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RE: I'm back!

Hi Carol!

You've always got encouraging advice. The middle of homework thing, huh? I
dunno. She doesn't really do homework. Guess that's eliminated. Well, I
didn't mean that she's evil cause she doesn't do homework, she's just got a
lot on her mind. And I am so not good at casual.

After drinks sounds good. Oh wait...do you mean the alcoholic kind? We both
have bad experiences with the stuff. Coke makes me just a little
hyper...water. Yeah we'll get waters.

But that leads to having to use the bathroom...tea! Hot tea! Soothing
relaxing, calming. That's it! (Thank you, Giles! Oh and Carol :-)



From: CAClarke2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [buffyloveswillow] I'm back!
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 16:03:52 -0500

Coming out. Never gets any easier. Well it does once you decide you don't
give a damn what people say. Only don't go as far as Faith did.

Tell her either after the drinks come so you have something to look at, or
during desert. It best during a beginning or end thing. I have to think
about this. Me I always used the middle of homework method. You are in the
middle of working on something. Your both self in evolved and serious. Then
you casually say, "Buffy by the way, I just wanted to let you know, that
whole kinda guy vamp thing. Well I think she may have been right. Well not
the leather but the whole gay thing. Also I love you." Then turn back and
start working again." The brain is already in think mode so there is less
switching gears."

-----Original Message-----
From: Willow Rosenberg [mailto:redwiccan@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 3:40 PM
To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [buffyloveswillow] I'm back!

From: "Willow Rosenberg" <redwiccan@xxxxxxxxxxx>


She had to go feed Spike, so I have some time. She wanted to get on my
computer for something when Spike called...don't think she saw anything.

So who runs this? And um...would you guys write something for me?

I've been thinking about how I was going to come out(please ignore the pun.
It was unintentional) and tell her. All these ideas have been going through
my head. And combined with homework and demons, my head's pretty much on

Get back on topic! I'm okay now. So...I've been thinking about taking her
out to dinner. In a friend way. Nothing too fancy, but not the Fondu Hut
either. Maybe tell her then?

But...I need to read it first. Give me some confidence. Maybe some things I
haven't thought of? It would REALLY help. Could you? Please?



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