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Aftermath and College

by Bwriter

Aftermath and Collage


A/N - AR - Buffy and Willow were together in High school up until the end of season two when Buffy moved over to England with Giles for Special Slayer training, (her mom knows all about it) leaving Faith (who was the second slayer called not Kendra) to guard the Helmouth. Not knowing how long she would be away, Buffy broke up with Willow. This story starts with Buffy coming home after two years just as Willow is starting college.

Author - Bwriter
Title - Aftermath and collage
Pairing - W/Other & B/W
Rating - NC/17 eventually
Disclaimer - Not mine, I do not have that honour
Distribution - The usual places for me
Spoilers - Everything up to the end of season 4
Summary - What happens when Buffy returns oh and Faith was never evil and Angel has never lost his soul

'thoughts' and /flashbacks/

Chapter one

Buffy stepped off the plane and walked across the airfield, Giles at her side. Being home in Sunnydale was at once both scary and exciting. She couldn't wait to see her mom, her friends and most of all Willow.

She knew that she had told Willow to move on but she had held out hope that her lover was still hers.

"It's late. We can hold a meeting tomorrow. I will contact the gang and arrange to meet them at your house, say about noon?"

Buffy nodded her agreement and slide into the waiting car.

Two years ago she never really thought about the council, who they were, what their jobs were, but now she knew each and every single member. Especially the crack team that were her bodyguards now.

It made her smile everytime she thought about it. The Slayer with her own private bodyguards. The demons would have a field day with that one.

Tom, the biggest of her minders, closed her car door and got into the drivers seat. He was six foot tall with the body of a champion boxer. If Buffy wasn't so into girls, and one in particular, she would have went for him when they first met. As it was now, she thought of him as a brother.

Buffy passed Giles the book he had asked for and lowered the glass separating the driver from the back of the limo.

"Hey T."

Tom smiled at her in the mirror.

"Hey there Buff. Glad to be home?"

"Yes and no. When is Mike and Jonny arriving?"

Giles looked up, wanting to know the answer to that as well. While he was fond of Tom and Mike, Jonny was another story. There was just something about him that didn't sit with the Watcher, nor the Slayer.

"Tomorrow night. Travers needed them to take the High minister to Ireland on a art buying trip."

The High minister was like the President of America. He was the main boss man. The only people who held more power in the council were Buffy and Faith.

Giles went back to reading his book while Buffy talked with Tom.

"Hey stop the car."

Tom met her eyes in the mirror and stopped the car.

Buffy got out and walked the few feet to the familiar figure she could make out in the dark.

"Hey there Faith."

The other Slayer jumped.

"Shit B! A little warning next time."

Buffy gave the other Slayer a hug.

"You shouldn't need a warning."

Faith nodded her head before looking in the direction Buffy had come and seeing a tall good looking guy leaning against a car door and Giles head sticking out the back window.

"Hey B, who's the hottie?"

Buffy looked back at Tom before turning back to her sister Slayer.


Faith sent a smile his way, happy when it was returned.

"Hey G-man!"

Giles automatically replied with a "don't call me that" which was drowned out buy Tom's laughing.

"So B, when did you get back?"

"Pretty much just now. I'm heading home. Giles is going to organise a meeting tomorrow, but I want it to be a surprise so don't mention seeing me to the gang okay? Wanna lift home?"

Faith nodded her head and walked back to the limo with Buffy.

"B?" Tom mimicked.

Buffy rolled her eyes at him while Faith laughed.

"Don't you start, you've given me enough nicknames for three lifetimes, you don't need anymore. Besides, that's Faith's name and only she gets to use it."

Faith had a goofy smile on her face as Buffy got into the car before she followed.

While Buffy and Giles had kept up to date on what was going on in Sunnydale, there was a few things they hadn't known about, like the school getting blew up and Faith being put through the Cruciamentum.

Buffy went mad when she heard about that.

"They put you through that! Bastards!"

Tom met her eyes in the mirror and silently begged her to calm down.

Giles looked just as angry as Buffy was.

"We were with them and they never told us. I will be having words with Quentin in the morning."

Buffy's expression changed from anger to amazement as she looked at Faith.

"You passed."

Faith nodded her head and explained about how the Vampire had escaped and kidnapped Xander. She told them about how she killed him by making him drink holy water and about how Angel saved her from a minion.

Buffy smiled, proud of Faith.

"Congratulations, you survived their torture."

"It wasn't that bad B."

Buffy shook her head.

"Cruciamentum is Latin for torture/torment."

Faith's eyes widened before Tom piped up.

"Where am I driving you Faith?"

Faith looked to Buffy, her eyes going wide.


Faith looked at Tom and told him to drive to 1780 Revello Park.

Buffy's eyes widened. Faith was living with Willow? Jealously flared inside her and she was helpless to stop it.

"What?" Tom's head whipped around to Buffy's as he stopped the car, as did Giles. They only heard that voice when Buffy was on the hunt, or dealing with Travers.

Faith seemed to pick up on what Buffy was thinking and put an end to it, she may like messing with Buffy's head now and again, but she never used Willow to do it.

"Her parents moved away to L.A and let her stay in the house. We all live there. We all have a room and we pay rent."

Buffy nodded her head, her posture sill stiff.

"Who is 'we all'?"

"Me, Wills, Xand and his girl Anya and Kim."

Buffy raised her eyebrows.


Faith looked uncomfortable again and for a second, Buffy didn't want to know.

She got her wish.

"Your stop Faith." Tom didn't much like this Slayer. She had been in his presence for ten minutes and she'd upset Buffy twice.

'maybe she'll grow on me. Buffy did'

Faith jumped out and waved goodbye.

The whole way home, which was only around the corner, Buffy wondered just who Kim was.

"Well Buffy, here we are. Mr Giles, you can take the car home."

Tom got out and opened Buffy's door for her.

"You know, you really don't have to do that."

He smiled at her.

"Humour me."

Buffy rolled her eyes and turned back to Giles.

"You'll arrange tomorrow for noon then?"

"Yes. Well, I'm a bit knackered, so I'm off. Tom, make sure she sleeps."

"Yes sir."

Buffy rolled her eyes and hugged Giles goodnight.

"Come on you."

Buffy dragged Tom up the steps to her house and in through the front door.


"Buffy! Oh your back, thank god!"

Joyce hugged Buffy tightly then turned and gave the same treatment to Tom.

"Thank you for bringing my baby home."

He blushed and ducked his head, hiding his big brown eyes.

"Mom, I'm tired, can we catch up tomorrow morning, right now I wouldn't be much company."

"Okay, go get some sleep honey. Tom, I made up the spare room for you."

"Thank you Joyce. That was very kind of you."

"Nonsense. Go on, go to bed."

Buffy didn't need telling twice.

After using the bathroom, Buffy headed over to the guest room to say goodnight to Tom.

He was fast asleep on top of the covers, fully clothed.

Buffy smiled before walking over and lifting Tom up. She held him in one arm, and pulled the covers back with her other before placing him under them and bending to take off his shoes and pulling the covers up over him.

Giving him a kiss on the forehead, she whispered goodnight and left to go great the Sandman, wondering what tomorrow was going to bring.


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