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North and South...and West

by Rin

Beautiful Dreamer


A/n: I apologize. Boston is further away. The one time I don't do the research...lol. Plus, I never reread my stories before I post them. I just trust my instincts but I'm always tired, so there's no doubt tons of typos, and word issues.

Thanks to everybody who has given my story a chance! I am doing someting different, and I'm trying my best to make it as accurate as possible, even slangwise.


Once Willow had come back to health, the summer was as close to perfect as it could get. The redhead stayed true to her promise, and devoted every waking hour to her family, never leaving their side except to pee, and occasionally run an errand in town. When the semester started, Buffy was surprised to find Willow in better shape than ever, and she was always smiling. The redhead always seemed to have a smile on her face, regardless if she was tired from the aide job, or if she was peppy.

Buffy couldn't help but smile at the thought of her redheaded husband. Willow really was a charmer, even when she didn't try to be; it was just natural.

She went about the house tasks, finding herself easily falling into a routine again. Pulling the laundry from the clothesline, she watched Samuel play with the wagon Willow had bought him for Christmas. He did love that wagon, always pulling it, asking Dawn if he could pull baby RJ around in it.


There was another story altogether. Her sister never let baby RJ out of her sight. It was a definite turnaround from when the little boy was born. Buffy wondered if Dawn even knew how much that baby adored its mother, and vice versa. Their mother was so proud of having two grandbabies, too.

Buffy let Samuel pull the laundry basket to the townhouse in his wagon. He pulled and tugged with all his might, obviously trying to mimic his father, who would joke around like it was hard for everybody to pull the wagon. Willow was so cute with Samuel, and that made Buffy sigh in adoration again.

She went about folding the laundry before starting dinner. The sun was already setting, and Willow was due home any minute from her trial. The redhead was definitely in her element this semester. She did stay out late but she always made sure that Buffy was awake to kiss goodbye before leaving for classes and work for the day.

When dinner was ready, Jenny and Dawn set the table, while Buffy tended to cleaning Samuel's hands for supper. They all sat down at the table, and waited the few minutes it usually took Willow to get there. However, today was a break in the routine. The redhead didn't walk through the door just as they sat down to eat. No, there was no sign of Willow for a good ten minutes, and the food was getting cold, so they decided to let Samuel go ahead and eat.

Finally, after thirty minutes, there was a horrendous screeching from outside. It wasn't uncommon for drunks to pass by at night, especially since they lived so close to town. What surprised them all is when Willow came singing in the house, belting out a very off key tune, swaying more than walking.

"...sounds of the rude world, heard in the day." Willow trudged in the house, and removed her scarf and coat, hanging them on the coat hanger. "Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away." Stumbling into the dining room, she pulled Buffy from her seat, and crooned to her. "Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song, list while I woo thee with soft melody."

"Okay, you can stop...please, I'm beggin' ya." Buffy swayed around in her husband's arms, and accepted the whiskey kiss. "Wow. How much did you drink?"

"Just enough..." Plopping down in her seat, Willow gave a big kiss to the top of Samuel's head. "Hello, my family!"

"We let Samuel eat, since the food was gettin' cold. We were about to start when we heard that horrible ruckus you were makin'." Buffy chuckled at the redhead's drunkenness. She didn't drink that often, and it showed. "Where were you? Out with the fellas?"

"We won the trial today, so we went out to celebrate. It was a contest. Whoever..." Willow stopped to hiccup, and shake her head. "...whoever drank the most didn't have to do paperwork tomorrow."

"I take it you won?" Buffy arched an eyebrow in amusement. Willow was literally about to pass out on her plate.

"Land sakes, no! Life isn't all beer and skittles." Willow chuckled, as she stared down at the corned beef and cabbage in front of her. "Oh..."

"Oh?" Buffy was worried. That wasn't the face of a happy Willow.

"Oh..." Willow stood, and hurried to the backyard, running into the doorway on the way out. Sounds of retching could be heard from outside, and Buffy moved to help her lover. Willow was practically hanging off the side of the tiny back porch railings, her hair mussed in her eyes. "I think I might hold off on dinner tonight."

"That's okay. I'll slice you some bread, and pour you some fresh water." Buffy rubbed her hand along Willow's back, encouraging the redhead to stand. "How about we take you inside, and put you and Samuel to bed?"

"Sounds good." Willow followed her wife, and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. "Maybe a bath, and a fresh basin to clean my teeth as well."

"How was the trial today? You say you won?" Buffy was proud that her husband was doing something important, and that it made the redhead feel good about herself. She'd said so on numerous occasions. 'I finally feel like I found what I'm supposed to be doing,' she'd said one night during one of their intimate cuddling conversations.

"I can't wait to see how the transcripts fictionalize this one." Willow chuckled slightly, as she waited for Buffy to scoop up Samuel.

"We're going to head to bed, ladies. If you need anything, let us know." Buffy ushered her husband, and carried her son up to their bedroom, where she prepared a bath for them both. Willow just sat on the bed, head swaying, and smiling this goofy smile. "What's that smile about?"

"You're so beautiful." Willow took a deep breath before fumbling with her suit. Buffy helped the redhead, sensing the frustration. Samuel was already sitting in his little basin, scrubbing himself clean.

"Daddy, help me?" Samuel was trying to reach his back.

"Let me help, baby. Daddy doesn't feel too well tonight." Buffy left Willow to remove her own pants, as she came over to scrub Samuel's back for him. They wouldn't be allowed to get naked in front of him much longer. He was starting to understand the difference in body parts, and would definitely recognize that his 'daddy' was missing a certain appendage.

"Daddy's sick?" Samuel leaned forward, and let Buffy help rinse him off, scrubbing all the soap from his head. "Need me to kiss his booboo?"

"I'll always take a kiss from my big boy." Willow smiled through lazy eyes, as she tried to kick her trousers from her legs. It just wasn't working. "Ungh."

"I'm comin'. Hold on." Buffy smirked at how much of a whiner Willow was being. It was almost adorable. Okay, it was.

"Can I wear stripes?" Samuel looked up at Buffy with these adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, baby. I just cleaned them. You can wear them. Now up, and let's get you dry first." Buffy lifted Samuel from the basin, and helped him dry before pulling on his nightshirt, and combing his red curly locks. "I guess we should get your hair cut, huh? It's gettin' long again."

"I just had it cut last week." Willow had finally succeeded in getting her pants off but was having trouble with the buttons on her shirt. Looking down was not an easy task. It was extremely dizzying.

"Not you, silly. Sammy. We should get Jenny to cut his hair soon. It's longer than yours." Buffy smirked at the older redhead. Willow had argued when Jenny cut her hair, stating that she'd like to leave it a little below the ear this time, so that Buffy could run her fingers through it at night.

"Ready for bed." Samuel sounded so triumphant. Buffy watched him crawl into his tiny bed before coming over to tuck him in soundly. "Story?"

"Not tonight, baby. Daddy's not feelin' good, so I wanna make him all better again, kay?" Buffy kissed Samuel's small head before running her fingers softly down his face, coercing him to shut his eyes. He obeyed. He always did.

"Now...let's see about gettin' you cleaned up." Buffy smiled, as she finished removing Willow's clothing, and putting her in the now cool water. Winter was upon them again, and the cold was sneaking through the windows. The redhead's nipples were standing at attention, both from the cold, and Buffy's hands running the soap along her body. There was a sigh and hum of approval from both parties.

"I like it when you touch me." Willow whispered, her voice deeper than normal. "I could live my entire life happy, just knowing that you've touched me."

"Well, I like touchin' you, so I guess it works out." Buffy lazily rinsed the soap from the redhead's toning body. The muscles were starting to show again. "And the feelin' is mutual."

"Let's do it." Willow went to get out of the tub but decided it was a bad idea when she lost her balance, and fell right back in the water, a little splashing onto the hardwood floor.

"I'm not sure you'd know what to do in this state." Buffy smirked at Willow's hurt look. "I was kiddin', Will."

"Darn tootin'. Drunk or not, I have your entire body memorized." Willow leaned back against the cold tub, and decided it felt good against her overheated skin. "You can touch me some more now, if you'd like."

"I'd love." Buffy smiled again, as she finished rinsing the soap from Willow's hair. "Shall we get you dried off, and in some clothes?"

"No, I think you should get naked with me instead." The redhead tried a sexy smirk but it came out as more of a drool.

"We'll see. Let's get you dry first." Buffy helped Willow step out of the tub, and wrapped the towel around her. "Can you walk to the bed by yourself?"

"I'm not incapabable." Willow's slurs were becoming easier to follow but she was still stumbling over her words. Instead, she stumbled to the bed, and fell back against it. Buffy grabbed the comb from her vanity before urging the redhead to sit up. She was glad Willow told Jenny to keep her hair this long, since it was true: she did like to run her fingers through those bright red locks at night. "This is nice."

"Um-hmm." Buffy started to hum the tune Willow was drunkenly stumbling over on her way in the house.

"I love when you sing." Willow whispered. After all, Samuel was falling asleep in his little corner of the room. "When we move in January, we should think about giving Samuel a room of his own."

"Close to ours, though. Maybe one with a door connectin' us to him." Buffy was taken off guard. She wasn't entirely sure she was ready for that big a move. Then again, it would be nice to have a room to herself with just Willow.

"Whatever you need." Willow placed her hand behind her head, grabbing Buffy's hand, stopping her from combing, and placing an open mouthed kiss against her palm. "I'm going to do everything to make you so happy."

"You already do, Will." Buffy sighed before moving to replace the comb on the vanity. Looking over, she noticed Samuel's breathing was steady, indicating that he'd fallen asleep. She went to the redhead's wardrobe, and pulled out a nightshirt and undergarments. "Are you feelin' better now? Wanna brush your teeth? I'll get the powder and your brush for you."

"Why are you so good to me?" Willow looked at her wife through adoring eyes, as Buffy grabbed the box of powder, and prepared the redhead's toothbrush from the small water basin on their dresser.

"Because you're so adorable." Buffy handed the toothbrush to the redhead.

"That's balderdash." Willow stuck the bristles in her mouth, and began to scrub the vomit and acid from her teeth.

"It's true. Even when you were workin' for Sam, you were always the biggest toad in the puddle to me." Buffy watched Willow wince. "What's wrong?"

"Toads. I do despise them so." Willow was starting to foam at the mouth a little, so Buffy handed her the spitting jar and a towel to wipe her mouth. "Thanks."

"My pleasure." Buffy rinsed the remaining foam from the bristles before returning everything to its proper place. Willow was always such a neat person, and she found it rubbed off on her. "Let's get you dressed, and into bed."

"Since I'm already out of my inexpressibles, we could just...ya know..." Willow watched as Buffy raised an eyebrow. "You do know...right?"

"I know." The blonde released a small chuckle before returning to the bed. "I'm not sure your hornies are a good idea tonight, though."

"Ahh...why not? My hornies are your hornies, too." Willow pouted a little behind a her whine. "Plus, I can show you how well I memorized your body."

"Oh, I believe you." Buffy came over, and removed the towel from Willow's body. "Trust me, I know."

"Better believe it." The redhead closed her eyes for a brief moment, relishing the closeness between them. "Now, get naked...we're not on even playing ground."

"Here." Buffy picked up Willow's nightshirt, preparing to pull it over her husband's head. "We'll be even."

"Spoilsport." Willow's pout deepened but she relented, as Buffy pulled the shirt down her body. In return for good behavior, the pout received a light kiss. "Guess this means no screwing?"

"Will! Watch your mouth! What if Samuel were awake, and heard you say that?" Buffy was shocked at her lover's remark. It wasn't like the redhead to swear but she was potty mouthed tonight.

"Sorry." At least Willow had the decency to look honestly apologetic. Buffy sighed before crawling into bed, forgetting about the undergarments for now. If Willow noticed, she showed no sign. Turning out the lights on the nightstands, Buffy urged her lover to lay down beside her, and pull the covers over them. They may not get to scratch an itch tonight but cuddling was always welcome.

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