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FIC: Just a Dream? 1/1

TITLE: Just a Dream?
AUTHOR: Rich (Starbug42@xxxxxxx)
RATING: PG-13 (possibly R. Never understood the rating system!)
FEEDBACK: Why the heck not?
DISTRIBUTION: List sites, anyone who asks.
SUMMARY: It's odd. And short. And I'm a sick, sick man.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Literally
"Just a Dream?" 1/1

Buffy woke up in a sweat. She looked over at the thermometer and it read 98
degrees. She wiped the sweat from her brow and opened the window by her bed.
As the cool air and light streamed in, she glanced over at Willow. She
looked so cute snuggled up with her blanket pulled up to her neck, smiling in
her sleep.

Buffy looked at the floor by Willow's bed. Crumpled up in a ball were
Willow's pajamas. Either Willow threw them off during the night or she went
to bed naked after Buffy fell asleep. That thought made Buffy think.
Willow. Naked. Less than five feet from me.

Buffy shook the thought off and laid back down. She turned on her side away
from Willow. She still couldn't get that thought out of her head. Willow.
Naked. She had no idea why it was bothering her so much. Maybe it was the
whole nudity thing in general. Buffy hadn't been around a naked woman
in...well, ever. Even in high school, Buffy waited until all the other girls
in her gym class got out of the shower before she got in.

Maybe Buffy was homophobic and she didn't even know it. Buffy rolled over
again, this time in the direction of Willow's bed. She glanced down at the
ball of pajamas again. Buffy threw back her covers and stood up. She walked
quietly over to Willow's bed. "This is so wrong," she thought to herself.
"Willow would never talk to me again if she..."

Almost against her own will, she took another step forward. Reaching
Willow's bed she slowly began to pull away her blanket. A gasp escaped
Buffy's lips when she saw Willow's naked form. A chill ran up her spine.
Buffy stared at her breasts. Willow's nipples began to harden under the cool
night breeze. Buffy began to blush at all the naughty thoughts that ran
through her mind. She looked up into the face of her friend.

To find her eyes wide open.

"Go ahead Buffy. Touch it. You know you want to."

Buffy sat up in her bed with a start. Sweat poured down her face. She
looked around her room to find it exactly the way it was when she went to
sleep. The window was closed and the thermometer still read 98 degrees. She
looked over at her sleeping friend and smiled. "Just a dream," she whispered
to herself. Then she noticed Willow's pajamas. Crumpled up in a ball on the
floor. She stared at them in disbelief. And in her bed lay Willow snuggled
up with her blanket up to her neck, smiling in her sleep.


I told you it was odd.

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