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by Bwriter

part 25


Buffy pushed open the doors of the library, knowing everyone was inside.


Everyone looked up at the quiet sound, Giles immediately on alert.

"Buffy, is anything wrong?"

She shook her head no and sat down in the nearest chair, which happened to be beside Xander.

He stuck sitting beside her for all of five seconds before he stood up and moved over to stand by the counter. It wasn't that he didn't like Buffy, but all he knew about her, was that she had a vicious past, and that she now had a soul. Every time he had asked Willow about Buffy, his friend had gotten sad, so he stopped asking.

Buffy pretended not to notice him move away from her.

Giles frown and took off his glasses.

"I don't understand-"

Buffy cut him off and stood up, looking a Willow.

"This was a bad idea."

She turned to go, but Willow jumped up and caught her arm.

"No, stay." she guided Buffy back to her seat and Willow to the one Xander had left.

"Guys, Buffy's going to be hanging out more, in the non apocalypse way."

Gunn smiled, happy his Sire would be around more.

The rest of the Scoobies were silent.

"Who's up for some bronzing?" The question came from Faith.

Xander, Tara, Cordy and Willow all stood, ready to go, the two Vampire's standing more reluctantly.

Buffy was well aware of how that club made her feel, the last time she had been in it, she had to fuck Angelus into his seat.

She just prayed she could control herself tonight.

"I'm not really dressed for dancing, I'll meet you guys there." Willow ran ahead before anyone could protest.

The truth was, she wanted to look good, draw attention to herself, maybe then Buffy would give them both what they wanted.


Gunn set a beer down in front of Buffy and she gave him a hesitant smile.

Xander and Cordy were dancing and Faith was off somewhere leaving Tara with the Vampire's until Willow arrived.

Gunn seemed at ease with the human, but Buffy didn't know anything about her, except for the fact that the blonde had a crush on the Slayer and that she had some knowledge of Witchcraft.

She looked up when she felt the tell tale tingle that announced Willow's arrival.

Buffy spat out the mouthful of beer she had just taken when she saw what Willow was wearing.


The Slayer oozed sex as she walked into the Bronze.

She saw the looks she was getting from both male and female and smirked, knowing she had chosen the right outfit.

She was wearing tight green leather pants, with a top that left little to the imagination up front, but flared out at the arms.

She knew that when she danced, she could raise her arms, and the top would just about cover her breasts, which were braless.

Usually, Willow wouldn't wear something so revealing, but she was on a mission.

She knew that this wouldn't change her lover's mind, but it was a start.


Buffy wasn't aware that she was growling low as she watched people leering at her... Willow.

When she saw Willow start to make her way over to them, Buffy averted her eyes and swirled her beer around, hoping for a distraction.

"Hey guys."

Willow plonked herself down beside Gunn, which just happened to be opposite Buffy and Tara.

Buffy looked up just to say hello, but her eyes narrowed when she saw the lust in Gunn's eyes.

"Willow! You have to dress like this more often." Gunn gave her a smirk and picked up her hand, kissing her knuckles.

Buffy's grip on her bottle of beer tightened before she relaxed herself.


Willow smiled her hello at Buffy before starting a conversation with Tara, leaving Buffy and Gunn to talk, well, Gunn was talking, Buffy kept zoning out to stare at Willow.

Willow jumped up when a song came on that she liked.

"Tara, wanna dance?"

Tara finished her coke and stood up before following the Slayer to the dance floor.

Buffy's beer bottle smashed from her grip when Willow raised her hands above her head.


Gunn looked over at his Sire to see Buffy absently picking glass out of her hand, her eyes fixed on the Slayer.


One song turned into three before Willow and Tara made it back to the table, with Faith, Xander and Cordy in tow.

"Man, I'm beat,"

Cordy threw her boyfriend a look of disgust.

"I cant see how. All you did was stand there while I danced."

Xander shrugged and reached for the drink Gunn had just set in front of him.

"Yeah, and it was exhausting."

Cordy huffed and turned to talk to Tara, dismissing her boyfriend entirely.

Willow looked at the table and spotted the broken shards of glass and frowned.

"What happened?"

Gunn shook his head no and Willow's eyes widened as his eyes shifted to Buffy.

"So Xand, what are you getting Cordy for Christmas?" Willow kept her voice low, knowing that the only ones that would be able to hear, would be Xander and the two Vampire's.

Xander gulped and looked worried.

"Well, I got her this necklace thing, its silver and it has a heart pendant on it. I was thinking of getting in engraved."

Willow smiled at him, glad that someone's relationship was going fine.

"What were you thinking of having it say?"

Xander frowned and took a sip of his coke.

"That's the thing, everything I think of will be too cheesy. I want it to say something... something with meaning."

Willow smiled at her friend before looking at the two Vampire's

"You two have been around forever, what do you think he should put on it?"

Gunn shrugged, he didn't think neither Willow nor Xander would like his suggestion.

Buffy looked thoughtful.

"Do you love her?"

Xander looked startled but nodded his head yes.

Buffy's gaze shifted quickly to Willow's before it moved back to Xander's.

"Then tell her that, 'I love you - those three words have my life in them'"

Xander rolled the words around in his head.

"Simple, to the point, I like it. Thanks Buffy."

Buffy gave him a small smile and looked away.

Willow caught her gaze and gave her the thumbs up.


They had been in the club for an hour, and Buffy could smell the lust coming off the other clubbers in waves.

She turned her head to look at Gunn, and saw that he breathing deeply through his nose.

She gave him a small kick under the table.


Everyone's attention was now on the two, as no-one had heard Buffy speak.

"You know what."

Gunn smirked at his Sire, his demon wanting to indulge in actives of past, but knowing it couldn't.

"Come on Buff, its not like I can control it."

Buffy suddenly noticed that they had the gangs attention.

Willow raised an eyebrow, knowing exactly what the Vampire's were talking about.

Standing up, Buffy mumbled something about getting another drink and headed over to the bar.

Faith got up a second later, following the blonde.

Willow's eyes narrowed as she saw her sister Slayer follow her Mate.


Buffy knew there was a Slayer behind her, and she knew it wasn't Willow.

"What do you want Faith?" She didn't like the other Slayer, she hadn't when she was soulless, and she didn't now.

Faith leaned into Buffy, who's body was now trapped between the Slayer's and the bar.

Buffy pushed, trying to get some space back.

"Aw come on Buff, why so tetchy? We could have some fun." Faith leaned in a placed a wet kiss on Buffy's neck as she thrust her lower body against the Vampire's.

Buffy was about to show Faith exactly what she thought of that, when suddenly Faith was gone.


Willow was out of her seat before she was even aware of it. As soon as she saw Faith leaning into Buffy, she was gone.

Stalking up to the bar, Willow, accidentally on purpose, bumped into Faith.

"Hey guys, I figured you could use some help Buffy."

Buffy smirked at the look on Faith's face before turning her attention completely to Willow.


Faith was still scowling when they got back to the table. When she spotted a vamp luring a girl outside, she stood up and followed.

This was what she needed, a little violence to calm her down.


Buffy sighed when Faith came back. She could smell the after effects of the fight on the Slayer, including her arousal.

Willow watched as Faith viciously tore off a piece of her muffin, before stuffing it in her mouth.

"Isn't it funny how slaying makes you hungry and horny?"

Willow smirked, knowing Faith was trying to push her buttons.

"Yeah, so why not go find someone to take care of that for you."

The rest of the table, apart from Gunn and Buffy, were staring at Willow. The other two were smirking at Faith.

"What about you Willow? Now Buffy's not scratching that itch, you going to go find yourself a toy?" Faith wasn't about to let the bitch put her down.

Buffy couldn't stop her growl and started to stand.

Willow stopped her from rising by placing a hand on her arm.

"Faith, do yourself a favour, disappear. You aren't needed here anymore and you certainly aren't wanted, so go back to wherever you came from. Make us both happy."

Faith frowned before standing up.

"Fine, I've just about had my fill of this town." She walked away without a backwards glance.

Xander, Cordy and Tara were watching their friend, wondering what was going to happen next.

Whatever it was they expected to happen, it wasn't for Buffy to drag Willow out onto the dance floor.

I'm amazed by the feedback, I love you guys! I'm glad people are liking this story, because it is now my fav

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