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Re: FIC: Enough of Me (Epilogue)


Welcome back from vacation!! We missed you....and yes, you do have a lot of e-mail to
catch up on. Cilia is in the middle of tourturing us and Pat's joined in with having the
parts of 'Becoming One' be few and far between. <sigh> it's all good though. I have an
evil mastermind plan cooking on the front burner and man, are you gonna be glad you came
back when you did. If you'll peruse my ramble from earlier today, you'll see that the
juices are flowing..uh..creative juices that is.....and I'm in the middle of something
big....REALLY big. You'll have to wait like everyone else though......<VEG>

Now go, shoo.....catch up and be ready


BDRhoden@xxxxxxx wrote:

From: BDRhoden@xxxxxxx

What do you mean "Epilogue"? I get back from vacation all set to catch up on
new Buff stuff and there's an epilogue. And a good one too. Friend Lillian
is going to kill me. I'd printed out the rest of the story for her and she
loved it. Now I have to tell her there's more. <sigh>

In other news.. I returned to find that my cable source has added four new
channels including WB11 which means I can now watch Angel again!!! And of
course the first episode that I got to see was with Cordy's new place. "The
bitch is back!!" LOL I loved this episode.

That's all for now. I've got 300 other bits of e-mail to read.

Keep up the good work.


I can't believe that you, of all people, would Scully me.
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Willow: It's horrible! That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. (aside to
Buffy, worried) And I think I'm kinda gay.
Buffy: Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person
it was.
Angel: Well, actually... (gets a look from Buffy) uh, That's a good point.

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