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Starting Line

by Rin



So...that was it...another school year ended, and Buffy still hadn't managed to snag Willow. The redhead seemed WAY too happy with Fred, and it disgusted Buffy to the point of barfdom, though she tried to remain the best friend. It was hard when you wanted to see your best friend naked, and be naked with her. Angel had been great throughout the entire thing, and even stayed with the blonde despite her major love for the redhead. He said he had no problems with Buffy loving another, as long as she loved him, too. She did...in her own way, just not how he deserved after being so boyfriendly about the situation.

Cordelia was the biggest surprise, as she gave up her 'cool' friends to hang out with Xander's, who gave her no small amount of grief. The gang found themselves in the company of their former torturer. It was odd, especially for Willow, who had started torturing Cordy in her own way.

Fred joined the group, though she felt uncomfortable around Buffy for some reason. It was obvious that something bothered the blonde about her but the brunette couldn't honestly figure out what. She imagined it had something to do with Willow but Fred thought it was more because Buffy didn't want her best friend's heart broken. They all knew how sensitive Willow could get, and this WAS her first real relationship.

Their dating and kissing had escalated, as Fred discovered that Willow's lips were indeed addictive. The redhead was becoming bolder in their coupledom, too. The other night, she had slid her hand underneath Fred's shirt to touch the hot skin on her smooth belly. Willow joked to save face after she realized what she'd done, asking Fred if she ever ate anything. It was a running joke with them...Fred's appetite was ginormous, yet she remained a stick. Of course, Willow wasn't much different in that department.

Summer break was approaching fast, and Buffy had taken off again. Ever since Angel and Fred entered the picture, it seemed like the two best friends ignored any form of physical contact, or alone time. When they WERE together, they were together in the company of a large group. Neither talked about their significant other to each other. Their relationship was fading fast. This summer would be the true test.


"Still no word from Buffy, huh?" Xander licked his ice cream. It was the yearly ritual of ice cream run the night before school started.

"Angel moved back to LA, and they broke up. She took it hard, from what I gathered. I haven't heard from her since. Her mom called me the other day, asking if I'd heard from her. Apparently, she ran away from her dad's, and they're still looking." Willow was super worried. What would be so bad that Buffy would run away without word to anybody? "I've been doing my own search, checking databases and the like...but they've all been bum leads. I'm really worried, Xan."

"She ran away?" This was news to Xander, who was too busy worried about Cordelia's return, and where they stood.

"Yeah...I still can't believe it. I wish she would've talked to me. Ever...ever since Fred, she's been so different. We hardly ever talked...but we still talked when Angel surfaced as her boyfriend, so I don't see how this makes it different." Willow wasn't hungry anymore, as she tossed her half eaten vanilla into the passing trash bin. "I've wanted to talk to her about me and Fred...but it's just so hard. The love Buffy and I have is completely different from mine and Fred's."

"Yeah...best friends versus girlfriends. It's a major dilemma." Xander was still somewhat clueless to the full extent of the Buffy/Willow love story.

"I know we made that pact, Xander...but it may have hurt another friendship and/or potential relationship by sticking to it. I revoke the pact...though there's nothing we can do about it now. I love Fred. It's too late for me and Buffy." Willow sighed before leaning against the nearby stone fence.

"I'm sorry, if it's any consolation. I mean...yeah, it would've hurt...but nothing compared to the hurt I felt seeing her with Angel. At least with you, I would've known she was in good hands." Xander scoffed at himself, and lost his appetite, too. "So much for ice cream."

"Fred's coming over to meet my parents for the first time tonight, so I'd better head that direction." Willow started walking in the direction of Fred and Xander's block. "They're such different kissers, too."

"Who? Your parents?" Xander was lost, as he followed along.

"No...Buffy and Fred. With Fred, it's sweet and slowly grows into love and passion but with Buffy...I don't know. It was passion and love right from the start." Willow trailed off, forgetting where she was for a minute. She was still so lost on the whole Fred love versus Buffy love thing. If Xander gave the go ahead, and Buffy still wanted her, would she break up with Fred for Buffy? She wasn't sure at this point but she knew that she was in love with Fred now, and she was happy.

"Wait...you and Buffy kissed? Where was I? When did this happen?" Xander was on the brink of furious and aroused. His hormones and mind were clashing. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would it have done any good? It was a long time ago anyways. That night we first met Angel." Willow's mind kept replaying the sensory motions, and she had to touch her lips at the reminder of the tingle those hot kisses produced.

"I'm not sure if I'm mad that you didn't tell me, or mad because it was Buffy." Xander was still in love with her? He still
held that hope?

"Give it up already, Xander. Buffy doesn't like you like that." Willow was beyond pissed at her best guy friend over this whole situation anyways. She didn't need to get wound up about Buffy when she was supposed to pick up Fred to meet her parents for dinner. "Sorry. I just...I lost my best friend because of you, my other best friend. I'm not as mad as I was...though I'm still revoking the pact. From now on, we just talk like two adults about a situation."

"We're here. Go get your girlfriend. Good luck, and I'll see you in school tomorrow." Xander didn't even wave, as he walked up his front porch steps.


"Still no word on Buffy, huh?" Fred shut the door after Willow entered. It was the second day of school, and the blonde was still non-existent.

"No...and I'm super worried. Her mom calls every day, asking if I've found out anything, or heard from her yet. She ran away, Fred...just...vanished." Willow slumped onto the couch with a major pout.

"It's hard losing your best friend, I know. She'll come back, though." Fred wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, and cuddled on the couch. "She'll start to go through Willow-withdrawals, and won't be able to stay away much longer."

"What if I'm the reason she's not here, though?" Willow was so worried that she was the cause of the blonde's anguish.

"That's nonsense, and we both know it." Fred kissed Willow's forehead. "You're her best friend, the person she's supposed to go to when she's in trouble. I'm sure she's just taking some time off to grieve. It can't be easy to break up with somebody you love. I don't know what I'd do if we ever..."

"Oh, Fred...I didn't mean it like...and we won't break up; it's impossible." Willow started to beam, and get perky again.

"Things happen, Wills...you can't possibly know that." Fred didn't want to think about the bad things but there was always that risk.

"We're too cute together. Plus, it's a super bonus that I'm hopelessly smitten with you." Willow had a hard time with the word love, though she undeniably loved Fred. She turned until she was straddling the slender brunette on the couch, and they started to kiss and grope pretty heavy. That's when Mr. Burkle walked in from work.

"Oh...hello, girls." His blush and stammer indicated that he'd caught them making out on the couch. "Winifred, I think your mother is on her way. Would Willow like to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks, Mr. Burkle but I should be going. Parents are leaving tomorrow, so it's the last family meal for a bit." Willow stood up, and straightened her shirt, blushing when she realized it was halfway up her stomach. "Um...I'll call you later, Fred."

"Sure." Fred walked Willow to the door, and gave her a quick kiss before turning back to her father. "Daddy, sorry."

"Quite alright. I was a teenager once." Mr. Burkle was nothing but red.


That night, there was a knock at the Summers' front door. Buffy stood there, and watched her mom wrap her in a huge hug. She was home. Now, if only she could figure out what to do next, and how to get back into school without Snyder down her throat.

Getting back in was the easy part, as the board couldn't deny her an education, and her mother was great, taunting Snyder to her best ability. He had plans to expel Buffy Summers from his school but he was overruled, much to his dismay. The scary part was facing Willow and Xander again. It was easier than she thought with Xander, since he had his hands full with Cordelia. Willow was her toughest to crack. It took three days, and a few cups of coffee before the redhead finally gave in, and just clutched the blonde in a giant hug. Buffy didn't complain, as she'd missed Willow immensely.

"Right now, I just don't get why you wouldn't talk to me." Willow was fiddling with the sleeve on her coffee cup. "Is it because of how we feel about each other?"

"No...yes...maybe. I don't know. I was just so confused, and...well, I felt like I betrayed you somehow." Buffy was embarrassed about this part, as she started to chew her bottom lip.

"You didn't betray me. There was nothing to betray. I just...I wish things weren't so complicated with us." Willow entwined her fingers with Buffy's on top of the table, and squeezed gently. "What was so bad that you'd run away? Think I couldn't help you?"

"I slept with Angel." Buffy was so quiet that the redhead almost missed it but the blonde's eyes told her everything, and it was the loudest thing she'd ever heard. "It wasn't supposed to happen. I was saving it for you. I wanted to be with you but things got heated one night, and it was raining, and...afterwards, he just...changed. He knew how I felt about you, and he kept saying that I wasn't in the moment with him. That I didn't really love him. I panicked, and took off."

"You...um...you still could've t-talked to me about it." Willow ducked her head, and tried not to let the news hit her. She had Fred...but this did feel like being betrayed. "I'm sorry...I don't mean to be a poopyhead."

"You're not. I was...and I'M sorry. I shouldn't have let it happen, and I did, and I can't change that now...I'm so sorry, Willow." Buffy's teary eyes pleaded for the redhead not to be mad.

"I'm not angry with you, Buffy. It's your life. I can't...there's nothing...it's not my decision what you do, and like I said, I'm not going to hold you back." Willow wrapped the blonde in a tight embrace. "Just promise you'll never leave me like that again,

"I'm so sorry..." Buffy broke down in the back of the coffee shop, not caring that people were staring.

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