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Risky...but worth it

by Rin

Risky...but worth it


This is a little risky and illegal, considering their ages...but I love a challenge...

Keeps my writing open-minded...

A little grosser than my usual...


It was a long flight. Buffy Summers was agitated. Not only was it a long flight...but it was a long flight w/ both Giles and Faith schooling her on her slayery methods. Only two delays b/n England and California. She hadn't been here since she was born. The Council had taken her from her family when she was only two months old. The Coven of Devonshire had pinpointed where the next in line of the Slayer powers would be in the potential line, and Rupert Giles was sent to fetch her. Ever since then, he had raised her as his own daughter, doing something the council doesn't allow...forming a bond w/ his slayer beyond that of merely a watcher. He has a father's love for her. She was the quirkiest one at the Council's school...not the brightest. She liked to take things her own way...but Giles loved her for it nonetheless. Now, they were being assigned to the most active Hellmouth.


The town was a legend at the Council. It housed the Hellmouth. Buffy had read all about it...sorta. She more like skimmed through it, and gathered the important facts.

1. The Hellmouth is bad
2. Don't let anybody open it

That's all she needed to know. All the Watchers at the Council were amazed that she'd managed to last as long as she had due to her quirkiness, and defiance of order or rules. Another reason the Council sent them away...was b/c Buffy was starting to influence the other girls too much w/ said defiance.

"The flat the Council has provided us w/ is quite lush from my understanding, and close to the high school, so there shouldn't be a problem walking to school." Giles had been watching his slayer the entire trip. He couldn't read her sometimes...but now was easy. She had left everything she knew...for a place she should've known. Sunnydale was only a few hours away from LA, where she was born, and where her family still resided. It had been difficult taking the little baby from the Summers family but once explained, it had been somewhat too simple. Giles feared that the young couple didn't want their firstborn...but seeing the tears from Mrs. Summers... He hated not allowing them access to their daughter.

However, he HAD allowed them access...w/o the Council's knowledge. He allowed Buffy to send pictures and letters, cards and gifts back and forth. If he hadn't, then Buffy would never know she had a 10 year old sister now, or that her parents really did want her. Maybe his allowance of her contact w/ them had given her the quirkiness that other potentials did not have...

"What's the school like?" she was an enigma. Faith was a runaway from Boston that the Council had found was a potential...the third in line after a girl named Kendra. Giles had taken her in, as well...under Buffy's request. The two acted just like sisters, and it was funny to watch them squabble at times. However, he hated the broken furniture and other antiquities when Faith would try to prove she was just as good as Buffy. Truth was, Faith adored Buffy, and vice versa. They were the best of friends, though neither would admit it. Other than himself, they were all each other had.

"Well, I'd say they have halls...lockers...boys...and teachers...students...stuffy British librarians..." Buffy loved teasing Giles b/c the watcher was forced to take an undercover role as a school librarian. It was something he could relate to...but that didn't mean he had to like it. All those infestious students...none of them probably had any respect for books... It was definitely going to be different than the Watcher's council.


"Buffy, do try not to get into any trouble. The same goes for you, Faith." Giles eyed them both overtop his glasses, as he sent them off w/ their books to their prospective classes. Starting in the middle of the spring semester couldn't be easy for either of them...he could only hope for the best.

"I just have one rule..." Buffy clutched her bag tight, avoiding the oncoming students. "Don't talk to me until I get in w/ the cool crowd."

"Yeah, right...I guess I won't be talking to you ever again, then." Faith still had her little Boston accent but Buffy had a little more British in her. With their transferred credits, Buffy was a senior, and Faith was a sophomore. It would definitely put a strange damper on the age difference.

"Okay, Faith. See you after school." Buffy took off to her first class. American History. Huh...this was something different, especially since she'd been schooled solely in British and European history, and demonology (which was her best subject). Unfortunately, Sunnydale, CA USA didn't offer demonology. She wondered how much the people in town knew about their quaint little home.

"'ll need this. Mr. Krueger is wicked about his folder usage." The tall brunette had already possibly helped out Buffy, and it turned out to be genuine b/c Krueger was ANAL about his folder usage. After class, the brunette caught up w/ her. "Hi, I'm Cordelia Chase. You're new here."

"Oh, yeah. Hi, I'm Buffy Summers." She didn't have all the British manners like she was taught but the accent, and apparently her keen fashion sense had impressed the obvious queen of the school. Soon, she was introduced to the rest of the Cordettes, and she was Cordelia's second hand...almost equal in share of the popularity crowd. She had even managed to get Faith a small spot in the cool crowd. It had taken some awkward arguments b/n the girls but Cordelia and Buffy had taken those equal shares, and come to a genuine more fights.

Patrolling was a little tougher...which Giles mentioned was b/c of the Hellmouth. They managed, though...and Buffy was still able to get the right amount of beauty sleep before school the next day. Life was great. Then...the pain started...


It was three weeks until graduation, and Buffy was patrolling Restfield cemetary one last time before she headed home for the night. It'd been relatively quiet. Buffy had stopped a ritual called the Harvest the night before, and Giles had been studying up on the Master.

Just as she dusted the last vamp for the night, Buffy keeled over in pain. She'd been having gradual pains...but just chocked them up to monthly cramps. They just kept getting worse, though. She was too embarrassed to ask Giles about them...and Faith wouldn't know b/c she was only 13. She had just had her first period last month.

While on the ground, Buffy could sense somebody coming, so she tried to keep her pained moan to a minimal. Luckily, it was just Giles, and he helped her back home.

"How long has this been going on, Buffy?" Giles handed her a cup of tea, as they both sat down in the living area. He had given her some tranqs to calm her...but he knew exactly what was happening. Buffy's slayer side...was in heat. It was way too early for wonder he'd missed it. It wasn't supposed to develop for another few years.

"I don't know...a few weeks...months. It's been getting gradually worse...tonight was the first time I've ever actually passed out from it..." Buffy clutched her teacup. It was warm compared to the nippy Sunnydale night. She thought California was supposed to be all hot and sunny.

"Have you noticed...well...have you noticed a strange smell?"

"Yeah, now that you talk about it. Has Faith been smoking? I thought I smelled it on her the other day but..."

"Buffy, not that kind of smell...though that will definitely be dealt with, I assure you." Giles looked to the bedroom where Faith was reading comics. Yes, he had smelled that, too. "I'm talking w/ yourself...especially when"

"Pee? that you mention it. It's...hmm...hard to explain." Buffy was starting to think Giles knew something...but it was one of those things he wouldn't tell her until she whined about it for days.

"Strong, salty w/ a smell similar to cut limegrass after a rainfall." When he saw Buffy nod, his theory was proved. Buffy was in heat....but why so early?

"Anything more on the Master?" Buffy really didn't want to know b/c it was making Giles blush like crazy. He was about to start sweating and clean his glasses, so she had to save the convo fast. She figured she'd find it in a book anyways.

" appears that he's dormant. He tried to open the Hellmouth in the 20s but an earthquake interrupted the ceremony, and he's been lodged...stuck if you his lair ever since." Giles had heard of the Master in his Council training on the Hellmouth but he didn't expect the Harvest so soon...or any threat from the Master at all, actually. The Council had been wrong in their calculations, and now apparently, Buffy would deal w/ the consequences.

"Oh...that's a goody, at least. I can find his lair, and take him out w/o ever touching him. Easy enough...and you thought it'd be hard." Buffy knew she was about to get the 'it's not what it seems' speech from Giles in 3-2-

"It's not what it seems, Buffy. The Master is ruthless...his features have deformed into an evil guise b/c he's one of the oldest living vampires. He's sired such master vampires as Darla, who you'll remember meeting at the Harvest. I'd say she has an even stronger grudge against you, since you slayed her favorite childe, Angelus, back in England last year." It was true. Buffy had faced unmistakable pure evil in him. He had tried to trick her, make her think he had a soul, tried to make her fall in love w/ him, so he could destroy her in his traditional, artistic way. He hadn't studied up enough. Slayers were naturally bred to the female side of sexual partners. His ignorance was his undoing, and Buffy had succeeded in taking out her first great evil force. Now, she was to face the thing that bred the thing that bred that great evil force. Yet, Giles was more worried about Buffy being in heat so early. He had to inform the Council...just as soon as she and Faith were asleep.


Devonshire 11 am

"Willow, are you sure you're up to this task? You do know what you're offering. You do realize that this girl is only 15, whereas you are 21. That's 6 years her senior, plus illegal in form. You'll be taking on too many risks, and you're our most valued up and comer in this coven." Starfire was Willow's mentor. She had looked over the girl since her time in Oxford. Willow was bright, had graduated Oxford at 20, and had been studying w/ the coven ever since. She was the ultimate wicca, and several others were jealous of her power. That very power was what ruined all of her relationships, especially this last one w/ fellow coven member, Tara. Now, Willow was volunteering to mate herself to a 15 year old slayer. The mating wasn't supposed to be for several years but the Council had called w/ the news from Rupert. Starfire and Rupert had their own history together...but that was for another time...

"I know what I'm doing. I'm willing to take the risks. I'm the youngest one in the coven mature enough to take on such a heavy task. Would you rather send Tally?" Of course, Willow's joke wasn't lost on the eldest coven member, who only smirked at the young girl. Willow was every bit the fiery redhead she was once. Tally had been mated to a slayer years and years ago, back in her prime...but the slayer had been killed by Spike, another ruthless vampire w/ a penchant for slayers. Just thinking of Nikki...and how it broke her heart when she had to tell young Robin... Now, Willow was volunteering...perhaps from loneliness, maybe b/c of her fear of rejection. Being mated meant forever...maybe that would give Willow some permanence in her life. It was just...the age thing...

"Well, then. You'll be fitted for the next flight to Sunnydale, CA. I believe you know the place." Tally wasn't surprised at the look of shock on Willow's face. The young redhead had been unaware of where she'd be sent. Now she knew...her hometown...the place where she was born and raised...well, born anyways, and raised herself.

"" It seemed like years since she'd been back there. Ever since she was 15...when she'd moved to England permanently, and enrolled in Oxford.

"Prepare your things. You'll be standing on sunny beaches by this time today..." Tally smiled again. Young Willow was such a gem...a true warrior to the cause. If it weren't for the age thing, Tally would've suggested Willow for the mating anyways. It was just...the age thing...


Sunnydale 11am

"Miss Rosenberg, I trust your flight was pleasant." Rupert picked Willow up at the airport. She wanted to just beam over but Tally argued that it was only right to return the same way you arrived. Teleporting wasn't an option.

"It was okay, I guess. Are you Rupert Giles?" Willow held out her hand. He was more rugged looking than most watchers she'd met...which weren't very many. Just the ones that came on retreats to the coven land on occasion.

"Certainly. I hope you don't mind but the Council had me prepare the flat next to mine. It's quite lovely." He held the door to his Citreon, and they were off in no time. "I suppose you wonder why you're..."

"I'm mating w/ the slayer."

"Yes, and did they tell you anything else?" Giles wasn't aware the coven was allowed to disclose that information to the mates.

"Just that she's younger than most at their mating periods, and we'll go through lots of trouble due to legalities." Willow wouldn't admit it but she was nervous. It was almost like having your marriage set up for you by your parents...only she had volunteered. In less than five minutes, she would meet the woman she would spend the rest of her life with...or the rest of the slayer's life w/ at least. It was the most permanency she'd ever been promised. "Does Buffy know I'm coming?"

"She knows nothing of what's happening to her. She merely thinks it's feminine problems that's causing the pains." Giles stopped the car in front of the complex. "I suggest you not mention why you're here, either. She'll be drawn to you in time. Her curious manner will get the best of her, and she'll try to learn everything about you. I hope you're ready for this."

"Couldn't be that hard..." Willow pulled her bags from the back seat, and Giles handed her the key to her new flat. The complex was was certainly council property.

Giles left her to it, since he had to be back at the school. She would meet Buffy later. They weren't scheduled to mate for a month, when their cycles would coincide. The coven had given her the herbs and chants to perform nightly, in order to put their cycles in perfect alignment. That was the most crucial element of the mating ritual.

By five, she felt that everything in her new flat was arranged according to the rooms, and her decorations and Willowy elements made the place that much better. As soon as she sat down, there was a knock at the door. She expected that Giles had returned from the high school but when she opened it, there was a gorgeous blonde there, couldn't be younger than 20, about her same height, and she had the most amazing eyes.

"Hi, Giles told me to come get you for dinner. Said you just moved in today, and might wanna join us." Buffy was sent on this simple errand...but she didn't expect the most amazingly beautiful woman she'd ever met to be on the other side of the door. She expected an old crusty watcher lady like back at the Council. No, this was definitely a surprise. Maybe she was wrong...this girl couldn't be older than 18. Those amazing green eyes... "Oh, um...hi, I'm Buffy, by the way."

"Oh, shit." Willow wasn't prepared for that one. "Oh, um...sorry. It's're not what I expected at all..." Not to mention as young as I originally thought...well, at least the attraction's already set. I sensed her mood change, too. "I'm Willow."

" you wanna eat me? WITH me? Um..." Shit, shit, shit...mind outta the redhead, Buffy..."Dinner's ready. Giles let Faith cook, so no telling what it is...probably spaghetti b/c that's the only thing she doesn't burn."

"I'd love to eat...w/ you." And just you...bad Willow...bad, bad Willow.

"Ah, Miss Rosenberg. Glad you could join us. This is Faith, my other charge." Giles went to hold the seat out for her but Buffy beat him to it. Seems the attraction was already set...that was a definite plus. He was worried that this might not work b/c of Buffy's early heat.

"Hey. I made dinner." Uh-oh...Faith had the puppy dog eyes again. Buffy noticed it first...and didn't like the way Faith was staring at the redhead.

"Sounds great." Willow was being polite, of course. She wouldn't touch that stuff if somebody paid her to eat it. As soon as Giles saw it, he picked up the phone to order Chinese. "Well, you tried...that's what counts. You'll do better next time."

"Thanks." Faith was glad when Buffy decided to help w/ the dishes...but she had to wonder why, since Buffy never volunteered to do the dishes. "So, what's up?"

"Whaddya mean?" Buffy had that dreamy look again. Just like that time when Buffy had made out w/ that loser, Fred. At least Willow seemed cool, and not a bit nerdy.

"You've got eyes for that lady. I can tell." Faith handed Buffy the next pot.

"She's not that old. Couldn't be older than..."

"She's 21. Giles told me while you went to get her."

"What? 21? She can't be 21. No...that's not fair." Whiny Buffy...yep, she was already smitten. It just added fuel to Faith's fire...something to tease the blonde about more often.

"Hey, I don't make the rules. I just...sometimes...follow them." Faith handed Buffy the last pan, and everything was set cleanup wise. "I wouldn't worry none. She's gonna be around a lot. Giles said the coven in Devonshire sent her here to help us w/ the whole Master thing. She's like this uber witch, or something like that."

"Why can't I cut a break? Do you think Giles would let me..."

"No way...she's like...6 years older than you. You know how big a fit he threw when he found out you were dating Fred...and she was just 18."

"Still better than Angelus."

"And we're all glad you didn't fall for that bullshit. I, on the other hand...that butt? Man...if he were only 200 years younger..."

"And not evil..."

"Of course. Do I look like I wanna be featured in PsychoGirlfriends Monthly? I leave that to HoSilla...I'm still pissed you fell for that one. I so could've escaped."


"Girls, are you finished in there? The food is here." Giles calling meant 'get here now,' and Buffy didn't want to keep the redhead alone w/ Giles for too long anyways. He was of consenting age...he could like...try to make the moves on her or something...even if that was icky b/c he was so old. No, Buffy was staking her claim now. Willow was hers.

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