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Desperate measures

by mike

The Wish


Title — Desperate measures.
By mike (
SPOILERS: Season 6, Grave.
RATING: PG. Some angst.
DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters belong to
Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox.
FEEDBACK: Constructive comments are encouraged.
SUMMARY: (Buffy/Willow) Buffy and Willow are both devastated over their battle and the loss of their friendship.
Authors Notes: What happened after all the BS of the season from hells finale. Just my take on one possible scenario.

Desperate measures
Chapter 1
The Wish.

"Buffy, she's your best friend. I don't understand how you can just turn you back on her." Dawn had a firm grasp of her sister's upper arms. Only subconsciously aware of the steal corded muscles under the smooth flesh.

"Xander is her best friend; he'll take care of her now." Buffy's voice was small and distant, her mind unwilling to face losing the closest and dearest person in her life.

Speaking more softly now. "Buffy, Xander can't give her what she needs. Only you can." Dawn bent her head down to make sure Buffy was looking at her.

"Dawn, I have nothing Willow wants or needs. She thinks I just want to be dead and I need my ass kicked, which she did by the way." Buffy turned from her sister and Dawn was incapable of doing more than just hanging on as Buffy slowly walked towards the couch.

"You said you didn't need to protect me anymore, that you wanted to show me the world. Well the first thing you can show me is some compassion for the one person that risked her life and soul for you." Dawn's voice now rang with a little anger, not the whining kind that everyone had gotten tired of but the anger that is born of righteousness.

Buffy paused then turned, peering deeply into her sisters eyes. She stared unblinking for what seemed ages. Then she took a deep breath and lowered her eyes. Memories of her dearest friend cascaded across her memory and she began to mourn. She mourned for the innocent times, the frightful times where they supported each other. The misunderstandings where they made up and swore never to not talk again. And she wept. She put her face in her hands and she wept. Her body heaved and was wracked with her sobs and she slowly crumbled to the floor and curled into a small ball and wept. She wept for her lost friend and she wept for the gaping hole in her soul. She wept for the pain of loss. She wept for herself, but most of all she wept for that deep hidden part she kept deep and buried. She wept for what she refused to acknowledge. She wept for dreams unrealized and never to be.

Buffy was so lost in her weeping that she was completely unaware of Dawn's phone conversation.

"Xander, Buffy is curled into a ball in the middle of the floor crying her heart out. We have to get her and Willow together so that they can talk without running away from each other."

Dawn grimaced impatiently as she listened to Xander's concerns.

"I know you want to protect Willow, but I really believe this is something they both need right now. Things will never be right until they get back their friendship. It's what kept them both alive all these years."

She rolled her eyes, trying to contain her exasperation. Xander wasn't listening to her.

"I know that Xander, but extreme situations call for extreme measures. I have an idea, but I'll need Anya."

Dawn eyes widened dramatically and she held the phone away from her ear at Xander's exclamation.

"God Xander, could you be anymore typical male. You're the one that screwed up but at the first opportunity you try and flip all blame to Anya, could you be any more pathetic?"

"Look, I'm going to get Buffy to bed then I'm coming over to your place. You call Anya and have her there."

Dawn talked over Xander's latest reply, finally fed up with his recalcitrance.

"Xander, if you really love Willow and Buffy you'll put your personal feelings about Anya aside and get her there. I'll see you in an hour. Bye"

Dawn hung up the phone and looked down at her sister, her sister who was now sobbing uncontrollably. A site she had never witnessed and she suspected only Willow ever had. In spite of all Buffy's brave proclamations this morning she knew her sister was deeply broken. Just as she knew only Willow could heal her and only Buffy could heal Willow.

Kneeling beside her sister's head, she gently raised Buffy's head into her lap. She gently stroked her hair and cooed softly. "Buffy, let's get you up to bed. You'll be more comfortable there."

Buffy slowly rose with Dawn's urging. Very slowly Dawn guided Buffy upstairs and helped her change. Dawn pulled her covers down and tucked the still weeping slayer into bed. She handed her sister a wad of tissues and left the box nearby.

"You try and sleep a little bit. I need to run over to Xander's but I'll be back shortly. Ok?" Dawn looked carefully for any recognition of what she said. Buffy nodded her head weakly and Dawn leaned down and kissed her forehead.

It was still mid afternoon and Dawn felt perfectly safe making the fifteen minute walk over to Xander's apartment. When she arrived, Xander opened the door.

"Alright, I called Anya. She said she would be over after she got Giles all settled in. Figure another half hour." He told Dawn as she hurried past him.

"Is Willow in the bedroom?" Dawn asked him.

"Yea, I was trying to get her to sleep but I don't think she's there yet." Sorrow and frustration filled his voice.

"I'll talk to her. Stay out here and let me know when Anya arrives." Dawn walked quickly to the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Xander stared at the door for several minutes pondering this new aggressive, take charge girl that he always looked upon as a kid sister.

Dawn moved to the figure in the bed after closing the bedroom door. She sat down on the edge of the bed and reached out a gentle hand and brushed the once again familiar read hair soothingly.

"Hi Willow, you awake by chance?" Dawn spoke softly.

Without opening her eyes, Willow answered. "Hi Dawnie, sorry about trying to kill you."

"It's OK Willow. A pain like yours makes it completely understandable. And you were right, I was a whining baby. But I'm not anymore. In fact, I want to help you. Want to hear my idea." Dawn's voice was soft and teasing. A tantalizing tone permeated her words, enough so that Willow opened an eye.

"What do you have planned?" Willow asked cautiously.

"Anya is coming over. Your craving for vengeance is not yet fully gone, just under control. A carefully worded wish can help you resolve what's keeping you from healing."

"And what pray tells is that?" Willow was only slightly incredulous that Dawn would have that kind of insight.

"Buffy has fallen apart over this. She desperately needs your friendship back and I know you becoming close again would help you also. The problem is that your issues are too painful for you to get together and discuss them. You're both too afraid. So tell Anya that you wish that you can be alone with Buffy in a comfortable safe place until you declare your friendship for each other again." Dawn spoke softly but the eager smile on her face made Willow's heart skip with a moment of hope.

"Let's see, hiding in bed here with Xander hovering and nagging or locked in a room with Buffy where neither one of us talks to each other. The latter sounds much more restful. Sure Dawnie, I'll give it a shot." Willow's voice barely concealed her hopelessness.

The door opened and Xander and Anya stepped in. Dawn went over to Anya and drew her aside.

"Big favor time Anya. Willow and Buffy need this really bad. First off, is there enough cry for vengeance left in Willow for you to give her a wish?" Dawn spoke softly.

Anya paused a moment, then looked at Dawn. "None of you would wish anything upon Xander for me, but now I'm just supposed to grant Willow anything she wants. How is this fair" Anya glared at Dawn but Dawn didn't back down.

"Anya, we couldn't hurt Xander as much as we were all pissed at him for what he did. But this isn't to hurt anyone, it's to heal. Please say you'll do this." Dawn gave her best pleading look and finally Anya put her hands in the air.

"Alright, she still qualifies for a wish. What did you have in mind?" Anya asked giving into the inevitable.

"Willow is going to ask to be placed in a safe comfortable place and that means food, water and all the necessities with Buffy until they declare their friendship for each other. Can you do that without any weird complications?" Dawn asked this last part cautiously.

"Yea, I can keep it simple. Has Willow agreed to this?" Anya's voice had now become soft, her desire to help Willow overriding any other immediate concern.

"I've already talked to Willow and she like's it better than wallowing around here with Xander hovering." Dawn whispered this to make sure Xander didn't hear.

Anya patted Dawn on the shoulder and walked over to the bed and looked down on Willow.

"You have a wish you would like to make Willow?" Anya spoke carefully.

Willow sat up in the bed and looked directly into Anya's eyes. "Yes, I wish to be in a nice safe place alone with Buffy and remain there until she admits that she is in love with me." Willow grinned hugely as she finished.

Dawn's eyes widened as she yelled "Noooooo."

Anya gave Willow a knowing smile and said "Done."

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