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Tight Embraces

by Lost

Tight Embraces


Title: Tight Embraces
Chapter One
Disclaimers: I wish that I owned them all, yet... that's Joss' job.
Summary: Like I said on the summary, season two never happened, so Angel probably wont ever come into the picture, sorry if you like him alot. Oh, and just so you know, this story does have a set plot line (at least in my head) So it most def. will be being finished, and hopefully it wont take TOO long for an update. Oh, and everntually this story is gonna be at the very least pg 13 rated cause, unlike the Joss universe I do plan on having drugs factor into the story line eventually. So it may get a bit dark, sorry. -L

Buffy's Pov

She sighed as she glanced down at her hand where the claddaugh ring used to rest. There was an off tanline from where she had taken it off and put it
back on again over time. Angel loved her, she knew that, the only question was, when she put that ring on with the heart facing in and saying that she
was taken, who was she taken by? Because now Angel knew that it wasn't him. She didn't love him, at least not the way he wanted her to. She loved him in a convienient way, and nothing more than that. Her true feelings were for someone of the more fairer sex, a certain redhead in fact. She reached
over and switched off the light before she sank down into her covers and tried to fall asleep.

She tossed and turned before finally sitting up and changing into some jeans, sneakers and a tee shirt with a light jacket and climbed out of her window. She landed silently on the ground below her window and began the walk to the closest cemetary. As she walked she thought about the events of
the day.

*******************Flashback to this morning*******************

Buffy woke up and streched. She had had a hard night of slaying, staying out until nearly four a.m., and now it was seven, and she would be asleep except for the annoying buzz of the alarm clock next to her bed. She rolled over, rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and got ready for the day. She had moved to Sunnydale nearly a year before and it had taken her all of two days to form a close knit little group of friends affectionantly nick named
the "scoobies."

She ran downstairs, grabbed a bagel for breakfast and then ran outside where her mom was honking the horn of the jeep, waiting for her daughter to "get with the program" as she said. "I'm here, sorry." She ducked her head and took a bit of her bagel as she shut the door and her mom backed out of
the driveway like a bat from hell.

"Buffy, you're going to have to learn how to wake up earlier." Joyce said in a very reprimanding tone.

Buffy nodded her head yes. "Yeah Mom, I know."

"And eat a healthier breakfast."

"Yes Mom."

"And dont forget to tell Mr. Giles to call me if you're going to be helping him with that research project for extra credit after school today."

"Yes Mom."

The conversation continued that way for the three and a half minute drive to school, and as soon as her mom drove out of sight Buffy reached into her back pack and grabbed a pack of cigarettes before taking one out and lighting it. She glanced down at her arm and sighed. She'd left her watch at home again. She walked across the street off of school property and sat down, watching all of the highschool students she had gotten the crap
beaten out of herself saving in the past.

She wasnt there long before Willow walked up and sat down next to her. "Morning." Willow said as she sat down next to the blonde.

Buffy just nodded her hello and continued smoking.

"How was patrol last night?" Xander asked as he walked up and sat down on the other side of the blonde. He reached over and snagged a cigarette from her before lighting it. "How much time we got?"

Willow glanced down at her watch. "Ten minutes. I wish you guys wouldn't smoke." She paused thoughtfully. "At least not around me."

Xander looked at her like she'd grown a second head. "Your'e the one that got me into smoking." He laughed before he offered her one.

"Aww, who am I kidding?" She asked as the innocent looking redhead snagged one.

"Patrol was... well patrol. There were vampires. Now there's not." Buffy said as she took another drag of her cigarette.

"Ohh, the cheerleaders got new uniforms again." Xander said as his attention was instantaniously drawn towards the barely clad teenagers. Buffy took the opportunity of his distraction to let her eyes run up and down the redhead's body as she tried unsuccessfully to light her cigarette.

"Here, let me." She said as she reached over and grabbed the lighter, slapped it on her hand a few times and then lit the cigarette.

"Thanks." Willow said as she reached out and took the lighter back from the blonde, not noticing the way the blonde brushed her fingers over her palm for a little longer than was strictly necessary. Across the street the bell rang and the three students stood and made their way to class.

The day was unenventful until lunch period where the gang got back together in the library. Plus one new person. Buffy had walked in with Willow, the two of them talking animatedly about how yet another student had been found dead this morning on campus. Sitting on the edge of a table was a girl not much taller than five foot six with raven hair, wearing a dark tank top to show off an armband tattoo and what looked like black leather pants.

"Giles!" Buffy called out. "Someone needs help with a book...." She waited patiently for the watcher to come out of his office. He eventually did, not looking where he was going due to the book that seemed to be permanently attatched to his face.

"Oh, Buffy, this is Faith. Faith, this is Buffy, the other Slayer." Buffy just gaped at Giles for his explanation of her.

"Wait, other slayer?" She asked astonished.

"Yea, I know right, when Jeeves over here was like, there is a slayer, I was like, you've been drinkin that special tea haven't you?" Faith said as she sauntered up to the blonde and stuck out her hand. "Nice to meetcha."

Buffy shook the girls hand and almost burst out laughing at the strong vibes that were radiating towards here. There was no doubt about it, something big was gonna happen with the new girl. And Buffy couldn't wait to see what it was gonna be.


The gang had slowly but surely arrived in the usual order after that. Meaning Xander showed up with lots of fatty food goodness. He was promptly introduced to Faith, and after the introduction hadn't said a word. As a matter of fact, two hours later he was still staring in awe at the brunette, who still had yet to miss a beat while she checked out every girl in the room.

"Buffy, tonight you should take Faith out on patrol with you, and please make a point of it to hit all of the cemetaries?" Giles asked the distracted blonde. For some reason unbeknownst to everyone but Buffy the blonde had done not much more than stare off into space. Willow was the only one out of the group of teenagers who was actually socially interacting with Faith. She had asked the girl tons of questions, going so far as to ask where her mom was and why she hadn't come to Sunnydale with the raven haired slayer.

"All twelve of them?" She asked, with some distress showing through in her voice.

"Yes, I think that would be wise."

"Fine, we might as well start now if we have to hit all twelve." Buffy said as she pulled herself out of the chair.

"What? Patrol already? It's still daylight outside." Xander complained as his latest eye candy was so brutally ripped away.

"What's your point? If we start on the outskirts and work our way in it'll be till at least three a.m. and that's starting now." Buffy responded, nearly laughing at the astonished look on his face as he realized that she was right.

Willow stood up and as per usual linked hands with Buffy on their way out. They walked down the deserted hallway (since everyone else was in class) and Faith turned around so that she was walking backwards and facing the gang. "Wait, so both of you guys are comin' with us?" She asked as she gestured to Willow and Xander.

"Yup, that's the idea." Willow answered for them with a nod of her hand and her verbal affirmation.

"Mhmm." Was all she replied. She observed the two girls behaviors and made a mental note to ask Xander the second they were alone exactly what was goin on with Blondie and Red.

After all, she did want the blonde to herself. And if Red over there was willing to get in the way, well, it's like she said, five by five. Either way though, she'd get the blonde in bed even if it was the last thing she did in Sunnydale.

Okay, so, continue, or stop here?? Let me know - L.

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