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by Salix

Part Two


They were showered, dressed, and refreshed by the time they needed to get up to call everyone to announce a Scooby dinner. Willow told the gang it was to celebrate Oz's return, but she had other motives behind it. Mostly so that she would be able to talk to Oz civilly without Buffy acting all weird. Willow knew that no matter how jealous Buffy got she would never do anything unreasonable to Oz around the rest of the gang, at least not if Oz kept his distance and didn't hit on the redhead. When the gang had arrived at around seven Willow had made enough food to feed a medium sized army. They talked for a while in the living room before they went into the kitchen to eat.

Dinner was filled with small talk, and Xander kept looking from Oz to Buffy and then back to Oz. He watched as the two of them kept their eyes on Willow, and he watched as Willow's irritation level grew. Xander knew that Buffy would be jealous if Oz ever came back, but he wasn't really expecting Oz to still be pining over Willow after he learned about the Willow-Buffy relationship, or as he likes to call it: Wiffy. Then the big question was asked by the littlest Summers girl herself.

"Are you just visiting or do you plan on staying?" Dawn asked Oz and then took a large bite of the chicken leg that Willow had baked. Everyone pretty much stopped what they were doing to look over at him. Everyone except for Anya, who watched but not with all of her attention. She's come to learn that Willow is a good cook and she should take advantage whenever the redhead was in a cooking mood because you never know how long it'll be until she'll feel like cooking for them again.

"Actually," Oz said and then wiped his mouth with the napkin. He looked into Willow's eyes from across the table. Xander was at the head of the table, Anya to his left, then Dawn next to the ex-demon, Oz next to Dawn, Giles at the foot of the table, Buffy next to him and Willow next to her. He had to stop himself from looking over at everyone else who was staring at him as if this were some type of show or something. "I was thinking about what you said earlier, about not really knowing what to do about daycare and dropping out of school. I thought that maybe I could watch her during the day while you guys are at school."

To say that Willow was surprised would be a very large, incredibly huge understatement. She was glad that Oz wanted to do this, thrilled even. She was quiet as she processed all of this in her mind but her excitement could be felt throughout the room. She wanted Oz to be a part of their daughter's life. Just because she's with Buffy doesn't mean she's going to deny him. Not only could he take the case to court if he really wanted to, but Willow would just never do that. She remembers growing up in the house with her parents, and even though she lived with both of them she didn't really know them. They never spent time with her and she would not do that to her daughter. Even if Oz never came back Willow had planned on telling the baby all about him.

The room got even quieter, if it were possible, after Oz made his proposal. Everyone was looking back and forth between him and Willow, kind of like they were watching a tennis match. Even Anya had put her fork down to pay attention to this. She was the only one who cast a look over at Buffy and she was very surprised to see the other blonde looking so pissed. She could tell that Buffy was trying to control herself, and as a result the fork she was holding was now completely bent making a U shape.

"Of course you could do that. That would be really great. And not just for helping me out but I want you to be a part of her life. I don't want her growing up not knowing who her dad is. This is going to be so great, I can't wait for it to happen. Isn't it great Buffy?" she asked and turned her head to look at her girlfriend. Her smiled fell and her brow furrowed when she saw how tense Buffy was. The veins in her neck were starting to stick out and her cheeks were starting to flush, and Willow knew it wasn't from anything good.

"Yeah Will, it's great," she said, but the words were forced and everyone in the room felt the sting that was behind them. Willow was...very pissed off wouldn't quite describe it because it was more intense then that. She looked around the table at everyone before she excused herself and walked off to her bedroom. The gang started to look at everyone but Oz and Buffy. The slayer was currently sending him the death glares that she had sent that afternoon.

"Well this is awkward," Anya said, breaking the thick silence and started to eat again. Xander tried not to roll his eyes as he said his disappointed 'An' that he does whenever he thinks she's being rude, but she was quick to argue back. "Well don't blame me, it isn't my fault Buffy has jealousy issues that, if they were corporal, would shoot through the roof." Buffy got up and left the table and went into the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her.

Giles and Dawn and Xander handled the clean up and when they were done they thought it would be best if everyone left to give the two woman some privacy so they could work this out. Anya didn't really want to leave, in her demon days one of her favorite past times had been watching couples fight, then she would show up all fancy like and introduce herself so she could bring on the vengeance. But Xander made her leave and reminded Anya that Buffy's a slayer and could kill her with barely the flick of a wrist.

"Why are you acting like this?" The yelling began. Willow had stayed in the master bathroom until she heard the others leave. She didn't want to have this discussion until they were gone because she knew it was going to turn into a screaming match. As soon as she heard the front door close she walked back into the bedroom and saw Buffy sitting on the bed, still looking pissed but a little apologetic.

"Willow, come on, think about this clearly, ok? Yes, Oz is the father, but he's a werewolf, a we-re-wol-f," she pronounced all of the syllables slowly. "For three days of the month she'll be in danger. Are you really saying that you trust your daughter with him one hundred percent?" She was standing now and breathing hard at the thought of Oz turning into the wolf and harming the child. It just made her so mad that she needed to go kill something, but she had to wait to do that. Right now they had to try and come to terms with this, Buffy had to get Willow to see things her way on this.

"That's only during the night, Buffy, and he'll only be watching her while we're at school. Maybe I'll let him keep her over a couple nights a week but that'll only be when I need a break. And he said that he found a cure for it, he's better now. We don't have to worry about the wolf anymore. Why are you so jealous of him about this? I get why you're jealous of him about me, I'm somewhat jealous of Angel for having you first, but why do you think Oz is just this big threat when it comes to the baby?" She watched as a look of hurt spread over Buffy's face, but it quickly went away and it was replaced by sheer stubbornness.

"We don't know for sure that he's cured, not one hundred percent. This is the Hellmouth, things always go wrong on the Hellmouth. We don't even know how he cured himself, it could just be a temporary thing. I don't want either of you in danger, and as long as he's around we're in more danger then normal." She had lowered her voice so she wasn't yelling, just talking sternly. Willow went to speak again but Buffy cut her off. She needed to get out of here before she drowned in her insecurities.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. I need to patrol," she said and stomped out to the living room and went over to the weapons chest that up against the wall separated the living room from the kitchen. Willow had followed her and was yelling at her the entire time, but Buffy wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. She just needed to get out of that apartment, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

Willow sat on the couch in her living room, crying because Buffy had really left her. She wasn't even sure if Buffy had been paying attention to her after she left the bedroom. She had seen that the blonde had this desperate look in her eyes, like she was cornered and was looking for a way out. And as Buffy walked towards the door Willow had yelled something she didn't mean at the time, but the fact that it was totally ignored hurt really bad. 'If you leave now then don't even think that you're ever going to be a part of my daughter's life. If you walk out that door don't think about coming back'.

She regretted it, and she wished she could take it back, but more then that she just wished that Buffy had been listening. Maybe Buffy would have stayed if she had just listened to what Willow had said. Why was she acting like this around Oz? Buffy had been right about one thing, this is the Hellmouth so wherever they go there will be danger, and for three days nights out of the month Oz is locked up, and he said that he was cured so he wouldn't even need to do that anymore, so why was Buffy freaking out like this?

She didn't know and as much as she wanted to find out there was another part of her that said this was all too much. Maybe being with Buffy just wasn't worth this stress. She's going to be a mom soon and that's a very stressful thing to be and she doesn't want to be fighting with Buffy about Oz while she's trying to learn all of the things that she needs to know about being a parent. She just wishes she had someone with experience to help her out with all of this. Only then did it dawn on her that she could turn to Joyce, but right now she was too tired. So she got into her pajamas and she crawled into her side of the bed.

She couldn't fall asleep so she spent hours just tossing and turning, not wanting to get up. She froze when she heard the front door open. She listened as Buffy made her way towards the bedroom and then changed into her pajamas. Willow wasn't sure if Buffy knew she was asleep or not but from what she could tell Buffy thought she was sleeping. Then she felt Buffy crawl into the bed and gently wrap her arms around her waist and held Willow from behind. But because things were so tense between them Willow flinched at the touch and Buffy pulled back, knowing that the witch was really awake.

Willow turned around so that she was facing the blonde and looked into the hazel eyes that were so full of regret and pain and tears. She had the urge to reach out and brush those tears away before they could fall, but she fought it. She saw Buffy's lower lip start to tremble and then the blonde put her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. Willow slowly reached out and touched Buffy's arm and waited for her to open her eyes. When she was looking into the deep depths of hazel she started speaking.

"Buffy, if we're ever going to get over this, if we're ever going to make this work, I mean really work, you've got to be completely honest with me. I know you're worried about me and about the baby, and I love you for it, but can you honestly say that there isn't something else going on that's making you act so coldly to Oz?" she made sure that she kept her voice low and soft. She didn't want this to escalate to a fight. She just wanted to know what was eating away at her slayer and she just wished that Buffy would just come out and say it.

"I'm afraid," Buffy admitted, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back the sob that was trying to work its way out of her body. Willow's brow wrinkled with some confusion. Her eyes were full of worry. She had never seen Buffy like this before and it broke her heart to witness it. She waited for Buffy to continue but she was met with silence. She knew that if she was going to get anything out of the slayer she would have to ask the right questions and keep her emotions in control.

"Afraid of what, baby?" she asked and reached out to catch Buffy's tear before it was able to fall. Buffy leaned into the touch and then sniffled. Willow could tell that this was difficult for her and she also knew that it had to something to do with the baby because Buffy broke their eye contact to look down at Willow's stomach. Willow gave her all the time she needed. Buffy's always been closed off, at least to a certain degree, so for her to actually try to be completely honest and emotional like this was really hard and Willow knows that.

"Afraid that you and Oz will get back together after the baby's born. I'm afraid that when she gets older and if we're still together then she'll hate me for not being able to give you a normal life and she'll want to go and live with Oz and leave us because we're not considered normal. I'm just afraid that I'm going to loose both of you because he's back and he's staying." More tears made their way out of her eyes and fell onto the pillow. Willow leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the blonde and tried her best to comfort her. She started crying even harder when Willow touched her, but Willow took that as a good sign because Buffy was getting all of this out of her system and she was letting Willow help her do it.

"Buffy," Willow whispered into Buffy's ear. "Listen, ok? We're going to raise this baby together, if you still want to, and we're going to raise her to be open minded and love both of us. She'll love Oz too, but I'm not too sure how permanent this arrangement is going to be. I always want Oz in her life, I want her to know who her father is, but we'll also teach her that we're her mothers, and we'll love her just the same as if we were a normal couple, possibly even more. Don't you wish that your dad were still around, even after what he did to your mom?" she asked and she waited for a few minutes and then she felt Buffy nod her head yes. At least she was making some progress. Willow took Buffy's hand and placed it palm down over her stomach.

"She may be Oz's biologically, but you've been here for me when he wasn't, and we're together now, so she'll always be yours first. We'll be the first people she sees when she wakes up in the morning and when she goes to sleep at night. We're going to be the ones to be here for all of the big events in her life. I want Oz to be able to witness them too, but it's just not going to work out that way because he doesn't live here, and I don't want him to. I want to share this with you Buffy. I'm not going anywhere, don't worry." Then she placed a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead and held her tightly against her body and soon they were both asleep.

They were completely unaware of the fact that Oz had been standing outside the front door. He had come back to talk to Willow, to make sure that she was ok, and he overheard the two talking with his very good wolf-hearing. He was so mad at what Willow had said. Willow was going to put Buffy above him even when it comes to their daughter. That just isn't right. That's his baby, not Buffy's, if anyone should be mad about this arrangement it should be him. He tried to control his breathing, he tried to calm down but the wolf slowly started to take him over. He was able to stager out of the building by the time he had completely transformed. The wolf howled towards the sky, the crescent moon beaming down on him as he charged down the street searching for anything to feed this hunger.

The following morning the two lovers woke up in each other's arms. They were comfortable and didn't want to move, but they knew they had to. They both had classes starting at ten and it was already nine. So, they both got out of the bed and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Willow made Buffy her favorite, pancakes with sausage, and mass amounts of syrup, along with a cup of coffee. The blonde knew that Willow as making her this to try and make her feel better, and it was working.

She noticed that the redhead was being extra affectionate this morning. Almost every second was filled with a soft touch and a loving kiss. Buffy knew that it was more then just the hormones. She knew that Willow was trying to reassure her and as much as she was loving it she sort of wished that Willow would back off just a little. Sure it was nice getting Willow-touches, and Willow-kisses but they still had to get ready for school and show up on time for the big test. The semester would be ending soon, along with this grueling school year. Then summer vacation would come and they would have three months to themselves before they would have to sign up for new classes to be confused and intimidated by.

It was their lunch break and they were walking down the hall, hand in hand. Willow was wearing yet another shirt that would hide the bulge in her belly. When she first started to show she wanted to show it off, but she just got so sick and tired of people she doesn't even know walking up to her and touching her stomach. She was afraid that if one more person did that she would accidently magic them through a wall or something. She was afraid that she was going to get so big that she wouldn't be able to hide it, but she would panic when that happened. Right now she just wanted to relax and enjoy the nice day. She was pulled back to reality when Buffy stopped abruptly and took a newspaper from some guy sitting at a bench.

She was about to question Buffy for her actions when the blonde flipped it to the first page. Apparently two teenage girls were mauled by a very large dog. Being on a Hellmouth there was very little chance that it was a dog or a normal mauling. Buffy tried to calculate in her mind when the next full moon was but she just couldn't. Everyone had stopped paying attention after Oz left. This caused the girls to panic as they left the campus and headed for Giles' house. They needed to know what they were dealing with before they came up with some sort of plan. Willow just hoped that Buffy wasn't looking at this like a good excuse to kill Oz, if he was the one who had done this horrible thing.

Buffy was in slayer mode, and talking to Giles about what she had read in the paper. She had showed him the article and told him that she thought it might be a werewolf, that it fit the description. Giles added that there are demons out there that look like werewolves so the description also fit about fifteen other types of demons. She just rolled her eyes at that and then sat down on the couch and waited while he went and got a calender to find out the moon's lunar cycle. The frustration started to pile high when Giles informed them that the full moon wasn't until the end of the month so whatever creature had caused the damage could not be a werewolf. Buffy was just about to go into freak out mode when there was a knock at the door. Giles left to answer it, leaving the two girls alone in the living room.

"Don't worry Buffy, we'll find out whatever it is and then you'll slay it. Like we always do," Willow said and rested her hand on Buffy's thigh. She watched Buffy as Buffy watched her. Willow's eyes grew a little darker with arousal as she watched Buffy's hazel eyes skim over her body. Then she watched as said eyes stopped at her stomach and Buffy gave a small smile. Willow could only image what Buffy was thinking and she wanted to get her to start thinking dirty thoughts because her hormones were starting to do their damage. She was just about to lean forward and plant a fevered kiss on Buffy's neck when Giles came back into the room, followed by Oz.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Willow asked and stood up. Her brow furrowed with confusion and concern when Oz wouldn't make eye contact with her. She also noticed that he refused to even send Buffy the smallest glance. What was going on with him? She just hoped that this visit wouldn't turn into some type of fight or something. Because if it did then the fight would be between Buffy and Oz and no matter what words were said the underlined point of the argument would be about dominance, and who has it.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna take off," he said and put his hands in his coat pockets. She looked at him, hurt and confused. She felt Buffy's hand on her arm as the slayer stood next to her, but she didn't really focus on anything other then Oz. She had been fearing this. She was afraid that because of Buffy's really bad manners that Oz would feel really uncomfortable and take off on her, again. But somehow she knew that it wasn't Buffy's fault.

"Why?" she asked sounding a little breathless. She didn't want him to go. She was about to have his baby. She needed him around, she wanted him around. She wanted their daughter to know her dad but clearly Oz didn't want that, at least not anymore. She tried to get him to look her in the eyes but he wouldn't and that pissed her off more then anything else. He was leaving and he wasn't even man enough to look her in the eyes and tell her why. Maybe she should just let him go without a fight if he was going to act this way.

"Last night I kind of overhead you and Buffy talking. The wolf took me over and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. She was right, I'm a danger and I'm not going to be one to you. I have to go." He was finally looking into her eyes and she could see the pain and sadness in them. He didn't want to leave but her relationship with Buffy was just too much for him to take and he couldn't stand to be around them knowing that he used to be the one who shared a bed with Willow, who kissed her and did all of the other relationship stuff with. But he had to leave for fear that he might hurt her and his unborn child. She gave him a quick hug goodbye and then he walked out the door and out of their lives, probably forever.

Willow sat down on the couch, stunned. She wasn't too sure what was going on anymore. Yesterday she and Buffy were fighting and she thought that maybe they weren't meant to be, and then Oz leaves after telling them that he turned into a werewolf outside of the lunar cycle after he overheard her and Buffy talking. It took her a few minutes to remember what they had talked about. She felt a twinge of guilt when she remembered that she said that Buffy is going to take priority over Oz in her daughter's life. So, it was Willow's fault that he took off, wow, the irony is just killing her.

Buffy helped her back to the apartment. Willow was still really upset and she needed to rest. The last thing they needed right now was for Willow to go into premature labor or something. She held onto Willow and helped her walk into the bedroom and helped her lie down on the bed and then she placed a kiss on the redhead's forehead and told her that she loved her. Then she left their home, locking the door behind her, as she headed for the mall, money in tow, so that she could buy on hell of a 'I'm sorry' present.

When Willow woke up from her nap she knew that nothing was right. She wasn't in her soft comfortable bed, she wasn't in her bedroom, and she wasn't in her apartment. Whether she was still in Sunnydale or even California for that matter was lost on her as she tried to move but found that she was bound. She wasn't gaged and hoped that that was a good thing. She slowly opened her eyes and couldn't see anything. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but nothing came. There was no ceiling, no walls, so floor. Just her, tied at her wrists and ankles, lying on her back as she wondered how she was going to get out of this one.

"Hello Ms. Rosenberg. Sorry if this is any inconvenience to you, but I thought we should sit down and have a little talk," a woman said from somewhere out of Willow's sight range. At first she thought that it was Faith talking to her, that the rouge slayer had somehow brought her here, but as soon as she saw t he woman, with her willowy body, and big full lips, and bright blue eyes she knew that it wasn't Faith. But the two sounded a lot of like.

"What do you want?" Willow asked, trying to sound more confident then she felt. She wished that she could use her hands but whatever was wrapped around her was doing its job very well. She watched as the woman snapped her fingers and a chair appeared and the woman sat down, watching her with some fascination. Willow couldn't help but feel like some type of science experiment. She just wished that Buffy was here to save her. Buffy makes everything better, well, almost everything.

"You're in no danger here, so please just try to relax. You will be home, safe and sound as soon as we get this talk over with. To answer some of your questions, we're nowhere. This is the only place I could take you where the Powers That Royally Fuck Things Up can't reach us. The Powers That Be don't want me talking to you, but it's important, too important to go unspoken. It's about your daughter, and her future.

"You deal with prophecies all of the time. The slayer has defied a couple if I'm not mistaken, so you're very familiar with the fine print. But there are others, hundreds of thousands of prophecies that have been foretold long before there was writing to let future generations know of their being. There is one about your child, Ms. Rosenberg and it is far worst then any you've had to deal with thus far."

Buffy walked into her apartment feeling good about herself. She had found the absolute best 'I'm sorry' gift for Willow. Now all she had to do was order from Willow's favorite place and set the table and get a little speech prepared all before the redhead woke up. She was a little surprised that Willow was still sleeping. Buffy had been gone for three hours. She figured that it was just the stress that had caused her redheaded beauty to fall into a deep slumber and she didn't give it much further thought as she snuck around the rooms, trying to be as quiet as possible as she ordered the diner, got out the good china, and set the long rectangular box next to Willow's plate.

It was rare that the two bought each other gifts, that's why it's so special when they do. They're not materialistic people by nature so when they do give or receive a gift it's mostly sentimental. But Buffy had gone all out for this gift. She knew that it had to be extra, extra special. That's why it had taken her so long to find it. She went to five stores, the last three being in towns outside of Sunnydale, to find it. She just hoped that Willow liked it. She couldn't fight off of the feeling of giddiness as she set the food up on the plates and then quietly walked over to the bedroom.

"Ok sleeping beauty, it's time to-" she said but then stopped abruptly when she saw that the bed was vacant. She went into the bathroom, but Willow wasn't there. She checked the nursery but she wasn't there either. She called Xander and then Giles but she wasn't at any of those places. Buffy was starting to panic. Willow wouldn't just leave like this, not without leaving a note or some other way of telling Buffy where she was and what time she would be back. She called a Scooby meeting and waited for the others to arrive. She was pacing the living room when they showed up and they immediately got down to business.

It was a very frustrating meeting that got them no where. Xander was insistent that Willow just needed some space and she would be back in the morning after a night's rest at wherever it is she goes when she needs to be by herself for a night. That answer wasn't good enough for Buffy. They had resolved their issues, gotten over the fight, so there was no reason for Willow to just hide away from Buffy. If she wanted space then Buffy would have given it to her and Willow knows that. So she had to have been taken by something. Or maybe something bad happened and Willow left without even remembering to leave a note.

She called the hospital but no Willow D. Rosenberg had been brought in and there were no people that where brought in unconscious that fit Willow's description. So Buffy did the only thing she knew how to do in this type of situation. She went out on patrol and beat every demon she could find and when they told her that they didn't know where the redhead was she killed them. She hit all of the demon bars that she knew of and she searched the warehouses for squatters. She even hit the sewers for any that might be there. Even if she promised not to, she killed all of the demons she came into contact with out of the anger and fear of what might be happening to her Willow. She knew that she wouldn't have to patrol for a while after this.

She did that for seven hours and then she headed home to see if Willow had come back. The food was still on the table, the candles had burned themselves out and Buffy's 'I'm sorry' gift was still sitting there. She picked it up and opened the black velvet box. She carefully ran her finger tips over the bracelet as if her tough might break it. She prayed to any god or goddess that would listen. She asked that they keep Willow safe until Buffy gets her back. Her heart felt like it was being constricted when she started to think of some of the horrible things that could be happening to her love.

"So that's it?" Willow asked, her nose and forehead scrunching in disbelieve. This chick, whoever she is brought her all the way here just to tell her that. What the hell was she thinking? The prophecy was nothing, they've faced far worst then that before. If they could deal with Angelus then this should be a piece of cake. But the woman standing before her didn't think it was nothing. The surprise on her face told Willow that she was surprised by the redhead's reaction. She sat up a little straighter in her chair and put on a very serious face.

"This is a serious matter, Ms. Rosenberg. You're daughter can never be allowed to participate in the practicing of magic. At least not until she is an adult. You're giving birth to a very powerful creature, the soul inside her only chooses individuals who harbor strong magic. That alone is a reason to be cautious. The cycle will have no control over her but she will still be strong. If she's allowed to tap into that power the prophecy will come true. We cannot allow that to happen. I will not allow that to happen. If you do not comply, Ms. Rosenberg I will be forced to take drastic measures. I am above threatening, so the fact that I'm doing it to you now proves that this situation is a bad one." She stopped talking and studied Willow to gauge her reaction. Willow tensed up when she heard that she was being threatened, that her daughter was being threatened. She narrowed her eyes and glared at the woman who was looking at her with authority, the way a mother would look at their child if it were being defiant.

"What kind of drastic measures?" she asked. The woman had answered all of her questions so far and she was hoping that she would keep that up. She would do anything to keep her daughter safe, not allowing her to do magic wasn't something that Willow was going to fight against, but she wants to know what she's up against. How far is this person, this very powerful person willing to go?

"Well, not as far as murder. I'm above that and am not willing to go there. But a quick call to the Watcher's Council would probably turn your life to hell if it came to that. I'm sure they'd love to know about your child and what she is." She looked into Willow's eyes her own brown ones challenging. Willow shook her head from side to side, her jaw clenched, and her eyes hardened. The power inside of her started to come off of her in invisible waves. The air became thick and smokey when she started to unconsciously tap into the baby's power that was already starting to grow.

"Call the Council would be a last resort only. Trust me when I say that there are other things that I am willing to do to keep this prophecy from coming true. As meaningless as it may be to you, I think it is of high importance and I am the most careless god you will ever meet. So please, no magic until she is of eighteen years. If she starts to practice anytime before that then she will become biased and will not be able to make the right decisions that she will need to make to prevent this prophecy from occurring. That is all I needed to say. You can go home now." And with the loud clap of her hands Willow was laying back in bed in the same position she had been in when she was taken.

At first she thought that maybe it was just a weird dream, but then she heard Buffy crying and Xander pacing and Giles telling them that they needed to calm down if they were going to find her. How long was she gone? She tried to sit up but her head started to throb in protest against the action so she just laid there, unmoving in hopes of getting rid of this pain. She slowly started to rub her stomach and though about what that woman had told her. She still couldn't believe all of it. The prophecy itself was unimportant compared to the news of what her child really is.

The prophecy is really lame and Willow wasn't really sure why it needed to be stop. It's not like it was anything really bad, but the god had told her that it had really bad consequences, so Willow decided that it would be best to stop it. One consequence she was informed of was that her daughter would go power-hungry and go on a witch hunt and steal all of their powers just to feed her own. Ok, so maybe it was a great idea to stop the prophecy. Just thinking about all of this was making Willow's head hurt worst.

"Buffy," she called out, but her voice was raspy and dry and she really needed a drink of water. She heard Buffy stop her crying and could only imagine the surprised look on her face. She listened as Buffy told Xander to stop moving and Giles to shut up. Shut up, she actually told the watcher to shut up. Wow, she must be worried if she was willing to be rude to Giles. Willow called out Buffy's name again and then she heard the frantic steps on the floor and in an instant Buffy was at her side, hugging her and crying and kissing all over her face.

"Oh my God, I was sss-ss-so worried. I thought s-something bad happened. God, Willow I love you so much. What happened, where did you go?" she asked and tried to calm herself down. Willow brought a hand up and wiped away Buffy's tears and the blonde leaned into the touch. God, she had missed Willow's touch, the feel of her soft skin. She had refused to believe that she would ever feel it again, even when she started doubting that belief she knew it just couldn't be true. And now Willow was back, she was so happy and relieved. She started to cry really hard again.

"Nowhere," Willow answered and then tried not to laugh at the confused and almost angry look on her blonde's face. Buffy sat up in the bed and held onto Willow's hands. She didn't want to break any physical contact, she needed to make sure that Willow was really back, that she wasn't dreaming this. She needed to know that this was real and not just another dream. She frowned and looked into Willow's eyes.

"You were gone, Willow. You were missing for two weeks. Where did you go? Did something take you? What was it? Because if it was a demon it is going to pay," she said her voice become hard and determined. Willow let go of one of Buffy's hands and started to run her fingers through the silky blonde hair that was a little dirty and oily from not being washed. Seems like the blonde hasn't showered in a couple of days. She must've just been running in slayer mode all of the time. And the slayer doesn't have good hygiene, Willow remembers from the 'Cave Buffy' incident.

"It wasn't a demon. And I really was nowhere. It was just some big black non-existence. I was summoned by a god, she had to tell me something about the baby. She warned me about a prophecy that we have to prevent. It's nothing too big or too hard. We just can't let her do any magic, that's all," Willow said softly and started to caress Buffy's cheek. "Was I really gone for two weeks? It only feels like I've been gone for a couple of hours." Buffy nodded her head and then allowed herself be pulled down onto the bed. Willow held her really close and shushed away all of the tears. By the time Buffy was done crying she was asleep, wrapped up in Willow's arms. She hadn't slept since Willow had gone missing and she was making up for that now.

Willow carefully got out of bed and noticed that Xander and Giles were standing in the doorway. They had been listening in on the conversation and patiently waited for Willow to come out. It had been hard since both had been very worried about the redhead, and as soon as she closed the bedroom door they both wrapped their arms around her in a very tight hug. Giles was the first to let go, but Xander kept his hold. He had been so worried about her and he was just so happy to finally have her back. After ten minutes of assuring Xander that she was ok he finally let go and Willow sat down on the couch, exhausted from her trip but glad to be back.

"You said a god told you about a prophecy, which prophecy is that?" Giles asked and sat down in the recliner that's up against the wall. Xander sat down next to her on the couch and Willow sent him a very disappointed look. He looked at her with a 'what did I do?' expression and she just rolled her eyes. She let out a big sigh and then spoke.

"Anya has my daughter send all of the rabbits on earth to a different dimension," she said and sat back against the couch, wanting to sink in completely. Giles shook his head and Xander couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. "I know it sounds stupid, it is very stupid, but the spell has consequences. Apparently she uses a very powerful spell and the high she gets from it makes her crave more and she becomes addicted. And because all of the rabbits are gone, even the wild ones, a couple species of predators will go extinct because they're winter food is gone."

She didn't say anything else after that. She started to think about the other things that the god had told her. Not just about the threat but about what her daughter is and how powerful she's going to be someday. It was a very scary thought and she just hoped that she turns out to be a good mom and is able to teach her child about the rights and wrongs of the world and to think about the consequences before just doing a spell.

She said goodnight to the boys and then went back into her bedroom. She changed into her pajamas and then crawled into bed. She noticed that Buffy was whimpering in her sleep and snuggled up really close to the blonde and Buffy relaxed and quieted down. Willow laid her head down on Buffy's chest, using her as pillow and tried to relax. As tired as she was she just couldn't will herself to fall asleep. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about what the god had told her about her child.

Her daughter is a very powerful, very rare magical creature. They look human, and are mortal, and the age process is the same as any other human being but they're extremely powerful and serve a very important role in the battle between good and evil. They're called a Lupinus-Veneficus which is Latin for wolf-witch. Not a very good name, but it's blunt and exactly what she is. The child of a witch and a werewolf is a very powerful and very rare thing.

They're born on the night of a full moon and can change into a werewolf at any time they choose. They're not taken over by the wolf and can control themselves and remember everything that they have done when they change back. They're twice as strong as a normal werewolf when they're in the wolf state and can kill almost any demon that they come across. It takes about five years to perfect it, and emotional control is very important so they don't change in front of other people. The ability to change into the wolf will not be possible until they reach the age of ten, so for the first ten years of their life they're just like any other normal human being.

Like a slayer, they have a very strong urge to hunt. The night before, of and after the full moon the urge is a lot stronger then normal and to most it's irresistible. The god had told Willow that they'll need to keep her locked up at night or have Buffy patrol with her if they're going to keep her safe. Once she's mastered changing from person to wolf and she learns how to fight then she'll be ready to go hunting on a regular basis and help keep Sunnydale safe. And that's just the wolf part of her.

The other part, the witch part, is also very powerful. She'll be born with her powers which will be very advanced from the beginning. It shouldn't take long for her to master basic spells and then she'll be ready to move up and go advanced. It will then be Willow and Buffy's job as mother's to teach her the right kind of magic to do and warn her about doing dark magic because it can be very addictive. The god told Willow not to let her practice magic until she's eighteen because then she won't be powerful enough to do Anya's 'no more bunnies' spell and she won't become addicted.

As Willow fell asleep she started to think about the future and how she was going to explain all of this to her daughter. Should she tell her that magic is real and tell her about the werewolf inside of her at a young age or should she just wait until it happens and then explain? She wasn't sure and she wished she knew. She decided to just let it go for tonight and then talk with Buffy about it after they have lots and lots of 'I missed you sex', because by the way Buffy was grabbing at Willow and moaning in her sleep she was definitely going to want lots and lots of it when she wakes up.

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