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When two worlds collide

by Bwriter

Part 12


Part twelve - ANGER

Buffy was pacing the common room, throwing angry looks at the window, as if all this was its fault.

No-body had saw Willow for three hours.

Not one single person. Dumbledore had searched the castle personally, but still nothing.

Something was wrong, she just knew it.

And whatever it was, Willow was caught up in it.

Harry and the others watched her, making sure to stay out of her way.

Giles, Dumbledore, Xander, Cordy and Angel all looked on as Buffy picked up the nearest object, and chucked it at the wall, shattering the cup that was innocently sitting on the table, holding Angel's blood.

It looked liked the wall was bleeding as a result of the splatter.

"Where is she?"

Dumbledore stepped forward.

"Buffy, we don't know that she is in any danger. She may just have lost track of time."

Buffy shook her head and resumed pacing.

"No, something is wrong. I feel it."

Growling in frustration, she stalked from the room, leaving Gryffindor tower altogether, Angel running to keep up with her.

Neither spoke as they prowled the halls, until Angel finally broke the silence.

"We'll find her Buffy."

"Yes we will, and whoever took her is going to understand that you do not want to upset me."


The two turned to see Draco running towards them.

"What is it?"

He flinched from the tone of her voice, and also from the look in her eyes.

"Its Willow, I know where she is."

Buffy's eyes widened before she had him by the throat.

"If I find out that you are in on this I will hurt you."

He gulped but shook his head.

"I head some seventh years talking. They took her into the forest." He was shaking, and from the look in his eyes, Buffy knew he wasn't lying to her.

Buffy set him down and looked at Angel.

"Go back and grab some weapons. Meet us at the edge of the forest."

He took off, leaving Buffy with Draco.

She looked at him, and saw the red handprint appearing on his throat.


He nodded.

"I had nothing to do with it. If they ever found out I told you..." he trailed off, but Buffy got the idea.

"Do you know who they are?"

He nodded.


By the look on her face, he knew that his fellow Slytherin's were in for a world of pain when she found them.


Willow squirmed every time she heard a noise.

She hadn't been into the forest yet, and figured that there was a good reason that it was forbidden.

Snapping her head around when she heard a noise, her eyes widened when she saw the creature before her.

If she could have, she would have ran from it in fear. As it was, she was tied to the tree behind her.

"Do not fear me little one." The voice was smooth, yet she could detect the strength in it. This creature was a force to be reckoned with.


Buffy grabbed the sword Angel handed her and marched into the forest, all her senses trained to the slightest sound, Angel following her.

Draco had been left behind to tell the others everything he knew.

Taking the less cluttered path, Buffy began hunting, knowing that most of the creatures in the forest were not that tolerant towards humans.

They had been walking for thirty minutes when Buffy spotted red. Squinting, she saw that it was her lover's hair.

Creeping forward, she motioned to Angel to circle around the other side.

What she saw made her react on instinct.

There was a half man, half horse, with his head buried in Willow's neck.


Willow sighed when her ropes were ripped apart.

"Thank- Buffy NO!"

Buffy had jumped out at them, her sword aimed at where she figured the creatures heart would be.

Hearing Willow's scream, Buffy pulled her arms back, only nicking the creature with the tip of her sword.

"Willow?" Kneeling by her lover, Buffy left out a breath in relief when she saw her girlfriend unhurt, though a little dirty.

"He was helping me."

Picking Willow up, Buffy turned to the creature, seeing Angel beside him now.

"Sorry, and thank you."

He nodded his head and trotted away.

Buffy bent her head and gave her lover a deep kiss.

"Guys, we need to get out of here." Something about the forest didn't sit right with the Vampire.

Buffy walked beside him, still carrying her lover and even though Buffy's eyes never left Willow's face, she never once tripped up as she made her way out ahead of Angel.

Not one of them noticed the snake like eyes watching them.



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