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Brush Up Your Shakespeare

by Kirayoshi

Sigh No More Ladies


Act The Second
Sigh No More, Ladies.

Sigh no more, ladies sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever.
One foot on see, the one on shore
To one thing constant never,
But sigh not so, but let them go,
And be you blithe and bonny,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey, nonny nonny!

--William Shakespeare
"Much Ado About Nothing"

"Hey, Giles," Buffy greeted her Watcher as she entered the Magic Box. "How's business in the hocus-pocus trade?"

"Not too terrible, Buffy," Giles answered warmly. "Sold my last remaining set of Salvador Dali tarot cards, and moved a lot of the incense stock."

"Hey, sweet fancy Buffy," Xander greeted his friend. "Ready to see our screen debut tonight at your mom's place?"

"You mean, ready to see you standing like a plank of wood trying to remember your lines?" Buffy teased Xander. The young man scowled mockingly as he regarded Buffy's comment. "I resemble that remark."

"Looking forward to it, Keanu," Buffy patted Xander on the cheek briefly, before asking Giles, "Is the back room being used? Willow and Tara practicing some spell casting or some such?"

"No, I believe they're in Tara's dorm, studying some of my more esoteric codices," Giles lied.

"Good," Buffy said, as she shed her windbreaker, revealing her sports top. "Slow patrol after the shoot last night, didn't get in my regular workout. Mind if I take out some frustrations on the body bag?"

"Help yourself, Buffy," Giles waved her off, "pummel away." Surreptitiously he glanced at Xander, nodding. Xander glanced at Buffy as she headed to the back room for her daily excersize regimen. "Now?" he mouthed without saying.

Giles nodded once. The sting was on. "I say, Xander," he spoke aloud. "Have you seen Willow today?"

"She called me this morning," Xander answered. "Poor kid."

As Buffy had started to practice her jabs and kicks on the body bag, she heard Xander refer to her best friend as 'poor kid'. That stopped her briefly, before she continued her practice. Must still be down about breaking it off with Tara, she thought. At least they're still friends. She went back to her excersizes, but kept an ear cocked, just in case they were spreading any gossip.

"I just wish that she'd tell her," Xander continued. "I mean, how hard can it be? Just flat out say it; 'Buffy Summers, I'm hopelessly ass-over-teakettle in love with you'."

At these words Buffy, who was attempting to execute a high kick to the head, missed the bag completely and landed sqarely on her butt. Giles heard the thud, and smiled at Xander. "I think we have her undivided attention," he mouthed. "Are you so sure of Willow's feelings?" he asked aloud, directing his voice toward the back room. There was no way that Buffy was going to miss this.

"Hello," Xander called out to Giles. "Known Willow all my life here. If she ain't in love with Buffy, I'm Dennis Miller."

"Has she spoken to you about her feelings?" Giles quizzed Xander, hoping that he'd have a good answer prepared.

Before Xander could speak, the front door opened. Anya sauntered in, absently said "Hello" to Giles, before planting a sloppy kiss on Xander's lips.

Giles coughed slightly, to indicate that he was still in the room. "Please," he requested, "not during business hours."

"Oh please," Anya complained lightly, "it's not like we have anyone to wait on right now. It's just the three of us here."

"Actually, we're not alone," Xander told his girlfriend. "Buffy's in the backroom working out." He enunciated the words, nodding at Anya. She glanced at Giles, who simply touched the side of his nose with his finger.

"Ah," she intoned, getting the message. "You mean she's tackling the bodybag again, when she'd rather be attacking Willow?"

"Anya, please!" Giles pretended to be shocked by her statement.

"Oh don't play innocent, Giles," Anya smiled. "We're not unaware of the sexual tension between those two. And you're lucky, you don't have to hear Willow sobbing about how she wishes Buffy would look at her as a potential orgasm partner, rather than a best friend."

Buffy gave up any pretense of exercising, and simply stood by the door, out of sight, and straining to hear more. Her jaw was open wide, as her mind processed this information at a feverish pace. Willow, her best friend, in love with her? Her Willow? The more she thought about it, the more questions entered her mind. How long has she felt this way? Why didn't she confide in her? Is this why her relationship with Tara ended?

"Anya," Giles declared in his pained British way, "I do wish you would refrain from such coarse language here in the shop."

"Doesn't make it any less true," Anya said quietly. "Willow's got it bad for Buffy, and I think Buffy's got it bad for Willow."

"She's got a point about Willow," Xander admitted. "Willow told me herself. She insisted that I never tell Buffy about it, because of Buff's past history. She's a magnet for romantic screw-ups."

"HEY!" Buffy shouted before she could catch herself. The others stopped, grinning like gibbons. Buffy quickly headed back to the body bag, punching it repeatedly, shouting, "Hey! Hai! Yahh!"

Giles stifled a chuckle; they had her firmly on their hook, now to reel her in. "I see your point, Xander. Her past relationships have been distasters. First there was Angel--"

"Iceberg dead ahead!" Xander called out. Anya giggled at his antics.

"Then that Parker fellow," Giles continued, disgust clear in his voice, "and last but not least, Riley Finn."

"No, I've seen him in boxer shorts once," Anya chimed in. "He was definitely least."

"Just when was this?" Xander asked. Anya smiled blandly at his false ire.

Giles just shook his head. "Like I said, my friends. Her entire romantic history is one mistake after another. She's built a wall around her heart as a result, one that even Willow couldn't scale." He turned to Xander, saying solemnly, "I care for Willow, and for Buffy, as deeply as if they were my own daugters. And my advice for Willow would be to simply deal with her emotions. Buffy deserves to be loved, but after the pain she's been through, I doubt she would ever risk her heart again."

Anya sighed theatrically. "If I were still a vengeance demon, she'd keep me in business for life." Xander chuckled ruefully in agreement.

As they continued their staged exchange, Buffy's eyes widened with realization. The sort of epiphany that brings clarity of vision and the need to sit down for a second before hyperventilation. The more she considered the prospect of Willow loving her, of desiring her, the less the idea seemed alien to her. She started recalling moments in their friendship in a whole new light; her desire to help restore Angel's soul, no matter how much danger she faced. How she held her unquestioningly and let her cry over losing Angel. The moment shortly before graduating high school, when she pledged to remain at her side no matter what. "It's a good fight," she had told her, "and I want in."

Willow's love, whatever form it had taken, was never conditional, always given freely, always welcomed in Buffy's heart. And if Willow was indeed in love with Buffy---

---then it was only right that Buffy should return that love.

Realization led to action. Buffy immediately put her warm-up jacket and shoes back on, and headed out of the back room. "Hey, guys," she breathed out hurriedly, "I'm gonna go on a snack run for the video tonight. You need anything?"

All three shook their heads, looking innocent. "We're good," Xander assured her. "Whatever works for you."

"Okay," she answered, grabbing her purse. "I'll grab those blue-corn tortilla chips that Dawn likes, though. See ya tonight!" She ran out the door so fast she nearly caused a wind funnel behind her before the door closed.

Xander, Anya and Giles looked at each other in silence for three seconds, and then burst out laughing. Xander gave Giles a high-five. "You da man, Giles!" he shouted happily.

"Gentles all," Giles answered, "To quote from Much Ado About Nothing; 'Cupid is no longer an archer. His glory shall be ours, for we are the only love gods'!"

"Uh, Xander," Anya said suddenly, "you'd better call Dawn and make sure everything's set at her end."

"Good call, hon," he agreed, rushing to the phone. He dialed a number, and waited for her to answer. "Dawn? Xander. Stage one of Operation; Don Pedro is complete. You're on."


"We're ready, Xander," Dawn spoke into her cellular. She and Tara were sitting at a corner table at the Espresso Pump, knowing that Willow would be arriving soon for her morning mocha. Sure enough, Willow was even now walking through the door. "Target sighted. Will proceed as planned. Dawn out." She folded her cell phone, and looked at Tara. Tara nodded back at Dawn, and the two of them sat back in their booth in the back of the espresso pump, insuring that Willow wouldn't notice them.

At least until they wanted her to.

As Willow ordered her double mocha, she could have sworn that she felt eyes alight upon her. She turned around, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She chalked it up to anxiety and waited for her coffee; tonight she would be showing her Shakespeare video to her friends, and she was a little bit worried about their reaction. She thought they all did a good job, but was still aprehensive about displaying it. She resigned herself to the probability that Xander would give it the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment, talking back to the screen constantly, but other than that, the opinions of the others were a mystery to her.

Of course, she knew that Buffy would be supportive. She always was; it was her job as best friend. She always had a way of making her feel like she was the most important person in the world. No matter what else went on in their lives, Willow could count on that love, that support. The thought warmed and cheered her greatly.

As she paid for her mocha and took the drink to a small booth, Tara and Dawn emerged from their booth, to take up a table right behind Willow, and(of greater importance for the plan) within earshot.

"Are you sure about that, Dawn?" Tara asked in a stage whisper. Willow perked up her ears as she recognized Tara's voice. She tried not to eavesdrop, but their proximity made it difficult. Of course, she didn't know that eavesdropping was exactly what they had in mind.

"Hand over heart," Dawn answered. "Buffy told me herself, and I don't know how to handle it. She made me swear on my live, honor and B*Witched CDs not to tell Willow."

Willow felt a little miffed at this revelation. Why was Buffy holding out on her? What was she holding out?

"I don't see why," Tara said sadly. "If Buffy loves her as much as you say she does, then Willow would be overjoyed." Willow nearly choked on her mocha as Tara spoke. Buffy wasn't in love with her. She loved her, yeah, but in love? Not Buffy.

"Believe me, Tara," Dawn replied, glancing discreetly at Willow. She noted the way she squirmed in her seat. Oh yeah, she thought, she's ours. "I tried to convince Buffy to level with Willow. Hey, I don't have a problem with my sister being gay, that's a non-issue for me. I mean, she used to sleep with a vampire, then a soldier boy with the personality of a Borg drone. Willow'd be trading up."

Willow craned her neck to hear the conversation, while trying not to look like she was listening in. Her coffee sat forgotten as she strained to hear more.

"I suspected as much," Tara said, with a trace of sadness. "That's one of the reasons Willow and I never stayed as close as we were. I mean, we're still friends, but I was always the second person in her heart. If only she'd tell Buffy..."

"Heck with that," Dawn chuckled, "if only Buffy'd tell Willow. I guess it's for the best, anyway, that she doesn't. I mean, my sister gets on my nerves, sure, but I still love her. Buffy deserves the best..."

"And Willow certainly qualifies," Tara agreed.

"But after all that happened with her, with Angel, then Riley. I just don't want her to go through that again. I mean Willow, great gal, love her lots, but if anything happens with her and Buffy, it'll be Deadboy, or Beefstick, all over again."

Willow nearly gasped at the sentiment. She scowled inwardly, her thoughts many and passionate; How could Dawn ever think that I'd hurt Buffy like Riley or Angel ever did? I was there both times, letting Buffy cry over my shoulder, I saw the hurt they caused her. I'd never do that to her, I love her too much, I---

It hit her with the clarity of the sunrise, and twice the beauty. A thousand pieces of an intricate puzzle suddenly fell into place, revealing the beautiful picture. I love Buffy.

And suddenly, Willow felt the urge to be with Buffy. To act on her realization. She got up hurriedly from the counter, tossing a couple of bucks and a handful of small change on the counter to cover her mocha, saying, "Keep the change," and started out the door.

Tara cocked an eyebrow toward her, and said, "Hey, Willow! Didn't see you there, or I'd have had you sit with us." Dawn waved at Willow, smiling sweetly.

"Uh, yeah, Hi Tara," Willow stammered. "Sorry, things to do. You gonna be at Buffy's for the video tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Tara answered. Dawn added, "I live there, I don't have an excuse."

Willow smiled absently. "Great, see ya there." She pulled on the door handle twice, before reading the sign saying 'Push', then pushed the door open and left.

Tara looked at Dawn, who was reduced to helpless giggles at the display. "We got her," she declared. Tara nodded silently, in full agreement. They had her.


It is a strange law of human nature that, when two people are searching for each other, they almost never find each other until one of them gives up the search. Although they both started to look for each other around noon, it was already sundown, and Buffy still hadn't seen Willow. She was getting worried. Sundown in Sunnydale meant vampires. And Buffy was starting to fear for Willow's safety, more than ever. Now that she had time to more fully understand what the red-haired witch meant to her, she didn't want to lose her before she could tell her.

She mentally slapped herself for worrying. Willow knew what was lurking behind the darker corners of Sunnydale at night, and with her growing magic powers, she was more than able to defend herself. Besides, she remembered that the gang were meeting at her place to watch Willow's Shakespeare project. She was probably over at the house now, setting up the VCR, and wondering where Buffy was.

Good thing she remembered to pick up the blue corn chips like she promised. Xander was on salsa duty, Mom had the hot chocolate taken care of, and Tara said something about a ranch dip recipe she wanted to try. Buffy hoped for the chance to be alone with Willow later, maybe walk her to her dorm after the video. Then, she would talk to her.

She replayed the conversation she overheard at the Magic Box, and boiled it down to three simple words; Willow loved her. She never considered herself a lesbian, or even bi, but somehow, the fact that it was Willow made it different. It felt right, in a way that Angel or Riley never did before. It was more natural than anything she ever felt before. She didn't have to convince herself that her feelings were right, she just knew. In every way possible, she loved Willow.

A faint uneasy sensation pricked at the back of her scalp. Her preternatural feeling of danger, what she sometimes called her "spider sense", was triggered by something or someone in the vicinity. Shifting into full Slayer-mode, she tensed her body, prepared for whatever she would face.


Willow was aware of the gathering darkness. She walked a little more defensively. She had hoped to see Buffy before the post-production party at her place, but it seemed that she was not around. Or she was everywhere, that was probably it. Willow chided herself for worrying unduly; this was Buffy, after all! If anyone can take care of themselves at night, it's Buffy.

Ever since that night when she met her vampire doppleganger, she found herself wondering about her sexuality. When she fell for Tara, she didn't consider whether she would find other women attractive. Tara was the only woman she ever thought of as a lover, as someone who would attract her. She certainly never looked at Buffy in terms of how attractive she was to her personally.

But now, she reconsidered her attitude. She looked at Buffy, not as a best friend, but through lover's eyes. The svelte athletic figure, toned from years of battling vamps and demons. The soft blond hair that just begged for a hand to run through it. The bright grey-blue eyes, both haunting and haunted, innocent and wise. For the first time, Willow considered Buffy from an objective distance, appraising her body her soul, her heart. And she found herself drawn to her, inevitably as the tide.

It was just so right. So perfect. Why didn't she ever see it before? It took the observation of the one she thought she loved before to lead her to her true love. Buffy. And tonight, she was going to tell her.

A clatter of trash cans broke her concentration. She turned sharply, but saw nothing. She walked a little faster, and a little more cautiously. Directing her feet toward Buffy's house, and relative safety. Suddenly she heard the sound of a crowbar trailing against a metal fence. She picked up her pace, but someone jumped in front of her. "Hey, sweetness," a foul sounding voice called to her. "Where's your fire."

"Get lost, creep," Willow shouted down her stalker. She stopped, assuming a defensive stance. She could hear footsteps behind her. She pivoted slightly, glancing behind her at the two punks who emerged from the shadows. One carried a crowbar, the other a length of bicycle chain. Willow figured that they were vampires, probably newbies, and the sudden emergence of their 'game faces' verified her theory.

"Well, well, well, guys," the lead vampire announced. "Looks like feeding time."

"The kitchen's closed, dead boyz!" Willow puffed a sigh of relief as the lead vamp was thrown against a brick wall by a familiar figure in leather. "Willow," Buffy shouted, "you okay?"

"Just peachy, Buff," she smiled, as she pulled a few vials from her purse. She threw one vial at the face of the crowbar wielder, who recoiled in severe pain as the vial's contents seared his face. "Holy water, mixed with silver nitrate," Willow announced, breaking another vial against chain-boy, "and just a hint of garlic juice."

"Just like Mother used to make," Buffy grinned as she staked the fallen vamp, and then jumped the chain wielder. As soon as the other was dusted, the two concentrated on the leader, who suddenly didn't feel quite so brave. He tried to run, but Buffy was not one to suffer a vampire to live. A swift flying kick and a fast stake, and he was ash drifting on the wind.

"Willow," Buffy approached her friend, "you handled yourself like a pro there. And nice brew with the vials."

Willow smiled, warmed by the praise. "The garlic was Giles' idea. Besides," she added, brushing aside a stray lock of red hair from her face, "after hanging around with you all these years, I had to pick up something."

"Yeah, I guess," Buffy admitted. She now stood close to Willow. Every sensation was magnified by her newfound emotions; the sparkle of her green eyes, the sheen of her hair, the warm and emotive face. She wanted to speak. She wanted to pour out her heart. She wanted so much to be the one whom Willow woke up next to every morning. And Willow wanted so much to speak to Buffy in the same manner.

For many long months later, they would wonder who exactly initiated the kiss, but what mattered was that they now were kissing. Buffy's lips felt the warmth of Willow's, her tongue tasting the faint cherry of her lip gloss. Willow leaned forward into Buffy's embrace, her mouth opening, and their tongues met slowly, tasting each other.

Eventually, the need for breath forced them to reluctantly break off the kiss, and they just stood there, gasping and gazing into each others eyes. "I love you," they both said in chorus, and laughed as they realized what they said. They leaned into their embrace further, just savoring this closeness.

Buffy murmured into Willow's ear, "I was so worried when I saw those vamp punks after you. I thought I might lose you, so soon after realizing what you mean to me."

"Hey, don't worry, Buff," Willow answered soothingly, as she toyed with a stray lock of Buffy's hair. "I'm tougher than I look. I can handle--" Willow looked in Buffy's eyes again, this time a stern expression on her face. "What do you mean, 'so soon'?"

"I don't understand," Buffy admitted.

"From what I heard, you had these feelings for me for a while now," Willow admonished.

"What you heard?" Buffy puzzled. "I didn't figure it out until I heard Giles, Xander and Anya talking about how bad you had it today at the Magic Shop."

It was Willow's turn to look confused. "But I didn't put it together until overhearing Dawn and Tara--" She stopped in mid-babble, as she and Buffy made the same connection. "Buffy," she grinned, "we've been double-teamed."

"We have, haven't we?" Buffy started to chuckle. "You think they saw something we didn't?"

"Must have," Willow shook her head, amazed at how easily she and Buffy were tricked by their friends. "I guess they could only manipulate us like that if there really was something there."

"Yeah, something we were too close to see."

They held each other closely, unwilling to break this new and exciting contact. "I do love you, Buffy," Willow assured the Slayer. "In every way possible."

"And I you," Buffy replied, sending a thrill of delight through Willow's being. "C'mon, Juliet, we've got a movie to watch." Buffy's comment brought back memories of last night's rehearsal, and how beautiful she looked in that green dress.

Willow squeezed her new love's hand. "Right behind you, Romeo."


The Scoobie Gang enjoyed the video immensely, cheering as they saw themselves perform, booing the especially lame performances, scarfing chips and popcorn and generally having a good time. Willow sat close to Buffy, and the others looked knowingly as they watched the balcony scene, and they held each other a little more closely. Even Joyce, who had been keeping the cocoa flowing that night, noticed the electricity between them. She said nothing, but was prepared to accept it when her daughter inevitably told her that she loved Willow. As long as Willow was good to her, and they were happy together, that's what mattered to Joyce.

After the vid was finished, Buffy led the rest of the Scoobs in a raucous round of applause to the director. Willow blushed to match her hair, saying, "Thank you, thank you. I just hope my drama professor likes it as much."

"I'm sure he will enjoy your efforts," Giles announced. "Now then, I should be heading home. Anyone need a lift?"

"I'm driving Anya back to my place," Xander said. "How about you, Wills?"

Willow glanced at Buffy, who answered for her; "I'll be walking her back to her dorm."

"You'll be gone late, Buff," Dawn chimed in. "Maybe you'd better stay the night with her." Buffy glared at her kid sister, then her expression softened. "Good idea, brat," Buffy acknowledged Dawn's suggestion. "Let's go, Willow."

"Ready, Buff," she grinned. A wicked gleam in Buffy's eyes told her that while they may be going to bed early tonight, they wouldn't be getting much sleep.

"Well then," Giles announced, "if that's all settled, I'll be heading out. Thank you for putting up with us yet again, Ms. Summers."

"My pleasure, Rupert," Joyce said merrily. "Take care out there."

"I shall," Giles announced. As he and the others headed out the door, and Buffy kissed her mother good night, Giles looked fondly at Buffy and Willow. He smiled, knowing that his Slayer would never have to face the night alone again. "Willow, thank you for the enjoyable evening. I shall see the both of you at the Magic Box tomorrow?"

Buffy and Willow glanced at each other, grinned broadly, and then spoke as one to Giles; "Our pleasure, Don Pedro!" The entirely bowled over expression on Giles face was priceless. Without another word, he harrumphed slightly, and headed for his car. Xander and Anya looked at their friends mollified, before Buffy waved them off; "Go home, do whatever it is you do every night, and don't tell us about it!" Xander and Anya stifled a giggle, and got into his car.

As the others drove off, Willow turned to Buffy, sqeezing her hand once more. She couldn't believe her fortune, that this wonderous woman loved her. The warmth in Buffy's eyes assured her that she wasn't dreaming.

Buffy smiled at Willow, saying, "And so to bed?"

"Thought you'd never ask!" Willow's grin turned wolfish, as the two lovers headed back to the campus, to the dorm, and to their new life.

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
If you pardon, we will mend.
And, as I'm an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call:
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"

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