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You Weren't There

by bad shot

Chapter 7


Chapter 7

A/N: Just for you guys in my world Faith never went evil, and that means the mayor never got the Box of Gavrock so it was just a normal graduation. {Buffy's demon}

One Year Later


The snow is billowing around me like a warm blanket. I still had not gotten used to the fact that the cold didn't effect me. I have been living in Moscow for about three months now. I had changed my hair to a blinding white color, and my clothes are not exactly the best. I have a small place set up in the hills that overlooks the entire city. I had gone down to the city the least amount of times that I could, and only went down to get blood from the local butchers.

I pull out my lighter, and start to burn a stick I had brought so that I could burn a small path in the snow. It takes me about ten minutes to get down, and then an hour to get back up.

When I make it up I heave a sigh of relief. I sit down on the small bed I had made out of animal skins. I always hate having to go down to the city mostly because I have become so used to being alone. After the year my head had had enough thoughts going around in it to let someone else in. I pour some of the blood into a chipped cup I had got from someone's trash, and start to sip at it.

I know that I should go back. That I should never have left, but there was just to much feeling of revulsion, and the looks that I saw on my friends faces didn't help any. The one thing that even was making me think of going back was Willow. Her face lighting up in the sun. I wince knowing that I will never again be able to be in that sun with her.

It took me a year, but I think I might go back, and if I am lucky they may just kill me for what I have did.


I walk the path to my next class smiling. It took me a year since Buffy left. No since my soulmate left to begin dating again. Oz bless him had said he understood when I told him.

But main point there is this girl Tara that I think might actually like me. We have gone out a few times, but never kissed, or anything. I had always broke it off before that trying not to think about Buffy.

We even have a date tonight this one set at the Bronze with Xander, and Anya, and even Faith was coming. We had all settled back into the swing of things after Buffy left even though it took some of us a bit longer.

The night was going great. Me, and Tara had danced. Faith had fun. Xander, and Anya got in some smoochies so all in all a good night. The door of the Bronze opened, and it felt like a wind had swept through the whole club. I looked to the door, and saw no one there. When I asked Xander if he felt it too he said no.

I don't know maybe I was kidding myself, but it felt so real. I shrug it off as nothing, and sit next to Tara. Xander, and Anya left the table to dance, and Faith looking at us gave a smile, and went off to the bar. We inched closer neither noticing at first until our hands touched. When that happened we both blushed. She leaned forward slowly letting me move away, but I decide we have waited to long, and push forward until our lips meet.

I was caught up in it. It didn't feel like kissing Buffy, but to Buffy's credit she didn't have a soul when I kissed her. I was so caught up I didn't notice the growl from the upstairs until it was to late. When I looked up from the kiss whoever did it was gone, "Something the matter Willow?" Tara asked.

I give a quick no, and look back up. Huh. Guess it was just my imagination.


"I can't believe it!" I yell knocking over a trash can with my foot in the Bronze's alley. I pull at my hair.

{Well you did abandon her, but doesn't it make you want to kill her?}

'Stop! You tried this before, and I gave in. But that was in New York I won't listen to you when we are by my friends.'

{Oh poor little Buffy has no friends.}

I cry out, and sent my foot straight through a brick wall. Everything is so weird.

Out of nowhere Faith comes out, and tackles me. I can tell she doesn't recognize me from the look in her eyes. I close my eyes just as the stake she has starts to come down.

A/N: There another one hope you like.

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