summer's came to an abrupt halt. Perched there, was a plain white envelope, bearing both her and Willow's names across it's front. The flowing script clearly belonged to Alexandra Robert's and the Slayer got a truly sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach as she continued to just stare at the damn thing. Buffy Anne Summer's didn't find it at all surprising that her hand's where actually shaking when she reached down to pick said envelope up. A fine sheen of sweat beaded across her upper lip as the blonde attempted to plot her next course of action.

One one hand, she could backtrack ASAP to the Wiccan. On the other, she could also ditch the damnable thing and pretend like it never even existed. After listening to both sides of her morality, Buffy turned and began heading back to the room she's just left. She found Willow standing by the bed, smoothing down the tee shirt she'd chosen to wear for the day. The red head looked up and was instantly horrified by the wholly woebegone expression splashed so openly across her lover's face. Buffy was a pasty color of white with eyes that had gone a mutedly dark, stormy blue. That look set the Wiccan on edge and, in that moment, she never noticed the object that the Slayer was holding.

"Buffy, baby, tell me what's wrong?"

Those words caused the compact blonde to take a seat on the edge of the bed. Silence rained supreme and it wasn't very long before Willow sat down, close, to the mute Slayer.

"Alex," Buffy paused to draw in a much needed breath, "Alex left this for us to find. I don't....Will, I don't think I really want to know what's contained within this envelope."

A tangibly real sense of fear was held within the Slayer's voice and it utterly shocked Willow Rosenberg. Buffy had been through some truly horrible things since they'd known eachother and, not once, had this strong woman shown one ounce of panic, yet alone fear!

The blonde stared straight ahead, lost in her own troubled thoughts when she felt the soft touch of her lover's hand drawing her face towards the Wiccan's. Their gazes locked and held, as a silent conversation passed between the Slayer and Witch. In the end, it was Willow who tore open the envelope to withdraw a two page letter. They read it together, pressed side by side, trying to draw strength from one another's presence.

My friends,

This is quite possibly the hardest letter I've ever had to compose. I wrote it as I awaited your return from today's hunt. You see, this will be my final good-bye and I had to actually sit and think about what I was going to say to you. I'd thought I would find the courage to tell you all this face to face but, clearly, that never came to pass. The truth of the matter is that I lack the courage to do that anymore. It seems that Amy objectivity I once had, where you two are concerned, has flown out the proverbial door. I will confess that, before I even realized what was happening, I allowed you into the small portion of heart that I still possess. I don't regret that decision, though, it did utterly astound me that I'd actually let That happen! Honestly, I truly thought that my quota for loving someone else had long been surpassed. Color me shocked to discover that wasn't the case.

I just gotta tell ya that you 2 have been the single best thing I've encountered in quite some time and I thank you for having the courage to want to get to know me. I've never been one whom wears their emotions on their sleeves so, I fully suspect, I've never told you that, yes, I love you too guys. I can only hope you won't lose sight of that fact once you've read the rest of this letter. Rejoice for me, I was finally able to locate Skyton's lair this very afternoon! This means, as I'm sure you're both aware, that my time in Sunnydale is rapidly coming to a close. My game plan is already set into motion, I'll be going to confront my baby's killer long before either one of you awakens tomorrow morning. I was initially prepared to share that little nugget of news with you today but I soon realized it would only end of being a costly mistake.

You've both made it perfectly clear that your emotions run deep for me and I thank you once again. I'm also totally aware that ya'll have been searching high-n-low for some way to persuade me not to go after Scott's killer. I had a long debate with myself about telling you this next part but, since I'm trying to be honest, I feel it's something which I must do. There is a part of me that, no matter how foolishly it seems, wishes you could have found some way to accomplish that act. I have no shame in admitting that I would've been tickled pink to witness your relationship both deepen and flourish. I'm too much of a realist, however, to much stock in such a pipe dream. I accepted my end a long time ago and can only pray that you will also be able to do the same thing. I think ya'll are fully entitled to know that, with very few exceptions, you've made my time in Sunnydale something I could truly look forward too. Knowing you has been a wonderful experience for me and I'm truly humbled that you would allow me into your world. I liken ya'll to a gift because, believe it or not, you've given me quite a lot in our short time together. Allow me the chance to list them for you. You'll both have my eternal gratitude for: being able to somehow bring a real smile back to my face, taking my brain (however fleetingly)off Tom Skyton, bringing much needed laughter back into my existence, sometimes both highly intriguing yet also totally exasperating me and allowing me the unbelievable chance to witness such a beautiful relationship develop.

I can never hope to repay you for all that so, let me impart some words of wisdom your way. You are, without any doubt, the real deal. In case ya haven't realized it yet, ya'll have managed to do the one thing the rest of the human race can only dream about, find true love. It is a rare thing, hang onto it because not everyone is allowed such an opportunity. Cherish and nourish your bond, young lover's, and it will only make you stronger. Having just had the audacity to say all that, I can't help but think your both still highly pissed I didn't share my plan with you, Right? As I've already said, I initially did consider that to be a viable option. After much thought, I had to nix That idea. There is a very real probability that either one or both of you might have incurred some risks, if I'd let you come with me. I don't care what happens to me but I refuse to put you two in harms way. My only regret in this whole endeavor is that my possible demise will cause pain to: you, my folk's, other family members, Jess, Mike and Amy, my other friends, Giles, the other Scoobs, Angel and Cordelia. To be perfectly honest, it's Cordy I worry about the most. I'm fully aware of her, rather, unique talent and it is my fervent wish that she won't use it to psychically view my death. She cares, almost as much as ya'll do and That is something she doesn't need to witness. Perhaps I have no right to ask ya this but, please, be there if she needs you.

Willow, babe, your probably sitting there thinking but what about us, Alex? I never wanted to have to confess this to anyone but, Darlin', the sad fact is that I'm empty inside. Even my dreams have deserted me. Don't misunderstand me, I'm totally cognizant that a large majority of people loves me. It's just that the lot of you aren't enough to make me want to keep on surviving. Simply put, ladies, my emotions are fried. Despite this, I feel compelled to beg ya'll for one more thing. Please don't grieve too much over me. I have know quite a lot of beauty and love despite my many hardships. I beseech you, don't allow the What-if's, If-onlys or I-should-haves to take up residence in your brains. It's not worth it, take it from one well acquainted with such things. It sucks that I wont have the time to write out letters to Giles, Xander and Anya. Would you possibly, if I where to ask very nicely, convey my sincerest thanks to them for helping me locate my quarry? It also pains me to know that I won't be leaving you with a pleasant memory of me. Sadly, I'm all out of ideas on that part. I must tell you that, no matter what tomorrow brings, I will always remember ya'll with a great deal of fondness. I only ask that you remember me in what ever way ya'll see fit. I'm truly sorry that knowing me has brought pain into your lives. I swear, that was never my intention. I'll sign off now because I can just begin to hear the sound of your voices out in the street.
Until we next meet,

PS Skyton is located on the second floor of the old Claremont Hotel, apartment 2-B. Please refrain from coming for me until 9:00 a.m.,it will all be over by then. My friend's, again, I bid you good-bye.

Afterwards, Buffy and Willow where simply too stunned to move. The words, though heartfelt and beautifully composed, left the 19 year olds reeling in sorrow. The blonde Slayer was the first to recover.

"Oh my God, Will, we have to go save Alex."

The Wiccan was struggling not to weep as she attempted to make a strong sounding reply. "I know but that address is located halfway across town. Buffy, how are going to get there in time?"

This caused the Slayer to bound to her feet and, with a frenetic haste, to head towards the closed door.

"Gonna call Giles, I'm sure he'll have no problem with driving us over there. Maybe, God willing, we'll get to the hotel before Alex does anything truly regrettable."

Once the blonde left the room, Willow slid to her feet and began to hunt up both her and Buffy's discarded shoes. There where found underneath the bed and, after first sliding on her own pair, promptly took the others to her lover. Buffy was hanging up the phone when she acknowledged the worried red head with a quick smile.

"Thanks, beautiful. The G-man said he'll be here shortly. Will, I need you to promise me something."

This, naturally, caused the brainy Witch to cock her head and look at the blonde with a fully curious stare.

"First of all, you're welcome. Secondly, what's up, Buffy?"

The other girl swallowed hard before trying to form her, rather, loaded answer.

"I know you love Alex but, my love, you can't use your magic to revive her if we arrive to find her dying. She wouldn't want you to use that talent on her behalf, Will."

The slender Wiccan, who hadn't even considered that to be a viable option, released a deep sigh of regret.

"You have my solemn promise, Buffy, that I won't use my powers in that way."

The blonde pursed her lips, truly sorry she'd even had to ask such a question.

"Don't... don't be angry at me, Willow."

Hearing those contrite words, the Witch forced a tiny smile to her lips. After all, it wasn't like she couldn't understand why Buffy would ask her for such a promise.

"I'm not. Baby, know this, if we get there and find Skyton surviving as Alex lays dying on the floor, I will use all my powers to send that bastard straight to the darkest depths of Hell."

Buffy Summer's couldn't resist grinning at the sheer amount of vehemence in that gentle girl's voice. When Willow loved someone, she loved them with her whole heart and soul! Pity the poor idiot who hurt somebody the powerful Wiccan loved because they'd never even know what would hit them. The Slayer could only nod at that cold resolve.

"It's a plan, Will, but only if I don't take him out first."

There was little else to say, the young couple simply stood by the livingroom window waiting for Rupert Giles to arrive. The Watcher pulled up, perhaps, 10 minutes later and Buffy rushed to open the front door. Before stepping into the morning sunlight, she reached out a hand to the surprised Witch.

"Let's go save Alex, love."

It was a genuinely comforting thing for her head strong lover to say and Willow completely adored her Slayer for even having the presence of mind to think of such a gesture.

Rupert Giles, meanwhile, sat there impatiently waiting for the girl's to exit the house. As always, he was impeccably clad in crisply, pressed trousers and a snow white shirt, he'd forgone the tie, however. Once the Slayer had situated herself in the passenger seat, with Willow residing in the back-seat, they proceeded off into the already humid air. The older man was deeply troubled by the stark lines splashed so promptly across both girls' faces. He couldn't help but think that they where far too young to warrant such expressions. The Watcher quickly admonished himself because, by all rights, he should be jarringly familiar with those looks. Its first inspection had occurred when Buffy had faced the Master and, God knows, he'd seen far too often in the ensuing years.

Rupert was determined that, one day soon, he would find some way to give his star pupil, practicing Wiccan, and other children some semblance of a normal life. He was also deeply worried for the dark Southerner because Alexandra Robert's was someone he highly admired. She too had survived an equally hellish youth, with much of her sanity intact, and Giles had been pleasantly surprised by her, somewhat, twisted sense of humor. She was a highly observant person so, it had come with no surprise, when she requested him to be the one to take care of Willow and Buffy. He very much doubted, however, that Alex had informed his passengers about any of their long conversations. The man spared a quick glance at the teenagers, he was beginning to suspect that the loss of Alex would be detrimental to both Slayer and Witch. As he continued driving towards the seedier parts of Sunnydale, Giles sent up a quick pray to the Heavens.

Lord, he thought, please see that my girl's are strong enough if the must lose Alex Roberts, Amen.

Rupert loved all his young charges, likening them to his own children though, to his very British way of thinking, it would take a great deal to admit such a thing out loud. The older man tightly gripped the steering wheel as the car carrying the Witch, Slayer and Watcher sped towards the building that was once known as The Claremont Hotel.

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