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Inner Turmoil

by wicked

Inner Turmoil Part 2


One last challenge:

AU fic.

Buffy is 15, Willow is 21.

Buffy is the new slayer. Since being taken as a baby from her mother, father, and sister (she knows them by name only) she has been trained at a secret compound in England. Finally she is called and sent to the town of Sunnydale with Rupert Giles, her watcher, and Faith, a young potential sent to be basically the Slayer's errand girl (takes care of the weapons, etc.) (Faith should be about 13).

Anyways, while she is in Sunnydale buffy begins to get terrible headaches/stomach pain which is the result of her Slayer side going into "heat". To aid the Slayer the coven in Devonshire at the request of the council sends Willow to be mate to the slayer (Willow is aware of her purpose though Buffy has no idea) and to aid the slayer in her great battle. Meanwhile the Master is gathering all of his forces to kill the Slayer and take over Sunnydale.

Anyways, the fic can be whatever rating, whatever season. However the ages should be as above. Willow is the more "experienced" because of her time with her fellow Witch Tara (they could have been in love before..maybe Willow asked to go to the Slayer because she was hurting over their break up?).

B/W (obviously)
a lack of Xander
a strange smell
a wounded buffy
a great evil force
giles knocked out at least once
Willow remarking on her lack of singing ability

must NOT have:
Angel (Angelus is fine)
Souled Spike
Chipped Spike
"In Love With Buffy" Spike

Willow watched the door open to the house and was shocked to see the Slayer standing before her. Of course that wasn't as shocking as the condition the blonde girl was in. Her complexion was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes, she was not looking good at all. The Coven had said that she was having troubles dealing with the situation and Willow was not to state the nature of her appearance to either girl.
"Hi, can I help you with something?" Faith came running behind her almost knocking the Slayer down. "Who is it? Is it for me?" Smiling at the younger girl Willow held out her hand curious if Buffy would reach for it. "My name is Willow Rosenberg, I am, well, moving in. Rupert is my uncle and I had a situation that..."
"Oh," Buffy grabbed her hand only to drop it as soon as contact was made. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she knew she had never felt anything like that before.
"Come on in, I am sorry for not letting you. Giles had told me and I forgot all about it. He went out of town for a couple of days but I hope we can keep you company."
The Slayer reached for Willow's bag only to have her hand swatted away gently. "You really don't look like you are up for carrying that. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, just a bug I have been nursing." Faith snickered at that and received a smack on the head. Buffy took in the girl's appearance, not one to be checking out girls, but this one was definitely a looker. "You don't look like Giles at all." Willow pulled her in a hug "thank god you said that, I would be traumatized had you phrased that any differently." All three girls started laughing as Buffy led Willow to her room. Looking at her watch she saw that it was almost seven.
"I hate to leave you to the kid here but I need to go take care of some things." The Slayer hated the thought of leaving the redhead and that was shocking to her.
Willow looked up with an arched eyebrow "You are so not going to go slaying while you are in that condition."
Buffy did not know whether to be more surprised by the command she was given or the fact Willow knew about the slaying.
"I just talked to Uncle Giles before I got here and he informed me to request you not go out until you are feeling better." Willow grabbed the younger girl's hand and relished the heat that suffused her body. Goddess she had not felt like this since Tara...no there will be no thinking about that...she scolded herself lightly.
"How did you know about vampires and slaying and things that go bump in the night?" Willow laughed lightly and the sound was like an orchestra to the Slayer. "Some kids got Hansel and Gretel as a bedtime story and I got the "Vampyre" or "Demons Guide" among other things." At least that much wasn't a lie.

Buffy grinned and the redhead took in the beautiful sight thinking maybe this hadn't been such a bad idea after all. "I understand that, I knew how to throw a stake before I could barely talk." Faith hung her head; she didn't have any great accomplishments that she could boast about. Her days were spent avoiding beatings, early on by parents and later by the Council. The Wicca looked down and saw the emotions written on the girl's face and could read her mind. "I will probably be here a good long while, what do you think about maybe learning a few spells?"

"Me?" Buffy smiled and grabbed Faith around the neck then kissed the top of her head. While Faith was hugging the Slayer, the blonde mouthed a silent "thank you" to Willow.

"Yeah, but definitely not before we get to know each other. Do you want some soup or something? I mean not feeling good at all, and chicken soup is really good for the...uhmmmm...the whatever it is you have."
"What was that thing you just did?" Buffy asked as she plopped down on the couch.
"What thing?" Willow looked unsure as to what the Slayer was referring to.
"You just said about five sentences without even so much as drawing a breath."
"Oh!" Willow sat down next to Faith and grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly. The blonde noticed a strange expression on the redhead's face, she almost looked sad. "My ex used to call that babbling."
"I am sensing ex troubles..." Buffy stated taking in the redhead's appearance she really was beautiful. Her straight hair fell down past her shoulders and one side was tucked behind a delicate little ear. She wore a light green skirt and shirt with a darker vest to cover it.

"No, we broke up a long time ago, I just sometimes get a little lonely." She started to bite on her lower lip and Faith sensed her sadness. Jumping up from Buffy's side she plopped down on the redhead's lap. "You are here with us now and if he didn't appreciate you then it is our gain, right B?"

Willow looked hesitantly between the two, she felt more accepted here than she had with the Coven but she really wasn't sure how the next piece of news would be digested.

"It was a she not a he...Her name was Tara and we broke up almost a year ago but we still talk. We wanted very different things, I am into Magic and she likes magic as a recreational thing. Her comment was I would never be able to choose between Magic and her so she did it for me."
"That was kinda harsh, I really hate to sound rude about it but I glad it happened because now you are here." Buffy reached behind Faith and touched Willow's hand lightly and both girls jumped at the contact.
"How about pizza?" Buffy questioned knowing Faith would jump on that quickly.
"Oh yeah, B. Pizza with everything on it and some anchovies and pineapple." Willow turned a little green at the mention of pineapple and anchovies. "How about a veggie pizza for me? Is there someplace that delivers?" Faith quickly shook her head. "There is a pizza place right down the street and it has an arcade so I can go play while I am waiting for the pizza, is that ok? Huh, Buffy?"
"Ok, dork. There is some money Giles left by the refrigerator." Minutes later Faith was out the door and the two girls were left sitting in the living room by themselves.
Buffy got up to go to the restroom and groaned as her headache worsened. Willow was immediately at her side guiding her to a sitting position. "Are you ok, Buffy?" The blonde nodded "Just a headache, no big deal." The beautiful blonde groaned when she felt Willow position herself behind the Slayer and pulled her back against her. The contact between the two ignited a heat neither was prepared for. Buffy reached up and captured one of Willow's hands with her own then kissed the knuckle softly. It felt like she had known her forever and this felt so right.
The redhead groaned as the Slayer's lips grazed her knuckle. Buffy smiled with a look of mischief in her eyes. The Slayer's tongue slipped out lightly and caressed the outline of her knuckle. "Goddess, Buffy." The Slayer turned and the two girls lips met hesitantly until Willow took the lead and eased her tongue out to caress Buffy's lips.
"Uhmmmmmm." The blonde was at a loss for words as she eased herself away from the Wicca. "Wow."

"I am sorry." The redhead lowered her head, ashamed of taking advantage of the blonde. Although she had a mission to accomplish the thought of lying to Buffy caused an ache in her heart.

"It is okay." The blonde rested her head on Willow's chest and kissed her chin softly. "I think I definitely want to pursue that further."

"Have you ever been with a girl, Buffy?" The Slayer shook her head no "I have never been with anyone Wills...I like that Wills. Is it ok for me to call you that?"

The Wicca's smile was dazzling "I have never had a nickname before, I like it." "Just wait until Faith gives you one...so far I have Sis, Big B, Blondie, Twinkie...and I am sure there are more I just can't think of since my mind is still all kinds of chaos...I think I want to kiss you again is that ok?" Willow's answer was to lean forward and touch the blonde's lips with her own. Their bodies intertwined quickly as the kiss progressed. The redhead wrapped her fingers in Buffy's hair as her tongue delved deeper. Buffy moved herself so that she was straddling Willow's waist. The redhead hesitantly reached out and ran her hand up Buffy's side under her t-shirt. The Slayer jumped and Willow stopped immediately. "This is going so fast, Wills...but it doesn't feel wrong."

"I know." The redhead brushed back a strand of Buffy's hair and kissed her nose. "I promise I will never hurt you Buffy." Faith chose that moment to come barging in and Buffy scrambled off of her quickly. After they finished eating Willow went upstairs to shower. The Slayer realized that there weren't any clean towels in the bathroom so after gathering several of them she knocked softly on the door. Not getting any response, she opened the door quietly and smiled as she heard Willow singing. It sounded like an Irish song and it was really cute with the English accent mixed in there. The water cut off but Buffy was still so enthralled by the redhead's voice she had not realized it.

"Buffy!" The redhead squealed. "Oh god! Did you just hear me sing...please say no, it's horrible!" The blonde laughed, "I just saw you naked and I have to say you are beautiful Willow and you asked if I heard you sing."

"NAKED! OH GOD...NAKED..." The redhead grabbed the towel and quickly wrapped herself up. "It isn't anything to be ashamed of Wills and before long I promise I will be seeing you naked again."

With that the Slayer walked back out of the bathroom leaving a flustered Wicca behind her.


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