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Back to the Middle

by Sailorgirl

Back to the Middle


Title -Come back to the Middle 1/?

Author - Stewie

Pairing - B/?

Rating - PG

Summary - It takes place at the end of the summer just before
season 7. Just Buffy's take on her current situation after a slow
night of slayage.

Disclaimer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss and a couple
other folks whose name I don't know. I wish I had come up with the
idea but...i'm not that talented.

Authors notes - This is my first fic and, incidentally, the first
time I've ever written anything for fun. So imagine my surprise
when I realized that i had fun writing this. Long story
short...eventhough this probably sucks, I got more coming.:)
Please send all happy thoughts to

Who would of thought that so much would of changed in one

year...hell, in three months? Spike's disappeared. Giles...thinking

about him makes my blood boil. Anya left...Xander followed her, and

Tara...I don't think I'll ever be able to deal with that. I know

that her death isn't my fault directly but I still can't shake the

feeling that I could of done something more to prevent it.

I still can't believe I let Dawn go live with dad in Paris for

the school year...but,she was so happy that he knew who she was and

that he wanted to spend time with her, not to mention that I wasn't

to keen on her going to the 'New and Improved' sunnydale high, so I

crumbled and let her go...and woah babble much. i miss her a lot but

we seem to get along a lot better with an ocean between us, and

with dad footing the phone bill we talk more then I ever remember us

talking...ever. So I guess all is of the good for now, but I stiil

can't wait to see her.

Faith showing up on my doorstep came right out of left field. At

the time, it seemed like everyone had just picked up and left me.

Giles stealing Willow from me was when I thought I was going to

crack. A few days after that Faith was knocking on my door, sporting

her trademark smirk but her eyes seemed softer than I remember. My

first instinct, as always, was to kick her ass into next Tuesday,

then my common sense took over(thank god for that). The little guy

sitting on my shoulder backhanded me and reminded me that Willow

tried to kill me, my loved ones and end the world and I forgave her

so forgiving Faith should be a piece of cake. So I invited her in

and she's been here since. If I'm being truthful with myself, she's

helped me keep it together this summer. She came thought for me when

I really needed her and... I'm just really glad she came back. I

know I don't tell her enough but I am. We learned a lot about each

other this summer. I never thought of Faith as a talker but if you

can get on a subject that she's into there's no telling how long

she'll go on for. I guess she realized that the best way to shut me

up was to talk about every and anything that came to mind. She even

shared her opinion with me about my feelings towards a certain

redhead. Which is the real reason I'm still sitting out here on my

back porch at one in the morning under the pretense of 'taking in

the night air' after a slow night of slaying. When, again...if i'm

being truthful with myself, I'm avoiding her. Just like I've been

doing since she got back a month ago. It's not because I don't want

to talk to her...I just don't know what to say. There's moment's

where I feel like I'm gonna explode if I don't tell her everything

that's going on in my head...stuff about the much I

missed much I love her. Then I see her and all the things

that I had planned to say goes out the window. I'm not sure if it's

nerves or what but I haven't been able to start a real conversation

with Willow yet. It just feels like were both waiting for something

to happen that'll force us to talk to each other...i'm not really

sure how to explain it. I just want to pick right up where we were

before things went bad but I know that we're supose to have some

big 'clearing the air' talk, but I don't need that talk...I

understand why she did what she did, i'm not angry with her and

could never hate her. The only thing I really need to get off my

chest is how much i'm in love with her. And I know I should sit her

down and tell her all this but I think i've already covered, as best

as I could anyways, my inability to string together anything that

resembles a coherent thought when she's around. And I know I can't

start with 'I'm in love with you' . I don't want to put any more

pressure on her then she has already and its way to soon after Tara.

I still can't believe that Tara not here. she was the only one in

the gang that I always saw making it to the blue haired stage in

life. I always assumed that Will and Tara would always be together.

Now I'm hoping that it might be me and Willow instead. I' don't even

think Willow is interested in me. I've seem her checking out Faith,

and eventhough I'm sure she's not ready for a relationship, I'm just

as sure that whatever she thinking about when she's looking at

Faith's ass is illegal in about thirteen states. I can't fault her

for that though...Faith does have a nice ass, and she's the only

person I know who's body seems to scream 'screw me'. Her and Faith

have been spending a lot of time together too. (No thanks to me,of

course) Right now I wouldn't be surprised if I found out they dating

or something...

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