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Stupid Girl

by dawnm

Stupid Girl


Title: Stupid Girl

By: dawnm

Spoilers: "New Moon Rising"

A/N: Lyrics are from "Stupid Girl" by Garbage.

Stupid Girl

Willow just left. She accused me of freaking out. She's right. I am freaked. I just keep lying here, listening to this song over and over again.

You stupid girl.
You stupid girl.

It's fitting really. I've taken stupid to a whole new level.

Can't believe you fake it.
Can't believe you fake it.

Don't know why I bother to fake it. It hasn't worked well for me. Riley is proof of that. I can't believe I went out with that guy. He is such a small-minded jerk. I almost decked him last night when he was mouthing off about Willow, insinuating that she was somehow less in his eyes just because she dated a werewolf.

One thing's for sure, its over between us. I'd rather be dead than spend another minute with that guy. Of course, with the way I feel right now, I might just rather be dead anyway.

All you had you wasted.
All you had you wasted.

I did. I wasted my chance to be with the one person that really matters. I didn't know I had a chance until today. When Will told me about Tara, that's when it hit me.

I've known that I was in love with her for a long time. After Oz left, I had my chance. I should have told her. Instead, I spent all of those nights in Riley's bed, faking, while she was here alone.

Do you know how hard it is to look at Riley Finn and picture an adorable redhead?

It's hard...but not impossible. Trust me, I know.

When I was with him, I would close my eyes and picture her face. The way her green eyes sparkle. The way she laughs. The smile that saps my slayer strength and takes my breath away.

Why didn't I just tell her?

Stupid Girl.
Stupid Girl.

"Buffy?" I didn't hear her come in. I thought she was with Tara...



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