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Re: FIC: Enough of Me (Epilogue)

What do you mean "Epilogue"? I get back from vacation all set to catch up on
new Buff stuff and there's an epilogue. And a good one too. Friend Lillian
is going to kill me. I'd printed out the rest of the story for her and she
loved it. Now I have to tell her there's more. <sigh>

In other news.. I returned to find that my cable source has added four new
channels including WB11 which means I can now watch Angel again!!! And of
course the first episode that I got to see was with Cordy's new place. "The
bitch is back!!" LOL I loved this episode.

That's all for now. I've got 300 other bits of e-mail to read.

Keep up the good work.


I can't believe that you, of all people, would Scully me.

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