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Aftermath and College

by Bwriter

chapter two


Chapter two

Willow rolled over and stared out the window. She couldn't sleep. She had this feeling that she needed to be awake for something, but she didn't know what.

She heard the front door close and a car take off and assumed that Faith must be back, considering that everyone else was home. 'wonder who was driving her?'

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but the feeling would not leave her.

Sighing, Willow got out of bed and shuffled out of the room and down to the kitchen.

"Hey Faith."

Faith jumped and turned around, a leg of chicken sticking out of her mouth.

Willow shook her head suppressing a laugh and poured herself a glass of orange juice from the container Faith had left out.

"Good hunt?"

Faith finished her leg of chicken before reaching for another.

"No more than usual."

Willow knew what it was like when a Slayer had finished a hunt. She had been on the receiving end of the aftershocks, not that she was complaining.

"Do you want a sandwich?"

Faith chewed her chicken and swallowed before answering.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

Faith watched as Willow set about making her a sandwich and felt guilty for not telling her that Buffy was home. Faith didn't know what was going to happen, Willow was with Kim, and Buffy, well Buffy still loved Willow. The question was, did Willow still love Buffy?

"Hey Will?"

Willow turned to see Faith looking at her wearing a serious expression.


"Do you love Kim?"

Willow closed her eyes and turned away from the Slayer.

Faith walked up behind Willow and placed a hand on her shoulder. When Willow refused to turn, Faith applied some pressure, not enough so she would hurt her friend, but enough to let Willow know that Faith was serious.

Willow's eyes closed again, but this time she got caught up in a memory.

Strong hands, just like Faith's had held her before. She had always felt safe when those arms had been wrapped around her, like nothing could ever hurt her.

But the arms holding her now were not the phantom ones she could still feel. These arms belonged to the wrong Slayer.

"I do feel something for her, but I'm not in love with her."

The words hurt Willow, because she knew at once that they were true.

Faith let go of Willow and took the offered sandwich.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?"
"I'm not going to do anything. I may not be in love with her, but I do love her. I enjoy being with her, she made the pain go away." The last part was said so quietly, only Faith's enhanced hearing could pick it up.


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