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by Lost



Tortured by Lost

Disclaimer: Theyre not mine... obviously. haha

Summary: Buffy come's to Sunnydale to go to college. (AU)

Buffy sighed as she looked down at the text book in front of her, wondering what the hell had made her sign up to take psychology in the begining of her sophmore year. She grabbed the book and went to wait in line to check out.

She glanced in front of her, only to see that the redhead was holding the same book. She had just transferred to the University of California Sunnydale; and had been nothing but homesick every since she had left New York. Everything here was too bright and too... she paushed to think of the word. Alive. That was it.

Technically Elizabeth Anne Summers died two years ago, right after she had graduated. Then she had managed to accidently get cursed with a soul. She had killed an ex lover of hers and before the week was up the girls family had found someone to curse her. Then she had had the good fortune to run into the man who had sired her in the first place just as he was digging up the Gem of Amara. So she had left the east coast where every who knew she was dead lived, and headed West. Two weeks later she was passing the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign and within a week had enrolled herself in school. Luckly she had taken online classes for the first year of school while she was still a senior in high school, so she would be starting off, fresh, as a sophmore.

The girl in front of her turned around and smiled, looking down at the book in the blonde's arms. "Oh youre taking psych 101 too? I heard that Professor Walsh is great. She's supposed to be world renouned."

Buffy took the girls face in. She was amazing with dark green eyes and beautiful long red hair. "I'm Willow by the way." She said, holding out her free hand for Buffy to shake.
"Buffy." She said and quickly shook the redheads hand.

"Oh, cold hands." Willow stated as soon as Buffy had let go.

"Heh, you know what they say, cold hands, warm heart." Buffy said, covering for herself as best as she could.

Both girls checked out and walked outside to talk.

"So are you new here?" Willow asked as they sat down on the ground under an old oak tree.

"Uhm, yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well, I saw your drivers liscense when you pulled out your card to pay." Willow replied smiling.

"Oh yeah, I'm actually from New York, my family's still there." Buffy answered with a shrug.

The girls talked about the differences between the East and West coast for a few minutes before a dark haired boy came and sat next to them.

"Hey willow, why don't you introduce me to your friend?" He asked after a minute.

"Oops, I'm sorry. Xander this is Buffy, Buffy this is Xander, my boyfriend." Willow said gesturing to the boy next to her.

"Oh, cool, nice to meet you." Buffy said and smiled at him.

"The three of them chatted for a while before Xander looked at his watch. "Babe, I gotta go, my class starts in ten. I'll see you later, kay?" He asked as he gave her a kiss on the forehad.

After he left Buffy turned to Willow. "How long have you guys been together?" She asked, hoping the answer wasn't long.

"Maybe two months?" Willow replied uncertainly. "What about you, have you got a boyfriend back home?"

"Me? Oh.... no. We broke up just before I came here." Buffy answered, deciding she could play along for a few minutes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, how long were you together?"

Buffy looked down, mentally counting. "Bout a year and a half."

"Wow, what's his name?"

"Her name was Estelle. But I always called her Stella..." Buffy answered a sad smile gracing her features.

"Oh so youre...?" Willow trailed off.

"Gay?" Buffy filled in for her. "Yup."

"Well thats cool. My best friend and her girlfriend are both gay. Well, I suppose that kind of goes without saying but you get what I mean?" Willow babbled on.

Buffy's eyes lit up at the possibility of someone else who was gay. It was nice to have friends who were like you, not that she had anything against the adorable redhead sitting in front of her by any means.

"In fact, there they are! Hey Faith! Tara! Come here!" Willow called out. And as the brunette and blonde got closer Buffy could feel the power rolling off of both of them. "Faith, Tara this is Buffy... uhm, I'm sorry, what was your last name?" Willow asked, blushing a little bit.

"Oh, uhm, Summers." Buffy answered.

"Wow, its so cool to meet you. I thought you were supposed to be going to school in New York?" Tara asked, shaking her hand reverently.

Faith turned to look at ther girlfriend. "You know her?" She had a puzzled look on her face.

"Of course, she's one of the youngest most famous lesbian artists. We learned about her in that alternative art class that you never showed up for last semester." Tara guffawed at her girlfriend.

"Hey, is it my fault that I had to save-" She stopped quickly. "Uhm, save money by clipping coupons...and so ...couldn't go to class?" She finished off unconvincingly.

Willow turned to Buffy, quickly changing the subject. "Youre an artist?" She asked with a surprise expression on her face.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Buffy shifted her weight, looking vaguely uncomfortable. She wanted to be just about anywhere but here at this point in time. It hadn't taken her long to piece together that this was the slayer standing in front of her, she just wondered how long it would take Faith to realize there was a vampire in her presence.

"Well, I've got class, so I kinda have to go, but feel free to stop by my dorm, youre welcome any time, its number 214." Willow said and waved goodbye to everyone.

As soon as she had left, Tara turned to Buffy. "I'd love to talk to you about art sometime, but unfortuantly I have the exact same class as Wills, she just doesn't know it, so I've gotta be going too..." Tara said with a wink and kissed her girlfriend goodbye. Leaving the two of them standing there.

"Are you human?" Faith asked.

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