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Feedback and other things :)

Greetings everyone. I feel that I must hang my head in shame for the lack I feedback I have given our wonderful authors. I won’t offer excuses but merely apologize.

Real life has been somewhat overwhelming, the least of which was discovering that I am pregnant (SILLY CRAZY HAPPY DANCE!!!!) I am completely overjoyed by this, but it has also left precious little free time. Now that some of the insanity has subsided (for now, this is our first and the grandparents are beside themselves,) I am able to catch up on the lists, and all of the wonderful stories that are out there.

To Kimber, Erin, Pat, Cila, pink rabbit, (It’s about time!!) Shadowlander, Carole Clark, and A.M. Glass you all continue to amaze me. I know that you don’t hear it nearly enough, but your writing is enjoyed and more than appreciated. I hope you all continue with your wonderful stories.

To the other authors I apologize if I missed your names, you are by no means any less talented than the aforementioned authors, it just that the other names escape me at the moment. You all have my respect and admiration. I hope to be better at feedback in the future.

As for my story… "The Amazingly True Adventures Of Two Girls And A Baby", I am sure that most of you have forgotten it by now. I apologize for the lack of updates. I have started writing it again, but I have decided to stop posting for a while, until I get to a comfortable level of completion. It just seemed to unrealistic to post updates every six weeks or so and expect people to still be interested, but have to no fear, I am up to part 10, and I will finish it. To those of you who have given me continuous feedback and support, I thank you.

Bill, once again congrats on the little one!!!

Congrats to Rodrigo!!!!

I wish you all the best. Thanks for reading my silly meanderings.

~ Heather

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


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