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Thirteen Steps - 11 - Vanishing

by Valyssia

Last Flowers


With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out, I'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me.

"Looks to me like someone's been naughty," Willow chided, hoisting the vampire Buffy into the air by her ankles. With an offhanded wave the portal collapsed as she moved to care for her lover. The wound on her throat bubbled with the beat of her heart. She could feel the life slipping from her as she pressed a marble white hand over the injury. Holding the Slayer's throat, the witch spoke softly to herself as the words passed her lips her hand began to shimmer. She pulled her hand away revealing a scabbed surface. "That'll have to do for now."

The witch glared over her shoulder at the vampire. Focusing briefly she snarled a single word, "Pain."

The vampire Buffy screamed as she watched the witch's features shift. The snowy white hair began to darken to a deep black; her eyes clouded becoming like orbs of obsidian.

Whispering, Willow regarded the creature before her with sheer contempt. She listened as the screaming died to a low gurgling sound in its throat. She turned back to the Slayer, gently lifting her limp form. A portal crackled to life in front of her. Passing through, she was closely followed by the suspended forms of Slayer and vampire.

Willow emerged with her fellows in front of the Hyperion. The three figures drifted up to the door. An absent wave broke the charm placed by her counterpart. The doors swung wide with another offhanded gesture. She floated inside, gently moving the Slayer to the couch. Xander and Giles moved aside to allow room. "Where you want this thing?" She asked the room. She focused her attention momentarily on replacing the wards at the front door as she awaited an answer.

Taking in the looks of shock, she chuckled to herself. "Anytime now people," she quipped, seeming quite amused.

"You don't need to hear...m-more crayon stories do ya, W-Will? I-I mean I thought..." Xander babbled, stumbling over his words.

"Angel, you got a cage we can put my pet in?" Willow queried, making eye contact with the vampire.

Angel motioned the witch to follow. He moved to the freight elevator, leading the witch and her vamp in his wake. Once onboard, she looked down at the vampire Buffy's expression. Her face was twisted in pain, her skin grey and discolored. She hung unmoving, obviously unable to make a sound. "What're you doing to her, Willow?"

"Just sorta warmin' her blood a bit..." Willow replied, in a disinterested tone. "It's keepin' her busy," she added, appearing mildly amused.

Angel shuddered as he took the metal gate in his hand. Pulling it open, he started across the room, leading the witch into the back area of the basement. A large metal cell stood waiting.

Willow led her prisoner into the cell. The vampire's body stretched into an exaggerated, inverted spread eagle position as the witch searched the room. "I need a long piece of heavy chain or cable, please," she requested in a flat voice.

Angel left the room, returning moments later with a coil of thick cable.

"Perfect, thanks... Just drop it," Willow said her voice still devoid of emotion. The cable began to move like a snake across the floor, it slithered up the side of the cage, looping around the top near the vampire Buffy's left foot. Twisting back onto itself and wrapping three times the cable began to glow red hot where it met. Smoke issued from the metal as it fused together.

The cable broke as if cut at the end that dangled freely. The newly severed sections snaked around the vampire's ankles, each twisting, tight back on itself. As metal met metal it heated. The extreme temperature caused the vampire's skin to bubble and smoke. Her body shook ever so slightly as Willow worked to restrain her.

The cable sheared again at the right side, the end connected to the vampire's ankle threaded through the top rail of the cage. The cable twisted back on itself, heating as it tightened until there was an audible pop. The vampire Buffy's body stretched toward the floor as if something was pulling on her, another louder crack issued as both her hips dislocated. The cables moved again, taking up the slack.

Angel stood back watching, a scowl settling over his features. "You gonna go for blunt or cold next?" he asked half afraid to hear the answer.

"Actually...I thought I'd shove a gag in her mouth and release my hold. This dark magick shit's givin' me a headache," Willow replied, turning to Angel as a sardonic grin washed over her features. She finished the bindings, stretching the vampire Buffy's arms tight, dislocating them at the shoulders as well.

"Kay...now get me something I can use as a gag, please." It surprised her a bit when Angel returned moments later with an actual ball gag. "You naughty boy," she purred, giving him a look filled with mild amusement.

"You'd be surprised how useful these things start to look when you deal with as many vamps as we do," Angel offered in a bland voice, shrugging slightly. He ignored the extreme 'case of the creeps' being flirted with by 'Dark Willow' gave him.

Willow walked over, putting the gag in the vampire Buffy's mouth and cinching it down. She released her hold and the vampire slumped slightly on her bindings. "It'd be really awful if she got free....that's why with the... Dunno about you, but I've got better things to do with my day than guard her," she offered, grimacing vaguely.

"Well, that should work. Only way she's getting free is by ripping her own limbs off," Angel confirmed, turning to lock the cage.

Willow walked out of the room, breathing deeply. She ran her hand through her hair. "I doubt she'll do that."

Angel watched as its color shifted from black to snowy white under the touch. He blinked, not quite believing what he saw.


Rejoining the crowd in the lobby, Willow kneeled beside the Slayer. She focused first on the injury to her neck, carefully probing the tissue for broken vessels or veins. Her examination revealed a small tear in a minor vessel. She gently worked to augment Buffy's natural healing process, encouraging the cells to reproduce and seal the rupture. She continued the process from the inside out, encouraging the damage to mend. "She's gonna need something to eat when she wakes. Could I talk one of you into fixin' something, please?"

Xander was the first to respond. "Sure, Will," he replied with and amiable smile.

"Giles, I need all your research on the Shanshu prophecies," Willow inquired in a delicate manner.

"Certainly... There's not much, but you're welcome to what I found. Wolfram & Hart seized the original documents. Luckily someone had the presence of mind to make copies," Giles responded politely. The prophecy...? Surely she can't think... No matter...little more harm can come from playing along.

Willow caressed the Slayer's cheek; turning back to Giles, she said, "Thank you. Please tell Xander I've taken Buffy to her room." She focused her attention on carefully moving Buffy upstairs.

"You need help finding it?" Angel asked, trying to be helpful.

Willow turned to face the vampire, a bright smile washed over her face. "It's fine, Angel...think I got it..." She moved the Slayer in front of her, cradling her gently. Assisting the process with magick, she moved easily up the stairs and down the hall. She probed the rooms until she found the one containing her alter ego. Knocking softly, she swung the door open and walked into the room, placing Buffy on the bed.

The redhead stirred awake, feeling movement in the room. A look of shock froze her face as Willow found herself looking up at herself. She studied the other woman for a moment, white hair, and deep green eyes. "Wow...ummm...I mean...well... Hi," she babbled, realizing she was very much naked and in bed with Buffy. Wait, where's Buffy? Oh there she is... Blood...? "What?"

"She'll be fine. You and I need to talk." The snowy haired Willow paused, peering down at what she wanted to call 'her younger self', offering her a reassuring smile. "I'm not upset. I mean how could I be? She succumbed to my Willowy charms once again...and well this time they weren't even mine. Confusing if you stop to think too long..."

The redhead nodded, still struggling to catch up. "I'm so not awake enough for this," she mumbled. "Are you sure she's fine? I mean...ummm..." Willow started to examine the Slayer herself.

"She lost a lot of blood, but her body's strong. My guess is she'll be up and grumpin' around the room in a coupla hours," the white haired Willow confirmed. Sighing deeply, she continued, "Please get dressed and take care of her. Xander should be up with food soon. She should eat the moment she's able. Now I need to talk to Angel and Giles." She leaned down to caress Buffy's cheek and give her a soft kiss on the forehead, then silently exited the room.

Willow rolled out of bed, locating her clothing; she quickly dressed and went to her bedroom. Collecting the things she needed, she returned to the room. She cut the bloody blouse and jeans off Buffy's body, removing them with great care by gently levitating and lowering her. Finishing the process of disrobing the Slayer with a few quick snips, she went to the bathroom to draw a pan of warm sudsy water.

Willow carefully washed Buffy, examining and dressing the remaining wounds. "What'd you do, sweetie?" she whispered, tenderly drying her lover's skin with a soft towel. Setting the pan and towels aside, she lifted the Slayer's limp form again and gently dressed her in a warm, soft nightgown. She pulled back the bed clothes, lowering her onto the bed. Raising the covers up under her chin, she kissed her lovingly on the cheek.

After a few minutes a soft knock sounded from the door. Willow got up and took the tray of food from Xander, placing it on the bed table, she returned to give him a warm hug. She left the room, quietly pulling the door shut.

"She gonna be okay?" Xander asked, looking worried.

Willow gave him a reassuring smile. "Yeah... She's tough... Just lost a lot of blood is all. I'd consider taking her to the hospital for a transfusion, but that always gets messy. They ask too many questions. She heals really fast though so... The other Willow... Gosh that's weird to say...anyway... She said Buffy'd be up and bitching in a coupla hours. I guess she'd know," Willow babbled anxiously.

"I feel like I'm missin' lots of details here, Will. Everything okay...?" Xander queried, his expression shifted from concern to mild curiosity.

Willow's face flushed and she tried to hide it by staring at her feet. This only made her look guiltier. "Ummm...well... I-it's complicated, Xander," she stammered.

"You didn't?" Xander intoned with a chuckle.

Willow started down the hall to her room, abandoning Xander. She popped inside, leaving the door open for him.

A moment later Xander stuck his head in the door, looking stunned. "You did!" he shot out in a voice filled with surprise.

Willow looked up briefly to tilt her head in a subtle nod, returning to what she was doing without further comment.

Xander shook his head, fighting expressing his shock and amusement. "You little vixen... She's like all but married. Or at least that's how it seemed."

"I know... I'm the bad. Trust me, you don't need to say it," Willow mumbled, continuing to collect what she needed for a shower. "Thing is...she wasn't mad. It was so weird. You'd think I should high-tail-it outta here, but she was perfectly calm. I mean...I just don't get it... Anyway, I need to get a shower before Buffy wakes up. She'll want someone to complain to."

"Okay Wills... Good luck with that," Xander offered, shaking his head again, he turned to leave.

Exiting her room, Willow locked the door to Buffy's room; she took a moment to inspect the unconscious Slayer. Heart rate and respiration are normal; her temperature's a bit high, but not dangerously so. Blood pressure's a bit low, but yeah...go figure... Hurrying into the bathroom, she took a quick shower, returning to the room minutes later to dress.

Taking a seat on the bed, she began to caress Buffy's cheek and hair. "Sweetie you need to wake up. I mean I know you took a nasty bump on the noggin', but I'm worried," she whispered, leaning in to kiss her lover gently on the lips. It always works in those silly fairytales...a girl can hope.

Willow sat silently wishing the Slayer would wake. For how long, she wasn't sure. Though, her reverie was eventually interrupted by a light knock on the door. Rising to answer the call, she found herself staring at her counterpart.

"It's time," the snowy haired Willow confirmed in a low voice. "We need someplace private...where we won't be disturbed."

Leaving Buffy's room, the redhead gently shut the door behind her. "We can use my room." Silently, she led the other Willow to her room, motioning her in with a sweep of her arm. "Make yourself comfy," she offered, flopping onto her bed, she propped herself up on pillows against the headboard.

Taking a chair, the white haired Willow offered a compassionate smile to her duplicate. "Do you understand what's happened?"

"Not really...I mean I have a few guesses, but well... Buffy's kinda kept me busy with the getting' Angel and tryin' to get herself killed... Not much time for the research," Willow babbled, her face flushed mid-babble as she thought about just how 'busy' Buffy had really kept her. "I'm sorry...I mean I know... It was really wrong," the redhead added hastily, waiting for the other shoe to drop, she began to fidget nervously.

Rising from her seat, the snowy haired Willow moved over to the bed, sitting next to her 'younger self'. Funny I still feel comfortable thinking that. I mean we should be the same age, but... She gently took the redhead's hand, willing her to be still, hushing the anxious feelings. "It's okay...believe me...I understand," she offered in a soothing tone.

The redhead still couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she gave in to the warm flood of comfort her counterpart was offering. "She's right..."


"Buffy, she said you were different... And that I'd understand once I saw," the redhead babbled, a warm smile lit her face.

Returning the smile, the white haired Willow began in a firm voice. "We're not that much different, but I need you to listen. There's not much time and I need your help."

"Really?" the redhead queried.

"Really," the snowy haired Willow confirmed. She paused momentarily to take a deep breath and began. "This all began with a wish. You know how dangerous those can be. I'm not sure who made it only that it happened. I summoned D'Hoffryn to try and make him see reason. Well, you know how he is... He asked a price I couldn't give."


"Me," the white witch replied bluntly. Taking in the look of shock on the redhead's face she added, "Yeah...that's what I said," she replied with a chuckle. "He looked at me like I might've been a delicacy or something. It was pretty awful... So, I did the only thing I could. I hurt him...two for the price of one. I needed to gain power to get here and he needed to understand that pissing me off was...well...not such a good idea. I started draining the essences of vengeance demons, eleven in all."

The redhead had begun to relax, but her eyes widened as distress upset her features again. She mouthed the number 'eleven' in horror.

"Yeah, I know... That's pretty much how I felt. I had to be able to break through...form a portal... You know the kinda power that takes. I did what I had to do," the white witch paused, taking the redhead's hand in an effort to soothe her. "I'm gonna just assume our histories are similar. If I'm wrong and you don't understand somethin' stop me."

Running her fingers through her snowy hair she continued. "You know how hard it was to purge the energies after...well you know... Anyway...there's no coming back from this. I have to move forward. If I stop...I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up this level of control. You remember the feeling. The thing that was missing...emotional control... So...forward is the only answer. You know what I'm implying. I know you do."

The redhead nodded, furrowing her brow. "You're evolving," Willow replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes, I'm as human as D'Hoffryn is now. What differentiates us is intent. You may touch me if you're curious," the white witch remarked in a gentle voice. She felt the redhead examine her with her mind, pausing to allow the intrusion. "Understand, this was a price I willingly paid. I love Buffy with all my heart. I would sacrifice myself for her without a moment's hesitation."

"What I need from you is pretty simple... I need you to take my place as her guardian. It's a job I can't do anymore. I'd have to go back and that's impossible," the white witch paused, waiting for her counterpart to settle.

"Y-you want what?" the redhead stammered.

"I want you to continue what you started here. Commit to it, love her and protect her from the evils of my world. The evils there are much more subtle. It's not as harsh a world as yours. Of course, that means sneaky... Lots and lots of sneaky... She's stubborn as hell. Trust me she'll never see you as her protector. But that's what you'll be."

"You must keep an eye on Rupert Giles. Please call him Mr. Giles...he must never know you're not me. I don't trust him. I started calling him that to let him know I understood. He's been corrupted by the power of the Watcher's Council. You know the adage about power."

"Miss Hartness is an ally...she's actually one of the few things that stands between you and Giles. I could explain all of this, but it would be much easier to simply show you. If you're willing take my hands," the snowy haired Willow offered, extending her hands to the redhead.

The redhead wasn't sure what she was getting herself into, but she accepted the offer without hesitation. A flood of images, sensations and emotions hit her. She clenched her eyes and tensed to fight the wave of nausea. It was like living two years in less than 30 seconds.

The white witch stopped the flow at the point she went to sleep the night before. Nothing will be gained by showing her what it's like to rape eleven demons. "I've left your memories in place. If you'd like I can erase them. It'll be less confusing for you, but I suspect you'll want them. It might actually be valuable for you to keep them. Understanding where you've been can make you appreciate where you are much more. Take a few days off to sort through what you've seen."

The redhead started to weep. She wasn't even certain why she was doing it. She called up the memories. "You were engaged?"

"We were... And we still will be...with you as my surrogate. She loves you, you know. She's completely committed to Willow. In time the differences will fade and you will simply be her Willow. It'll take time though. Be patient with her," Willow removed the ring from her left ring finger and handed it to the redhead. "This is yours now."

"W-what're you gonna do?" the redhead stammered thickly through her tears, turning the ring over in her hand.

"I'm gonna redefine the word vengeance for the evil beings of your realm. Once I'm done reeducating the population. I think I'll retire," the white witch replied, a wicked grin curling her lips as she spoke. "Know that the people you love will be well cared for. Find peace in that."

The redhead chanced another magickal touch with her alter ego. She found no resistance, the path was completely clear. As she examined her other self, a feeling of peace washed over her. She slid the ring onto her finger, waiting patiently for her duplicate to speak again.

"Pack whatever you treasure most. I need to go speak with Buffy. Be ready to leave in an hour. Say your good byes...whatever you need to be at peace. We'll come find you." With this the white witch swept out of the room.


"I'm not sure how much more of this I can watch," D'Hoffryn grumbled, stomping a path around the pool. "Think I need to switch to something with a bit more kick." He inclined his head slightly and called out, "Rum and coke...and don't scrimp on the rum."

And by the rules of the wish...I can't change a thing. That little bitch... D'Hoffryn bared his teeth and snarled. I named my price. "Yes, this is most unfortunate," he commented in a low voice, shaking his head.

Accepting the drink, D'Hoffryn took a healthy swig. "There's still more show...more room for mistake. It's not over yet," he groused, peering back into the pool. "And there's the other..."


Slipping into the room Buffy occupied, Willow took a seat on the edge of the bed. She placed a hand on her lover's cheek, lovingly caressing the supple skin. "Wake up, Buffy," she whispered, willing the Slayer awake.

"Huh...what...?" Buffy mumbled, trying to focus on the stark white form in front of her. She blinked her eyes furiously, trying to clear the colorless image.

"It's okay, sweetie. Settle down...it's just me," Willow soothed, her voice just above a whisper. "I need to talk to you." She leaned in to give the Slayer a gentle kiss.

Buffy closed her eyes, enjoying the touch, when she opened them the image that met her left her a bit befuddled. "Your eyes...?" Her hands are cold...sorta feels good, but...

"I'm alright, sweetie." Willow made subtle hushing noises as she soothed the Slayer's frayed nerves. Reaching over to the bedside table, she placed a hand on the bowl of broth. It began to steam as she made contact. She lifted Buffy up, propping her up with pillows. "You need to eat," she whispered, placing the tray on the Slayer's lap.

Buffy dutifully drank the broth. Once finished, she peered up at Willow, patiently awaiting the story she knew was coming. Her skin looks like white marble, white hair and those eyes... The way they seem to look right through you. What'd she do? She almost glows...beautiful...but in a cold, indifferent sorta way.

Seeing that Buffy was done, Willow took the tray and set it aside. She began in a gentle voice. "Have you ever heard the story about the War in Heaven that accompanies the Christian tale of creation?"

"I don' think so...maybe."

"The story goes sorta like this. After God created man some of the angels objected to him, her, it, whatever God...the divine being... I refuse to see God as male, damn it." Looking amused, Willow chuckled to herself. "...Giving us free will. We got the full angelic package...a soul and the whole bit, but we also got to choose. So, they got kinda pissy and started the first riot."

Pausing to laugh, Willow continued, "As punishment for their crimes, God cast them outta Heaven. Their leader had been God's favorite. His name was Lucifer. He was a mighty angel who took his followers and created Hell. You get the whole image of the angel with the broken wing from this story. The wing breakage came from being tossed to the curb, or more accurately to earth."

Willow relaxed, settling into the story. She took in the patient, attentive expression on the Slayer's face and couldn't help but smile. I've got her trained. Took long enough... "This of course, like any good story is all metaphory. But that was the beginning of what we know as the reign of demons on earth. As time went on, the blood was diluted and the purest of demons banished. But, fact is that the power, the essence of these creatures is angelic. It's pissed off, rebellious angel, but it's angelic nonetheless."

"In fact, the original meaning of the word demon is simply 'spirit'. It means nothing more. The connotation we place on it comes from the influence the Christian religion has had on our society. And then, yeah...there's the major ick factor we've had to deal with. Bein' evil sorta made 'em yucky." Willow sighed deeply. "So the trade off was that these angels lost their souls. They got to live forever basically. That was the price for free will. When they die, they die... They never get to see the face of God again."

"Thing you have to understand is...and I know you do... The whole free will thing made them like kids in a candy store. They did evil and they liked it. It was fun... They were all wrathy and well...like rebellious teenagers they went out and partied. Look at Spike...he's the quintessential example of this, but as I said...you knew he had the capacity for good. His first good act came before the chip. He helped you fight Angelus. There's always a choice." Willow paused seeing that Buffy wanted to speak.

"So what're you tryin ta tell me, Wills?" Buffy asked, still appearing quite serene.

"Look at me, Buffy. Touch me..." Willow replied, taking the Slayer's hand and placing it over her heart.

I can't believe I missed it...she's not breathing...no heartbeat. Buffy's heart caught in her throat and she began to cry. "You're leaving me, aren't you?"

Willow gently took the Slayer into her arms, soothing her as she wept. "I have to. You can't follow me where I'm going. It has nothing to do with anything that happened while you were here. I always knew that when the time came I'd happily give my life for you. The time finally came."

"I want you to promise me something, Buffy," Willow said in a gentle voice.

"Anything," Buffy replied her voice thick with pain.

"Take care of her. She's going to be very confused and upset for a while. I'm not sure how long it'll last. I gave her a lot to think about," Willow whispered.

Buffy nodded.

"Buffy, open yourself up to me. Trust me one last time, please," Willow asked patiently. "Relax precious...just feel," she whispered, sensing the Slayer drop her guard, she worked to calm her almost to the point of sleep. Gently she removed the mental blocks that had caused her lapse in memory. Instilling a sense of peace related to the events, she offered, "It was no one's fault, love. It just happened. Be at peace with it."

Sighing deeply, Buffy looked up at her witch. "Where're you going?"

"I'm staying right here. This world's a pretty black and white one. Most of the real evil's demonic. I think I can do some real good here. Our world is more cloudy, shades of grey all over. It takes a gentle hand, a human hand to make that better. You and your Willow, the human Willow, belong there," the witch replied, returning the pensive gaze the Slayer was giving her.

"Now come on... Let's get you crazy kids home," Willow said, rising to her feet.


Buffy took the witch into her arms one last time. The realization washed over her that she was absolutely right. I knew she'd have a plan... The woman she loved had turned hard and cold. She's more like one of those statues you see of Greek goddesses than my Willow...the texture and luminescence of her skin is different though. There's no stone like this, she thought, cupping the witch's cheek in her hand. That, and those eyes, they're like emeralds.

It's alright, Buffy. Be calm...be at peace. Willow kissed her Slayer tenderly.

You can read my mind?

Yes, now please go where you're needed. I'll miss you.

Releasing the white witch, Buffy walked over to take Willow's hand. I'll miss you too, Will.

Willow released Xander from the rib breaking hug she was giving him and took Buffy's hand. "Think about me," she offered to the room at large as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Buffy stooped to pick up Willow's second bag and dutifully stepped through the portal. She silently led her witch down the drive realizing just how weird it was that this Willow had never been here. When they arrived at the door she said, "Try the security system. We need to figure out whether your retinal print is the same."

Willow dutifully obeyed, keying in her code and waiting for the machine. "Exactly the same...how weird is that?"

"Not weird at all," Buffy offered, a subtle smile crossing her lips as she spoke. She took the bag Willow was carrying out of her hand and started off for the loft.

"This place is amazing. It's weird that it feels like home, but I know I've never been here. This is gonna take some getting used to. It's like I've lived two lives." Willow paused for a moment, not knowing why she wanted to ask, but understanding it was important. "I wanna see the megalith. I can't believe you built one," she said, bouncing up the stairs to go out on the deck. Flipping on the exterior light as she passed, she made her way to the edge of the deck. "Guess it's a bit further away than I thought. Would you take me down there? I know its dark and all, but... I just need to see it. Dunno why..."

Buffy walked up behind the witch, putting her arms around her. "Sure."

As they walked out of the house Willow conjured a small glowing sphere and commanded it to follow Buffy. They made their way into the woods together, breathing in the night crisp night air. As they approached the megalith they both gasped in unison.

"It's beautiful," Willow reflected. Looking at the pattern on her ring she marveled at the sameness of the design. She carved the upright stones to match, moon on the left and star on the right. Walking around it she saw that the pattern was repeated on the other face of the same stone there was a star instead of the moon. She placed her hand on the pattern. It felt warm to the touch, despite the cool air. This thing's alive...I can feel the magicks.

Buffy flopped onto the ground, just studying the design. She felt Willow settle in beside her, placing an arm around her back. They sat in silence together for what seemed like hours. The Slayer pulled her witch up close to keep warm.

It was Willow who finally broke the silence again. "I wonder what she's doing?" she asked in a small voice.

"Slaying," Buffy replied matter-of-factly. She stood up, pulling the witch to her feet. "Let's go to bed."

As they walked back to the house Willow asked, "How serious were ya about wantin' to...ummm...reduce your slayer abilities?"

"Pretty much serious," Buffy replied, she turned to the witch wondering why she was asking.

Willow seemed lost in thought for a moment. "She gave me something. The start of a plan...it's actually kinda interesting. I'll have to research and we'll have to learn to work together like... Anyway...it's gonna take some effort," she babbled, still appearing pensive and distant.

Reaching the front of the house, Buffy opened the door for the witch, ushering her inside. "Tell me."

"Gimme some time to figure out whether I can even do it. I'm not sure about a whole lot...but one of the things I can say for sure...she's a lot more skilled and focused than I am. I mean I sorta spent the last year or so in that hotel almost afraid to go outside. Seemed for a while like whenever I did...well...she left me presents... Lots of 'em... The other Buffy, that is," Willow babbled softly, trying to control herself. Making her way to the loft, she went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"We can work on that together. I'm kinda used to spending an hour a day just sorta getting focusy. Its part of my life now," Buffy offered as she entered the bathroom to brush her teeth, taking in the vision in front of her.

"Hope you don't mind. I sorta stopped wearing jammies a while ago. Can't stand 'em now..." Willow babbled sheepishly. She watched as Buffy came up behind her, making eye contact in the mirror. Her eyes dilated the moment she saw me. That was neat. Her skin's a bit flushed too...and her breathing. Wow...she's really turned on. This is like a dream. I never thought she'd ever be attracted to me. I mean even before the crazy vampire thing. And back with the confusing... Funny to think we just met last night. I feel like I've known her my whole life, but well...that's pretty much impossible since she surprises me constantly.

Buffy smirked. "I dunno... Givin' up jammies might be too much to ask. And putting up with this?" She ran her fingers lightly down Willow's sides, smiling devilishly. Making her way to the other sink she started to get ready for bed. When in Rome, she mused to herself. Sokay...I can pretty much live without sleep, but our grocery bill's gonna double.

Willow considered the memories she'd inherited. Her mood turned serious, she looked over at the Slayer, offering her a pensive glance. "She wanted to make another Slayer weapon, Buffy. So you could turn the power off and on...give you more control," she said, in a small voice. The other Willow withholding...keepin' things to herself...it was...well it was wrong. Bein' totally honest is better.

Pausing a moment to take in the stunned look on the Slayer's face, Willow continued, "It's actually brilliant. The perfect solution...she theorized that the original weapon was made by a slayer who'd learned to do magick much like you have...or I guess a slayer and witch working in concert like you two did. That's why the rareness...a couple like...well I guess us now...is really, really rare."

Buffy hurried to finish brushing her teeth. Wow! Quickly rinsing, she dried her hands and face, turning back to look at Willow. "Ummm... Wow! She's right...that'd be perfect."

"Don't get your hopes up, Buffy. I'm not half the witch she is. It's gonna take time. Why don't we start by finding the right weapon? Something you really love. We can work on the focus as we go," Willow concluded, turning to leave. She made her way out of the bathroom and crawled in bed.

Yeah she's really different. The other Wills would've never shared that with me unless she knew for sure it'd work. It's a really killer theory though, and I'm gonna help her test it. We'll work it together. If it fails...it'll be both of our bads, Buffy considered as she undressed. She washed her face and made her way to the bedroom. Getting into bed, she pulled Willow up close. "Let's work this together. I mean all of it. You get an idea you think is cool and we'll try to figure it out as a team. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect... You gonna help with the research? Somehow I just can't imagine that," Willow replied, biting back her amusement.

"I'll try... I'm not so good with that. If you'll explain the parts I don't get, I'm willing to give it a shot," Buffy allowed, completing the thought with a gentle kiss. She rolled over and flipped off the light, turning onto her back. She guided Willow over, placing her head on her shoulder. Caressing her witch's cheek and stroking her hair she relaxed, preparing for sleep. Yeah...this is gonna be really different. Nice though...

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